
Allan and Shade easily got inside the hideout, destroying the magical system that only let those of the organization end would had been easy but they simply grabbed the unconscious bodies of the people they captured and then used Shade's [Shadow Puppeteer] Spell that allowed him to take control of an unconscious target. Like a puppet, he easily managed to get inside the hideout with it, beat down the guards, and left the door open for them to enter. After that, it was an adrenaline-filled rush of beating down people as "gently" as possible. Allan was simply punching them while covering his hands with Spiritual Flames, meanwhile, Shade simply kicked them. If both used anything else, they all would had died.

Well, Shade had the intention of killing them after seeing them enslaving and even planning and attempting to kill children just because they were demons, and Allan couldn't deny he had a murderous side that just wanted to do the same… However, deep down, Allan didn't wanted to do unnecessary slaughter. If there was a way to make these people pay without having to take away their lives, he preferred that. mostly because he was tired of killing, having killed since he was a mercenary child, he simply wanted to try for once to deal with things as peacefully as possible- or well, without killing more than anything, punching people until they were half-dead wasn't peaceful at all.


When Allan punched one of the thugs so hard it broke the door leading to the boss of the organization, the two hurriedly entered the chamber, finding Jack, the leader of this group.

"You can knock the door, you know?" He asked. "What business do you two require in my humble hideout?" Jack asked, beginning to sweat nervously.

Allan and Shade seemed to have dead serious expressions in their faces.

"Jack Armstrong, a former soldier that participated in the war, specifically the battles that happened when the demon army invaded the Continent. A famous illegal slave trader, part-time bandit, that tries to help the needy and poor with the money he earns doing through the suffering of innocents. Is that you?" Asked Shade.

"Yes… that's me… N-Now, aren't you guys… Oh! I remember you two, the new Adventurers that got to town just a day ago!" Laughed Jack. "You came here to ask me something? I-I'll do anything for you, my friends! Want merchandise? I'll give you the best discount! I can sell you as many slaves as you want… So please, don't beat my guys any more… Or I'll have to step in."

"We came here from the thugs that you sent to blow up the orphanage with the demon and beast-in children. Are you the one behind this?" Asked Allan.

"Y-Yes… I guess there's no point in hiding this." Said Jack while shrugging, he looked at his subordinates as they immediately began to slowly run away from the hideout, but they were quickly stopped by Allan and Shade's spirits. An enormous phoenix stopped them from running to the backrooms, while a grieving phantom stopped them from reaching anywhere else…

"Sadly we are not interested in doing any shady business with you." Said Allan. "We want you to free all the slaves here, that's all, and that you stop enslaving more people. We won't hurt you anymore and we'll leave you be."

"Eh? T-That's it?!" Asked Jack.

"Yeah." Said Shade.

"Well… That's not something… easy to do though! Our whole economy is sustained with slaves, and you want me to stop finding them? Sir, you two are exceedingly strong! Do you even care about these pathetic monsters?" Asked Jack while raising an eyebrow.

"They're people, not monsters." Said Shade.

"Give them to us…" Said Allan.

"Hahah…"ραпdα `nᴏνɐ| сom

Jack laughed for a bit, as he looked at the two men in front of him. both were powerful… but so what? He had also been training his entire life, his Physique had already reached Rank 8 of Tier 3, and his Magic Circle wasn't weak, at Rank 7 of Tier 2! He considered himself one of the strongest people in the entire city, and dominated the red-light district with brute force but also a kind heart… He wasn't going to simply give up all his business because of these two random guys, even if they seemed powerful.

"You guys are hilarious… I guess I'll have to beat you two until you regain some of your senses." Said Jack. Like a typical thug, he wanted to resolve things with punches, and seemed to be even more unchangeable than his subordinates.

"I am not a weakling that will easily fall to one of your fists… After all, I am prepared with more than my own strength."

Jack smiled, the rings worn by his fingers suddenly began to shine with different colors, as the equipment he was wearing also channeled his Mana… He was obviously a warrior, but he seemed to also strengthen himself through using Mana and special Magic Accessories. His muscles suddenly began to bulge, as his entire size grew up to three times its original size, reaching almost four meters of height, he was a titan amongst men now.

His hair grew long like the mane of a lion, and the scars he had made in war were all shown like trophies, magical tattoos made of infused elemental runes began to emerge, shining brightly colorful across his scarred and hairy body, his rings enhanced this further, giving him a series of elemental spells to aid him in battle… he was a pure fighter that used heavy weapons to fight.

"Magic Weapon Summon, Elemental Hammer."


Suddenly, the magic of his rings unified together, as a giant magical hammer emerged out of thin air, materializing from the elemental energies coming from his rings, hitting the ground and making it tremble. Allan and Shade seemed completely unamused, however.

"Heh, not even a change of expression, huh? I guess I'll beat you until you change your stiff faces…" Jack said cockily, holding into the gigantic hammer and then making it rest over his enormous shoulders. "I am not know as the Savage Hunter for nothing! I'll show you what I am made of!"

Allan and Shade looked at one another, as they suddenly nodded and began to…

Play rock paper scissor.

pαndα,noνɐ1,сoМ "Paper beats rock. I won." Said Shade.

"What?! Damn it…" Sighed Allan.

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU TWO CLOWNS DOING?!" Jack roared, rushing towards them with all his strength.



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