Reincarnated As The Hero’s Daughter: Wait, Why Is My MP Not Running Out?

Chapter 320 The Absurd Power Of Modifying Stats And Classes!


My bones, muscles, and even skin and other body parts felt as if they were rearranging themselves, it was slightly painful, so it wasn't something I particularly enjoyed! Nonetheless, it wasn't completely bad, and it ended in just three seconds. But it left me slightly exhausted. When I looked back into my own body, I suddenly realized my thin arms had gained a nice and decent amount of musculature, my belly had… six pack?! And my legs were also quite strong as well, the muscles were especially rigid, and my body emanated an aura of pure and raw strength.

However, I also felt more tired than usual, as if I was lacking a lacking on stamina… Was this because I reduced my own HP way too much? So there are also drawbacks to it. But the raw strength… it is really worth it, and if I add magic to it, it becomes even better. I think my physical strength had just jumped a whole Tier through this! If I sacrifice more stats, I could raise my Strength to an even more insane degree…

"T-This is amazing! It is draining away my stamina a lot, even with this apparently immortal body… Probably because sacrificing my HP actually affects my health and makes me more exhausted… But it still nice! …Ugh, my head also hurts a bit, is this because I drained almost all my MP? Well, I can still deal with this…" I said within my Soul Scape.

"Amazing! You've really done it! And even more, I think the moment you temporarily changed your Class to [Warrior] you received another strength bonus on top of that… I think there might be various restrictions for this temporal Class Change you've done, we'll have to find out ourselves over time… But for now, look!"


[Class]: [Warrior]

You're a Warrior, a person that has forged their own strength through many trials, you're experienced in fighting and your raw physical strength has increased over the many fights you've gone through and survived. This Class grants a passive increase to [Strength] of +5%, while increasing the Weapon Damage by +10%, additionally, you gain the ability to learn weapon techniques quicker.


Wow, amazing, the Warrior Class is way better than the Farmer Class in a lot of things! But I also lost my Farmer Class bonus, which enhanced the power of my Agriculture Skill, amongst other things. But isn't this awesome? If I could possibly modify skills themselves like I did with a Class… Wouldn't I be able to grow stronger and even gain new powers?

However, I needed to grow and develop this magic for it to truly show its worth… But for now, I decided to lift the three boxes with a single hand!

"Oof…! Oh! I did it! Amazing, I can carry it with one hand but… the balance is hard to keep."

I ended being able to enhance my strength so much I could lift the three hundreds of kilograms of weight boxes with a single little hand! But the size and weight was too much, making it lose balance quite easily, so I decided to use my other hand to lift it better at the end, and quickly carried it to the tent.

This enhancement in strength was pretty good, and was comparable to the one I can do over my body using enhancement magic, but even better. I could perhaps do the same with the Magic Stat so I can have a greater power with magic, and even change my Class to a Magician or something… Wait, what about just changing it to Hero? Or maybe Demon Lord! Haha, that would be a bit hilarious…

"Amazing Sylphy! You can lift three boxes at the same time and with just a single hand?!" Asked Aquarina. "Since when did you got so strong? There's no way that's just through enhancement spells…"

"Haha, something like that…" I said with a slight smile. "I've grown rather strong, look." I ended getting a bit egocentric, as I showed Aquarina my belly, her eyes shone brightly as she suddenly grew as red as a tomato while looking at my biceps.

"W-Wow… Y-You're so built! Like mama!" She said. "C-Can I touch?"

"Sure, go ahead…" I said pridefully, as Aquarina began to touch my belly while blushing intensively.

"Uwaaahhh… T-This is too much for me to handle… Sylphy's biceps…" Aquarina suddenly began to drool a bit… Wait, this is getting a bit… Huh, wait a second, what if I do this…?


<#23a System>

[System Owner]: [Sylph Naturia Bravo]

[Magic Circle]: [Tier 2: Rank 3: Elemental Magic Circle]

[Physique]: [Tier 1: Rank 6: Strengthened Body]

[Level]: [1/#523a]

[Class]: [Warrior] -> [Charmer]

[HP]: [1/1]

[MP]: [1/1]

[Strength]: [34]

[Defense]: [3]

[Magic]: [50] -> [10]

[Resistance]: [10]

[Agility]: [6]

[Luck]: [-10]

[Charm]: [20] -> [60]



The moment I did this trick, my entire presence suddenly gained a slightly semi-transparent pink essence around me… Huh, is this the power of Charm being enhanced?

Aquarina's eyes as they continued to look at me began to blink a lot, as she was trying to free herself from some sort of enchantment…

"Hahh… S-Sylphy, you're so pretty today…" She said, getting closer to me.

"Eh? I-It worked…?" I wondered.

"Your air is so fair and silky white… Your red hair is so bright and pretty! Your bright green eyes are as beautiful as the grass in the plains…" She said with an enamored smile, as she suddenly grabbed my hands and approached her face towards mine.


"Sylphy, you're so lovely~!"

Okay, okay, pull back! Let's not do this, it's weird!

I quickly returned my stats to normal as I had stopped carrying the boxes, I covered my belly and my toned muscles quickly disappeared as well. Everything was… back to normal now.

"Uwah! W-Why was I saying that? It's so weird… Sorry…!" She said while covering her face in embarrassment.

"D-Don't worry about it…" I said with a nervous smile.

I better not play too much with fire… the power of the Charm Stat is frightening.


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