
"That's not going to work!" Aquarina said, jumping into battle as she waved her hands, the water stopped obeying the crab and then combined with her own Mana, shaping into a furious Sea Snake that impacted the crab's head.



The Crab gave a few more steps back before glancing at us with utter anger. However it quickly was greeted by Zack loaming from above, his two Battle Axes overflowing with Lightning and Winds, forming a spiraling storm as he impacted the crab's head with his enormous Beast Aura in the shape of a roaring bear!

"RAAAAAAHHH! [Storming Impact]!"


The enormous attack hit the crab directly, pushing it into the lake's floor, several cracks surged around the Crab's shell in the head, spreading further and further all around the monster's body.

Crack, crack! Crack, crack!


The giant Crab suddenly began spinning in anger, its aura growing redder as it spun more and more rapidly, the entire lake began to spin and formed a gigantic water vortex! Wait, what?! It can do that?! Tier 4 and higher monsters are really just another breed altogether!



The crab roared angrily, suddenly pointing the enormous growing tornado vortex of water within the skies directly at us. It quickly shaped into a sharp spear, falling over us, and then impacting us!


However, I was there with Zack and Aquarina! The three of us rushed forward as we unleashed our techniques together once more, receiving the impact and then intercepting it!

"[Hellfire Blade]!"

"[Storming Impact]!"

"[Freezing Slashes]!"


The combination of flames, light, lightning, winds, ice, and water combined together, erupting against the massive magical attack the crab unleashed against us, and then spiraling as a combination of elements, hitting the crab in midair and throwing it into the lake again!



Water began raining from the lake, as we quickly jumped to finish off the crab, who was already standing back up, summoning several smaller crabs from all around the Lake.

"Could this Crab be the Lake's master? It also tanked several hits, it is probably not merely Tier 4, but Tier 5!" I said in surprise. "I do remember they said a giant crab colony dominates the lake's interior, the Fishmen only dominate the dungeon, but this lake's another story altogether!"

"So this is a boss before we even enter the dungeon, great!" Zack sighed.

"More importantly, those crabs look way stronger, they're bigger too!" Said Aquarina.

I quickly at the crabs in the distance, they were all Tier 3, one tier stronger, evolved Angered Crabs named Warrior Crabs. They were indeed stronger and seemed to obey their Queen in here. However, Mist, Celica, Celeste, and Nephi were handling them just fine, while Zephy was being protected by them.

"An ambush just when we were in the middle of our way to the dungeon, how predictable!" Sighed Celeste angrily, quickly swinging her Black Spear, rays of darkness emerged with each slashing blow or piercing attack, leaving the Warrior Crabs with many holes, eliminating several of them with her swift movements.

"Uaah! So much tasty crab, and these are bigger! I'm going to have them for dinner!" Mist said while firing magic arrows and conjuring light barriers.

"This calls for the whole gang! Mister Teddy! Mister Bunny! Mister Dragon, come out!" Celica transformed the other two plushies she carried, as a gigantic white bunny appeared, and a fearful black dragon. They were still plushies, but reinforced by her magic, they were able to wrestle against the Warrior Crabs and sent them flying into the skies with their powerful blows.

"I-I have to fight too…" Zephy said, while being protected by Nephi, he unleashed slashing and piercing attacks using his swift rapier. Having learned the pressure points of crabs, he aimed at the crevices between their legs, throwing them off balance constantly.

"Don't worry about us, take down the boss!" Celeste said.

"Yeah!" Nephi said. "I will protect Master Zephy, young lady!"

"Do your best Zack!" Mist said.

"Okay, got it!" We said in unison, as we quickly flew across the skies and landed over the Crab Queen, her furious eyes seemed blazing with anger. She had many cracks around her body yet she was still kicking just fine.



Suddenly, the water moved to her command, lifting her up from the lake and then shaping into several spear-shaped tentacles, pointing all directly at us. She roared once more, as the Water Spears flew down!


Aquarina unleashed a wave of water of her own, moving the lake to her commands the same way she used to defeat the Giant Lake Squid we once fought before. The water shook rapidly and angrily, as if it were channeling her emotions, forming into an hydra made of water, impacting against the water spears of the Crab Queen.

It seems sometimes she cannot control the water of a foe. Perhaps because the Tier of the Water Spell was higher than her current control or limit? I suppose she doesn't have total control over all water. Due to this, she decided to go with her own water attacks.


The water impacted one another, giving us a chance to strike as it formed a thin veil of mist. I jumped over the crab's claws while Zack followed me from behind rapidly. Our Beast Spirits surging from our bodies constantly as they boosted our physical abilities even more. Well I was already Tier 4 in both Physique and Magic Circle, so I was even faster and stronger than before.


The angered Crab roared furiously, as it attacked us with "punches" using its claws. Each punch was so strong it sent shockwaves around as it tried to hit us. Yeah this is definitely a Tier 5 monster if it can generate shockwaves like those!

"Zack, go to the left! I'll go to the right, we hit its head with everything we've got!" I said.

"Gotcha!" Zack smiled with tenacity.

We flew around the crab's blows while Aquarina kept it busy with her [Water Hydra] Spell constantly attacking the Crab Queen's body, all while we reached the head of the Crab Queen!

Our weapons overflowed with our elemental essences, as we unleashed a devastating combined attack!

"Draconic Blade Arts: [Infernal Dragon Meteor]!"

"Storm Axe Arts: [Thunderous Storm]!"



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