Requiem Of A Failed Hero

Chapter 311 More Than Enough

Everyone was feeling special for this occasion, upon Raith's arrival they've all gathered at the center, all the tents that were put up for temporary shelter had been taken down. The ones that were in good shape were folded back. They would be needing it for a while in their new country after all.

A blue light shimmered in front of Raith's apartment.

The people were all gathered at in the front, hence, the blue light was in between the people and Raith's apartment. As the light faded, Raith walked out of it. He didn't expect that they'd be ready when he got here.

But nevertheless, he was impressed.

Slyvia stepped out of the crowd and walked to his side putting her hands behind his back.

"You don't have to push yourself so hard... I will support you with a little bit of mana."

She was trying to be helpful, with everyone gathered here like this, looking at Raith with glorious eyes. She couldn't help but perceive the guy as amazing. The people so him as that, if she was to see him as anything besides that, she'd just be a straight up hater.

It didn't matter if she was a dragon. She had roamed around the people for a few days so she knew how much they respected him. They wouldn't let anyone disrespect him before their eyes nor look down on him. Even if it was a dragon.

Currently Mok Jae-Hwa was gone, the only person Raith had to help organize the people was Agent Jong-Su who also left the association after Chairman Mok Jun-Seo was replaced. But he had capable guys who helped. Amber Rose, there was rhus guy who just awakened Tallan, Shin from thr Rain guild, Draer of course with other elves, and a lot more others who were at the forefront of the crowd.

Raith looked at all of them then inhaled and exhaled. He bent down and touched the ground.

Immediately, a magic circle appeared on the ground, as it did back in Antarctica it began to spread under the feet of people until the the interlock of complicated patterns had filled the whole place.

Then it slowly disappeared.

An enormous blue light plunged put of the ground rising to the sky and all of them disappeared in an instant. All of them including Raith and Slyvia.

It was a bit dizzy to endure but it happened all in an instant so it was manageable. Their view changed before they even knew it. The sky above them was golden and the slow they currently stepped on was already melting. Plus it was already getting dark.

The people began to mutter as they looked around. Indeed it was a nice place to begin.

It was unbelievable that they could have all this land to themselves. They had never built from the beginning but they were not afraid of the idea, a lot of them were younglings the older ones were mothers, grandmother and a few elven elders that managed to didn't decide to stay back with the destruction of the world like the humans did.

Raith slowly stood up from his crouched state but was met by an intense dizziness, he stumbled back but was held by Slyvia before he could fall.


Maria shouted as she appeared out of thin air. Her sudden appearance startled the people and they were beginning to point hands.


Draear couldn't take his eyes off her. Not just that, his could feel his heart burn with an unlikely passion. The lady before him, why was she making him feel like this.

"Brother... who is that lady."

His younger brother asked, tightly holding his chest the boy was trying all he could to resist going down to his knee. Draear looked at him with a contorted confusion on his face.

'I'm not the only one.'

He looked back, shooting his eyes to several other elves that were at the forefront of thr crowd. It was all the same thing. Although some.of them easily resisted the urge to go on their knees but they all were looking at this same lady that just appeared out of thin air.

"Master are you okay?"

Maria asked, oblivious of the states stares she was receiving.

"I'm fine Maria.."

'...but I'm probably going to need a lot of rest'

He stood upright and walked forward to address the people.

"This is Antarctica, it will be our new home. Uh..."

His eyes slide down as he didn't know what to say... thinking for a few minutes he raised his head and continued:

"Although, I have never done this before. We all have not been in this position before, but Therut was built somehow wasn't it? I have faith in what we can do togerher."

The people raised a hell of applaud after hearing him speak.

Even Slyvia was impressed.

'Such nobles words from a perverted human!'

"We can start by setting up temporary camps for the night. Anyone that needs me can contact this guy here."

Hazy black smokes began to rise from the ground, it rose higher and manifested a dark soldier. It was Crimson.

He bowed.

"I am honored for the opportunity to guide the people."

"No Crimson you are not guiding the people. You will just be here in case they need me. Don't try to do anything funny."

He declared, squeezing Crimson's shoulder as he whispered to him.

"Yes master."

Crimson bowed his head in humility as Raith was swallowed by the same dark smokes that had spat him out.

The people had already began to go about what needed to be done as Raith disappeared. Seeing Crimson for them was not an odd sight. These were soldiers that helped them escape Therur after all.

It was a long process, their night was short after they had managed to put up their tents. Even with that it wad not enough. Some people were taken to as far as Saint George Airport to find shelter, while some that didn't want to have to walk that far looked for clothes, sheets that could serve as cover to at least survive the subtle cold of the night.

With the sun illuminating a gentle blue light at night, the sky was a different kind of beautiful, it was deep blue and the cold was not as it usually would be.

Everything was different and many of them didn't even know it.

Part of the few that decided to use makeshift cover clothes were Curtis, Andre, Amber Rose and several others. Draear was not a part of that several others.

He chose to go to Saint George Airport because he believed that the accommodation there would be more conducive. He even had decided that he would be staying there until structures were raised.

"He's a weird guy..."

"Considering that he's an elf, I think it's a pretty normal thing for them."

Andre responded to Amber Rose who was laying with her eyes to the sky. Its deep blue hue reflected in her eyes.

"Not all elves are like that Draear and his brother her just a piece of shit. I'm an elf too remember."

Corian said.

"Ah, right. I almost forget everytime."

Amber Rose chuckled afterwards. Everyone's soft chuckle also followed suit.

Then silence ensued.

Amber Rose turned her eyes to look at the red haired guy laying next to her with his eyes closed.

"Are you okay now?"

Her voice was soft and almost like a whisper.

Andre opened his eyes.

"I don't know really. But what I do know is that, I feel better."

"I heard from Curtis, that you awakened a unique class. Don't think you will be stronger than me because of that."

"Tch. We've always been in competition and you have always won. This time, I will be taking all the wins, I will be stronger than you in this world."

She chuckled and closed her eyes.

"Yes, sure, let's see you try."


The first meeting of the summit was to start, everything was in preparation. After yesterday was used to honor Li Mingwu's passing, everyone gathered at the Hunter's conference hall in Beijing.

The meeting was to begin by 10AM. It is almost time and yet he was still sleeping.

"Lord Rizo...Lord Rizo you can't do this to me. Please wake up."

His guardian was crying, with his stone cold face no one would ever think that such a man was capable of tears. But right now, he was kneeling beside Rizo's bed, dragging the young boy and begging him to wake up with stupendous rears flowing down his face..

No matter how much he tried the boy just wouldn't get up. After giving his tribute to the dead hero. He came back home to sleep and has been sleeping since then.

And as said, his guardian already knew this situation, thus wasn't the first time he was crying either.

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