

[Scarlet] has successfully evolved into the [Demonic Dragon Infernal Katana] [Rank: C+]!]

[Scarlet] Race has evolved to a [Lesser Demon Sword]!]

[Scarlet] Stats have increased!]

[Scarlet] has learned new Skills!]

[The Accumulated EXP has been used to grant Additional Stat Points and Level Up Skills]


<Status System>

[System Owner]: [Scarlet]

[Race]: [Lesser Demon Sword]

[Rank]: [C+]

[Level]: [0/50]

[Class]: [Demonic Dragon Infernal Katana]

[HP]: [1265/1265]

[MP]: [980/980]

[Strength]: [1690]

[Defense]: [985]

[Magic]: [1285]

[Resistance]: [785]

[Agility]: [1275]

[Luck]: [220]

[Charm]: [250]

[Skills]: [Living Sword: Lv4] [Elemental Absorption: Lv4] [Material Assimilation: Lv3] [Aura Blade Slash: Lv4] [Blazing Sword: Lv4] [Demonic Aura: Lv3] [Stone Breaker: Lv3] [Lightning Blade: Lv4] [Sea Blade: Lv3] [Dragon Fang: Lv3] [Demonic Katana Infernal Dance: Lv1] [Fragile Yet Lethal: Lv1] [Superior Japanese Katana: Lv1]


It seems that Scarlet not only got pretty strong out of this Evolution, but also the Accumulated EXP she had already wasn't given into more levels, but she was granted Bonus Stat Points and Skill Levels! I guess this only applies with old Skills? Also, additional stat points is better than more levels because she can get even more stats after leveling.

"You've become quite prettier as well, I guess the 250 Charm is not for nothing." I said, admiring my sword having evolved so magically.

"Well thanks for the compliment, Master."

And then, Scarlet spoke…

It surprised me a bit, but I was already seeing this coming from a while away, I guess.

"Y-You can speak?!" Beelzebub was more terrified than anybody here.

"T-The sword Sylphy has carried for so long can finally talk…" Ignatius was surprised. "Wait, isn't this sword also made using my materials?"

"Well yes, I have a bit of everybody within me." Said Scarlet. "From Ignatius Fangs that made up the sharpness of my blade, from Beelzebub's Magic Crystal Core which granted me Dark Flames, and I am fairly sure I have Demon Materials too, from a still resting Spirit that has yet to awaken."

"Y-You seem to know your stuff." I laughed a bit. "Well, nice to have you with us! You seem like the intellectual type, never expected that from a sword."

"Well I am quite versed in many things because I've spent so much time at your side, Sylphy." She said. "I am finally I can speak at long last, my dear owner."

"Aww, you're a sweetheart." I giggled.

"More importantly, perhaps you should evolve that rude shield. A more appealing appearance could suit her horrid personality." Scarlet said.

Suddenly, the Coral Shield Sapphire, began to glow angrily, sending sparks of electricity at Scarlet…

"H-Hey, don't fight now! Okay, okay, I'll evolve you now, Sapphire." I sighed.

"That sword sure knows how to talk; I better not mess up with her. Intellectual types are dangerous…" Furoh said.

"You're a coward Furoh! She's just a damn sword. In fact, she should treat me like her creator because she used my materials to be born." Ignatius said. "Oi, show your respects to me!"

Scarlet gave a deadly glare back at Ignatius.

"If you want respect I could pierce your head with my blade. How about that respect?" Wondered Scarlet with a dignified voice.

"W-What?! You're too rude for being a sword!" Ignatius only made more enemies than new friends. He was terrible at socializing.


[Showcasing Evolution Options for [Sapphire]


[King Coral Golem's Shield]

[Rank: C+]

An upgrade of the Coral Golem Shield that packs even more defenses and the ability to now summon a second Coral Golem. The Coral Golems are stronger as well as being able to conjure Water Magic proficiently. It has high defenses against physical attacks and decent defenses against water attribute and earth attribute. However, it is too heavy.

Has a small quantity of evolution options.


[Lightning Eel King's Thunderous Shield]

[Rank: C+]

A beautiful golden shield made using the teeth and scales of thunderous eel kings. It can easily withstand Lightning Attribute Attacks and Water Attribute, and it has the innate ability to counter every attack with Thunderous Shocks, while strengthening the wielder's Thunder Magic Power. However, it doesn't have as much defense as other shields.

It has a decent amount of evolution options.


[Sea Dragon's Oceanic Shield]

[Rank: C+]

A wonderful shield made using the divine scales of a Sea Dragon. It contains the Sea Dragon's Soul and can channel it to summon a Sea Dragon Phantom to counter blows of any element, magical or physical. It is lightweight yet amazingly resistant to attacks, especially physical due to using scales from a dragon. Additionally, it can unleash an intimidating aura that will make monsters feel fear, lowering their stats.

It has a wide amount of evolution options.


The three evolution options all seemed tempting, though a stronger coral golem shield was too boring. It was either the thunder shield or the sea dragon shield, and the later was just way too amazing to miss. I think the evolution options depends in the materials I feed the weapons with, I gave Sapphire sea dragon scales.


[You've selected the [Sea Dragon's Oceanic Shield] [Rank: C+] Evolution Option!]

[Sapphire] has started evolution!]

[Sapphire] has successfully evolved into the [Sea Dragon's Oceanic Shield] [Rank: C+]!]

[Sapphire] Race has evolved to a [Lesser Dragon Shield]!]

[Sapphire] Stats have increased!]

[Sapphire] has learned new Skills!]

[The Accumulated EXP has been used to grant Additional Stat Points and Level Up Skills]


<Status System>

[System Owner]: [Sapphire]

[Race]: [Lesser Dragon Shield]

[Rank]: [C+]

[Level]: [0/50]

[Class]: [Sea Dragon's Oceanic Shield]

[HP]: [3070/3070]

[MP]: [975/975]

[Strength]: [660]

[Defense]: [2315]

[Magic]: [700]

[Resistance]: [1860]

[Agility]: [385]

[Luck]: [205]

[Charm]: [850]

[Skills]: [Living Shield: Lv4] [Material Assimilation: Lv3] [Iron Defenses: Lv4] [Ice Golem Guardian: Lv3] [Water Absorption: Lv4] [Elemental Damage Resistance: Lv3] [Restoration: Lv3] [Flame Shield: Lv3] [Sea Dragon Protection: Lv3] [Sea Dragon Scales: Lv1] [Dragon's Intimidation: Lv1] [Sea Dragon Soul Summon: Lv1]


Sapphire's appearance changed in a flash, resembling a beautiful shield made of Sea Dragon Scales, something that would probably sell for millions of Gold Coins. And her amazing new skills were also great, some old ones even evolved!

"What did you said about my attitude, you stupid sword?!"

And yeah, she could talk too…


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