Remarried Empress

Chapter 190 - Wedding Dress (1)

Chapter 190. Wedding Dress (1)

Translator: Aura / Editor: Maybe

“I avoid your conscience.”


Heinley didn’t seem to understand my words. In fact, I didn’t understand my words either.

‘But honestly, I couldn’t tell him I was avoiding his lower body.’

In the end, our conversation ended awkwardly after only discussing the subject of Grand Duke Kapmen.

“So, you agree to invite the Grand Duke?”

“Of course.”

“Thank you.”

Heinley looked like he wanted to ask me something. I had something to ask him, too. But we parted ways awkwardly, without telling each other what we really wanted.

“Let’s go, Miss Rose.”

“I thought you would’ve stayed a little longer.”

“I didn’t have much to say.”

Rose seemed surprised that I got out so quickly.

To a certain extent, most people in the Western Kingdom believed that Heinley and I had a great love for each other.

What I said the other day to the journalist also implied that...

But instead of prying, she said with a smile,

“There’s no need to say more than necessary, right?”

I walked at ease beside her as she naturally guided us away.

But once we left the main palace and were heading towards the queen’s detached palace, I saw Christa standing at a corner of the road. Behind Christa was the lady-in-waiting who had heard Sir Aprin’s words. As soon as I saw her, I knew that Christa was here for that matter.

I approached Christa and asked her,

“Were you waiting for me?”

It didn’t seem to be a pure coincidence that Christa, who had left before me, was here.

“Yes, I was waiting for you. I need to tell you something.”

“What is it?”

“I heard that one of your subordinates insulted my lady-in-waiting.”

I knew it. Christa was waiting for me here to speak in defense of her lady-in-waiting.

Christa spoke quietly but firmly.

“Please do not allow this to happen again in the future.”

Despite it being a request, her attitude was firm. Moreover, the fact that her request was for the sake of one of her own made her look dignified.

Suddenly, I felt sorry.

Because we were in opposite positions, I couldn’t properly interpret all of her actions... besides, she kept making difficult requests, but...

Her attitude of caring and protecting her own was really admirable.

If we didn’t have a relationship of competing for power, we would have gotten along well.

But as much as I liked her personality, I was clear about how I should respond,

“Sir Aprin is not my subordinate, but His Highness’. Such a request, you should make directly to His Highness.”

– Chapter advanced in NovelUtopia


After bumping into Christa

I began to think in a slightly different direction.

Christa knew how to take care of her own, furthermore, her attitude was refined and regal. She must have many talented people by her side.

We were about the same age, so most of the noblewomen I would want to have as ladies-in-waiting must have been taken by Christa.

Under the circumstances, it was clear that the plan to take some time to observe the high society of the Western Kingdom before choosing a woman to be a new lady-in-waiting would not be very effective.

Surely all the people who could be ladies-in-waiting to the queen, Christa already had.

Even if there were some left, they were most likely not interested in being ladies-in-waiting from the beginning or had a good relationship with Christa’s ladies-in-waiting.


“Can you hand a letter to Miss Mastas asking her to be my lady-in-waiting?”

I had no choice but to show a bit of adventurous spirit.

Rose, who had been pensive for over an hour after meeting Christa, became alarmed when I suddenly mentioned Mastas’ name and asked,

“Lady Mastas?”

“Yes, I intend to appoint her as my lady-in-waiting.”

“But Your Highness. As you could see, that young lady... is not fit for the position of lady-in-waiting.”

“That is why I intend to bring her.”


“I don’t think Christa had to take many risks”


“Come to think of it, it does seem strange to me... May I ask you a question, Miss Rose?”

“Oh. Yes. Ask me anything.”

“You’re smart and your etiquette is perfect. Why weren’t you Christa’s lady-in-waiting...?”

Rose was an excellent lady-in-waiting.

She was a tactful, clever, and graceful noblewoman.

At first, I asked Rose to be a lady-in-waiting to appease Yunim, but now I’m quite pleased with her.

So it’s strange, why didn’t Christa take Rose?

“Hmm. It’s a little embarrassing because you’re suddenly flattering me. ”

Rose smiled awkwardly, scratched the top of her nose, and sheepishly confessed,

“Saying it that way makes me feel embarrassed because you make it seem like I rejected Christa. Well, she never offered me to be her lady-in-waiting in the first place. Hmm, I think it’s because Yunim is a subordinate of His Highness Heinley.”

“Wasn’t Sir Yunim a knight of the royal guard before?”

“That’s true, but... uh, he wasn’t the leader.”

Rose closed her mouth in shame after speaking.

The king back then was Heinley’s brother. It seemed awkward to say that the knight of the guard who was supposed to protect the former king was Heinley’s subordinate.

Instead of asking further, I smiled and took her hand.

“That’s a relief. I like Miss Rose very much.”

Rose’s eyes grew wide, she smiled shyly and whispered,

“Indeed... so do I.”

– Chapter advanced in NovelUtopia


The next day around 11 am, Miss Mastas came to see me with a broad smile, probably because she received my letter.

“Your Highness!”

She raised a hand and waved but lowered it quickly at Rose’s sharp look.

But she was still smiling. She was a very cheerful young lady.

However, she was not the only visitor.

“Ah, Your Highness. I ran into them on my way here.”

With that said, Miss Mastas quickly stepped aside. Behind her I could see a row of people holding large boxes.

“Your Highness, it is an honor to meet you. I am the best designer in the Western Kingdom, McLinnan.”

The person standing at the doorway in front of me introduced herself with great honor, rummaged around in her bag, pulled out a magazine, and held it out.

Miss Mastas handed me the magazine. As I flipped through it, on the third page of the magazine, I saw a portrait of her face, her name, and the name of her store, among others.

With the qualification of.... the best.

While I was puzzled, she smiled and asked with the same expression as in the portrait.

“His Highness Heinley ordered me to make your wedding dress, wedding reception dress, and some other dresses. If I may, can I come in?”

“Go ahead.”

Designer McLinnan entered as I granted her permission, followed by the number of people holding boxes.

In addition to the boxes, I also saw clothing racks covered with a large cloth.

Designer McLinnan rubbed her hands together, looked me up and down, and beamed,

“Good. Very good.”


“I was instructed to make Your Highness the most glamorous wedding dress. I was a little worried that the dress would be so flashy that people will turn away. But I think Your Highness will look spectacular.”

Smiling to the point where her mouth seemed longer, she opened a box, pulled out five thick albums and confidently exclaimed,

“I’ll make you a dazzling and sparkly dress!”

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