Just when Tang Li Xue's perfect copy was still thinking of a quick way to get close to the young girl in a light blue dress, an unexpected accident suddenly happened!


The young girl's small boat was shaking violently all of a sudden, and her small boat actually capsized in the middle of the lake!

The young girl and her maid fell into the lake!

"AHHH~! Heeeelp~! Anyone... Heeeelp~!" The maid screamed in panic.

'This is it~! My chance has finally come~!' The perfect copy exclaimed excitedly as she jumped into the lake to save the young girl.

Previously, Instructor Mei Lan had already warned that her disguising lotion might wear off if she got drenched in water, so Tang Li Xue's perfect copy decided to create a transparent barrier to wrap her entire body with her [Energy Manipulation] before she jumped into the lake.

Tang Li Xue's perfect copy actually had many ways to save the young girl without entering the lake, but her current identity was only a lowly servant without any cultivation, so she could only use the most common way like an ordinary mortal.

Because she must hold back all of her strength and only showed the strength of an ordinary on the surface, the perfect copy swam very slowly to the middle of the lake.

It took a lot of effort for her to pull the drowned young girl and her maid onto the lakeside.

However, both the drowned young girl and her maid had already fallen unconscious after the perfect copy saved them.

"Err... Now what I should do next? Give them CPR?" The perfect copy murmured with a reluctant tone while frowning deeply.

But Tang Li Xue's perfect copy quickly realized that she might have guessed wrong this time, and this drowned girl might not be Princess Yan Fei.

How could the Sea Beast Princess almost drown to death in the small lake, right?! It was as ridiculous as an immortal cultivator getting choked to death by breathing the fresh air.

After hesitating for a while, the perfect copy gnashed her pearl-white teeth as she decided to save both the drowned girl and her maid since she had already saved both of them anyway.

The perfect copy carefully checked their breath first, the maid was still breathing weakly, but she could no longer feel the young girl's breath.

The perfect copy decided to perform CPR to save the young girl first.

The perfect copy pushed the drowned girl's chest 30 times, but when she almost put her mouth onto the young girl's mouth, the young girl suddenly opened her eyes.

The eyes of Tang Li Xue's perfect copy and the eyes of the young girl met with each other for a moment.


The perfect copy wanted to apologize in panic, but the young girl actually spurted out a few mouthfuls of water from her mouth to the perfect copy's face.

Their iron staff instantly turned into a treasured blade in an instant after it was imbued by [Sharp Edge Power].


It chopped the perfect copy's arms leaving some shallow wounds but at least they looked bloody.

'Great~! It really works~!' The perfect copy sighed in relief.

Then another problem has occurred...

Her [High-Speed Regeneration] immediately worked and the shallow wounds were cured in the blink of an eye without leaving any scars.

'Damn it~! Even this is not working~!' The perfect copy thought in disappointment.

Without any other choice, the perfect copy could only use her last option...

She decided to use her [Eyes of Illusion] on these guards, so she would look half-crippled with broken arms in front of their eyes.

At first, Tang Li Xue's perfect copy really did not want to use any of her skills or divine abilities here since this place was inside the Gu Family's mansion.

There was no guarantee that there were no Nascent Soul Stage experts monitoring their every move in this place with their divine sense.

Unfortunately, she really did not have a choice right now...

After beating her to 'half-dead', the guards threw her into a dirty prison.

'Now what should I do? It seems our infiltration plan had already failed. Should I just use [Ethereal Form] to escape from this dungeon and look for Princess Yan Fei tonight?' The perfect copy asked the real Tang Li Xue through their connection.

The real Tang Li Xue stopped practicing [Essence Devouring Technique] in her room and began to ponder their next move carefully.

Before Tang Li Xue could decide their next move, the perfect copy suddenly sensed that someone sneaked closer to her prison, so she immediately put on a miserable look.

"Hey, why did you save that annoying vixen?" A feminine voice asked from outside the prison.

The perfect copy's heart shuddered slightly when she heard someone say something about 'vixen'.

The perfect copy slowly raised her head and found that it was actually another young girl who asked her.

She has a pair of bright eyes and a delicate youthful face. Her age might be around 16-17 years old.

The perfect copy pretended not to understand and asked back with a weak voice: "What... do you mean, Young Miss? I do not understand..."

The young girl rolled her eyes and explained: "I have already been waiting for that time to push down that annoying vixen into the lake. Why do you save her?!"

The perfect copy's expression changed after she heard the young girl's words, and muttered in confusion: "Young Miss, how could you do something cruel like that? You almost killed that girl and her maid!"

"Humph~! So what?! That annoying vixen has a really nasty personality. Look~! She even crippled your hands after you saved her life! You still have the nerve to stand up for her~?! You are so stupid!" The young girl scolded Tang Li Xue's perfect copy.

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