Chapter 564

Mias Scary Dream

That day, Mia had a dream. It wasnt a dream from the previous timeline but rather a pure nightmare.

Oh? What on earth is this place?

Before she knew it, Mia was standing in the hallway of an unfamiliar abandoned castle. The gloomy corridor was plunged in darkness, and the light in her hand could not illuminate it at all.

Good Gracious! What does this mean? What am I doing in a place like this?

I am Mia. Where am I? thought Mia as she wandered in a confused state. Then, unexpectedly, an incredibly good aroma wafted into her nose. Somehow, it was very tempting

Oh, it smells really delicious. Hmm Should I go and see what it is? If I must move, then the best way is in the direction of the delicious aroma.

Mia stuck to her belief and followed the enticing scent. Before long, she arrived at a huge party hall. On a long table, there were mountains of steaming hot dishes. The food looked magnificent, resembling the banquet from yesterday.

Hmm? Yesterdays banquet huh? What did I have?

Oh my! How vulgar! Jumping quickly to delicious food, what a glutton!

All of a sudden, a piercing voice rang out. When Mia looked in the direction of the voice, there was a lone woman standing there.

The woman was probably in her early twenties. She had eyes that slanted sharply upwards, lips that curved in a malicious smile, and jet-black hair that blended into darkness. But the most striking feature was the venomous serpent coiled around her body. Her attire was absolutely in bad taste.

However, due to the distinctive appearance, Mia thought of a particular person.

A woman with a serpent coiled around her body that meant only one thing!

Serpent Priestess could it be that you are sister-in-law Valentina?

The woman raised the corner of her mouth in disgust at Mias question.

How rude of you not to recognise the face of the sister. Its a hundred years too early for you to think of marrying Abel.

She glared at Mia with a truly malicious look on her face.

And look at all that chubby fat. It seems like you ate a lot last night.

Having said that, she pinched Mias upper arm with her long fingers.

What? But, I heard that the food of the Equestrian Kingdom is good for health. And if you believe that and eat, then you wont get fat.

Superstition. Utter superstition! Its laughable that you are called the Wisdom of the Empire!

That was a valid argument. Mia had no rebuttal.

Mia was vaguely aware that the story was way too good to be true.

Besides, there are limits to everything. Even if its true that if you eat with belief, you wont get fat, you have clearly been overeating.

Dreams often reflect the deepest desires of the dreamer.

Mia wanted to believe, despite her doubts.

If I believe it in my heart, I wont get fat.

Mia deeply wished to hold on to that belief.

That was why I put a limit on it. Meaning, it might not work if I eat an exorbitant amount, but if I eat a decently large amount with belief, it should be fine.

The conditioning had become unconscious. It could be said that it was a dream very typical of Mia, trying to find common ground and refusing to give up in the search for a compromise.

Then your body will become so heavy that you wont be able to take light dance steps, right?

The moment Mia heard those words, her body suddenly became heavy.

If my body feels so heavy, I definitely wont be able to dance


As expected, you are not suitable to be Abels partner. You are disqualified!

Bang, another shock. And then, Mia screamed and began to fall


And thats when she woke up.

Was that a dream?

Mia rubbed her blurry eyes and slowly looked around. She noticed that somehow Bel was resting her head on her stomach.

Hmm I see. Bel was on top, no wonder my body felt so heavy.

Mia sighed and moved Bel off of her. When she placed a pillow under her head, Bel gave a broad grin.

Big sister Mia. Hehehe, I cant eat anymore.

Even the happy sleep talk was a little painful to Mias ears at that moment.

Did my earlier dream spring from the guilt of overeating? Or was it some kind of revelation?

Mia couldnt help but reflect on her actions.

The encounter in Sunkland had been quite shocking. Since then, I havent been able to control my desire to overeat. As expected of the Serpent Priestess. To think she would attack my vulnerable points with such precision. Such a nasty person. The enemy is a Serpent. I cant afford to ignore such an obvious weakness. It would not be wise. This wont do, I must exercise. The showdown with Abels sister is drawing near. In order to not expose my weakness and to have my relationship with Abel approved, I must prepare myself. I have to think of somethingHmm.

Mia crossed her arms and began to ponder.

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