
By gathering a part of Heavenly Sun's powers, which had stored Sunlight I was saving for this moment, and by enhancing all of my body's capabilities utilizing an arrangement of several Body Boosting Spells, I was capable of parrying the Fishman King's attack.

Scarlet unleashed a thunderous shockwave of lightning and shining holy light, combining them together to form a new element, [Divine Lightning].

Taking into consideration the Fishmen severe weakness against Lightning, this was the best way to fight their King!

Spark… SPARK!


Lightning began to emerge out of Scarlet, as I utilized her newly acquired Skill [Dragon Fang] to negate a part of the Fishman King's trident's total endurance and defenses, making my blow even stronger!


"Hoh?! S-Such magnificent power…!" The Fishman King's entire body began to be electrocuted, as his powerful trident started to gain countless cracks. "What sort of little monster are you?! And that endless Mana…!"

"If I were you, I wouldn't be talking right now." I gave him some advice.


Suddenly, a mass of shadows emerged right behind him, stealthily sneaking into the Fishman King's shadows, and then materializing into a beautiful girl made of darkness. With long, tentacle-like black hair, and only two red eyes as her only facial expressions.

The two daggers she held converged with her own body, forming into two massive scythes that immediately unleashed a devastating attack against the Fishman King's back.

"[Abyssal Decapitation]!"



The Fishman King felt horror and agony, quickly jumping away from getting hurt more. He tanked a lethal attack like nothing though, his back was covered in blood though, and the wound Aquarina left was cursed too, so it wasn't going to regenerate any time soon either.

"Nnggh…! Oooh, that form…!" He muttered, vomiting blood while seemingly not caring about his deadly wound. "A descendant of the Gods Personal Assassins, the Vampyr, is it not?! To think your accursed slave bloodline still exists! Your death shall be the tastiest!!!"

His blood suddenly began boiling, infusing itself into his trident as it suddenly began overflowing with even more power, growing larger and more powerful, as an icy and electrifying aura erupted from his weapon.


His speed was once more boosted, as he charged straight towards us. However, what greeted him was an enormous storm of winds and lightning, throwing him down into the ground.

"[Thunderous Storm]!"




The Fishman King fell into the floor so hard a few of his bones were clearly heard being shattered. Zack showed up right in the last moment, impacting him with one of his strongest spells.

"You've not forgotten about us, haven't you?!" Zack greeted the Fishman King alongside Mist, Celeste, and Celica.

"You nobodies, why should I care about those that are not branded as Heroes?!" The Fishman King arrogantly said. "But if death is what you desire! I shall serve it to you!!!"

He immediately stood up, ignoring all of his wounds, as he unleashed a barrage of thunderous attacks using his trident!


Zack intercepted a few, but several others impacted him with enormous, magical force, throwing him away.


"D-Damn it, this guy's strong…" Zack's Beast Aura emerged around his body as Mist's healing spell began healing his wounds, he stood up like nothing, his strength only growing larger.

"Amazonian Bloodline, huh? You sure are an annoying race of slaves. Designed exclusively to be able to lift incredibly heavy objects, slaves made to construct and carry things. Gifted with enormous physical strength, yet completely brainless! I can tell!" The Fishman King laughed. "Here, take what you sought and drown in death!"

The Fishman King's Mana gathered at the tip of his trident, rapidly pointing it at Zack to finish him off. Well, I was going to let that happen, nor any of us.

"[Cursed Chains]!"

Curse combined his powers with me and also with Celeste, as the three of us conjured dozens of chains that wrapped around the Fishman King's arms, legs, and the rest of his body, draining away his Mana and Life.

"GUH?! Such a powerful Curse… What is this even?!" He felt completely shocked, right before an enormous Horned Bear made out of Zack's Beast Aura, and his primary Elements of Wind and Lightning smacked his entire body into the walls at his left.


"W-WHAT…? That aura…?! How?!"

He finally started to panic. He was really thinking we were small fry? He had it wrong this whole time. He fell to his knees. He was Tier 5 Rank 5, pretty strong. But not unbeatable with all our might. Even less when I've been disrupting his Mana all this time.

I immediately realized he wasn't normal the moment he ignored the Coral Golem's provocations. I cannot use the golem against a foe like him, he's way too intelligent and fast.

So I just went around with my newest Skill, and well, it worked wonders!

"Mister Teddy! Crush him!!!"


Celica's golem stepped in rather quickly, jumping straight over the Fishman King and attacking him with everything it had.


"NNNGGHH…! Just a pathetic golem dares damage my body?!"

The Fishman King suddenly began glowing with an even stronger Mana, even if disrupted and weakened, he still forced his way into freeing himself from the Cursed Chains!


"I won't tolerate this anymore!!!"

His fist unleashed a tremendous quantity of Mana, impacting Mister Teddy and blowing the golem's entire body into pieces.


"Mister Teddy!!!" Celica panicked.

"Puppet Master Magic is surely something, but you're a mere little demon girl! Your ancestors would surely be disappointed of your powerlessness!" The Fishman King roared furiously, stepping over the floor with such strength he generated a powerful Magic Shockwave, crumbling the entire floor and throwing away Celica into the air!


As this happened, I rushed forward as Aquarina sneakily tried to get into his shadows once more. I channeled the power of my spirits rapidly, conjuring Naturia's help and filling the entire floor with tree roots one after the other, and catching Celica with vines before she were to get crushed by the rubble!

"J-Just how many elements can you control?!" The Fishman King asked.

"Maybe all of them, who knows?!" I smiled back.



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