Chapter 553

Elder Roufas Request

Valentina Remno-san, thats

Even the usually composed Rafina looked slightly surprised as she glanced at Abel, who remained silent with his lips tightly pressed together.

I see. Then, the claim that they saw her was not a mistake after all.

Roufa ignored Malongs mumble and said something surprising.

Not long after that, the Priestess passed away.

The Serpent Priestess died?

Oh well, she was much older than me after all. And perhaps she felt relieved, knowing that she had a successor.


The feeling of a bad premonition sent a chill down Mias spine, and it was quickly proven to be accurate.

The previous Priestess entrusted everything to Valentina Remno before passing away. Just about everything including the Book of Serpents

Isnt that some kind of mistake?

Roufa slowly shook her head in response to Abel, who asked the question in a hoarse voice.

Unfortunately, that is the truth. At first Princess Valentina had hesitated to read the Book of Serpents. However, with the encouragement of the Priestess, she gradually became absorbed in it. And soon, she was reading it all day long. Then one day, Princess Valentina herself declared that would become the Serpent Priestess.

The words were spoken in a matter-of-fact manner, without a hint of emotion, as if to declare that it was the unwavering truth.

We accepted that. The Serpent Priestess had been replaced several times before, so we thought that this change would not be particularly different from before. However

Then Roufa closed her eyes.

It was about two years ago when Chief Maku suddenly left the village, taking the Serpent Priestess with him.

Roufa told the shocking truth.

And then most of the men followed the Chief and left the village.

So, thats the reason why there arent many men around.

This was indeed good news for Mia, who had assumed that they were undoubtedly out looting.

It doesnt seem like there will be a situation where a large force returns and causes a reversal in the power dynamic. It looks like we avoided a massacre by Dion-san. Thats a good thing.

After nodding to herself, Mia turned her gaze towards Aima.

Since the Chief was absent, his younger sister Aima-san had to lead the bandit group, right?

Of course. I am the younger sister of the Chief and can also command the warrior wolf. Who else could lead everyone but me?

Aima had a stoic expression as she puffed out her chest in pride.

Hmm? So, does that mean the bandit group from the other day

We formed the group with women in the village who could fight, and the few remaining men. responded Roufas female attendant.

I see. So thats what it was. No wonder they retreated so easily. It seems being captured wouldnt have mattered much, with Aima-san leading them. So the bandits we encountered earlier were also led by Aima-sans group?

Mia recalled the bandit group that was involved in the plot to assassinate Sion. If Aimas group had been involved, perhaps the assassination might not have actually taken place? Mia tilted her head in doubt.

What do you mean? asked Aima, puzzled, as she furrowed her brow.

Didnt you attack us along the pilgrimage route connecting Sunkland and Belluga? We heard that you were threatened by Dion-san and ran away.

When asked, Aima replied with a bitter expression.

Please think rationally, Princess Mia. Would I ever attack a group like that, knowing that Dion Alaia was present?

Mia nodded deeply in response to that heavy question.

Ah, I see. There is an undeniable truth to Aima-sans words. That means the ones we encountered at that time were the people who left with the Chief, right?

Of course, theres no way someone would pick a fight with a group escorted by Dion. Mia began to nod in agreement, but suddenly felt a sense of unease.

Aima-san knows about Dion-san. Does that mean she might be maintaining contact with the members of the Fire clan who left the village? Hmm.

Mia, who was deep in thought with her arms folded, suddenly looked up when she heard Aimas frustrated voice.

Elder brother is being deceived by the Serpent Priestess. He is being manipulated with her smooth talk and is driving our clan to ruin. Aima said.

He is being deceived. I see. Indeed, I have heard that the Serpents excel at techniques of mind manipulation. I think the possibility does exist. However

Mia was deep in thought once again.

Why did the Fire Clan Chief Maku leave this village in the first place?

Mia somewhat understood the actions of the Fire clan Chief and the Priestess up until now. In short, they probably selected useful pawns within the Fire clan, trained them, and sent them to other countries.

Come to think of it, it was said that the person who handed over the poison to Prince Echard in Sunkland was dressed like a citizen of the Equestrian Kingdom. It is quite likely that he was indeed such a person.

However, if thats the case, wouldnt it have been better to continue as they have been, little by little? Isnt that the true way of the Serpent?

What on earth were they thinking doing something like that?

Her Highness Princess Mia, Saint Rafina, and Lord Malong of the Forest clan.

When Mia looked over, she saw that Roufa was bowing her head deeply.

I would like to make a request of everyone here. Could you please somehow bring back the ones who were taken from us and also those that left us?

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