Requiem Of A Failed Hero

Chapter 377 The Hollow Depth

Chapter 377 The Hollow Depth

The footbridge sprawled over a hollow depth, oozing with eerie white smokes. Raith peered down the the depth before looking at the not-so-sturdy bridge.

He swallowed and looked at Thard - Harl.

"Uhm. So, we move?"

The asura was silent. He stared to the front, his gaze rigid like a predator's. After a couple of seconds he opened his mouth slightly.

"There's something in there… and the distance of the bridge is more than enough for it to eat us."

Speaking about eating… what exactly is it? Raith arched a brow tentatively.

"But you can kill it… right?"

"Of course."

Peace sank into his heart as he heard Thard - Harl's response. But less than a second later.

" will be fighting it"

Raith frowned.


"This will be the first teaching of combat."

He clenched his jaw but spoke no words. After a few moments of swallowing all the curses that he could have spat. Raith traced his line of sight to the aloof asura.

"But how exactly am I supposed to fight it?"

He inquired.

The asura pointed to the footbridge.


Raith's eyes followed where his hand was pointing to.

"You want me to fight it on that bridge… that bridge looks like something that can collapse any moment and yet you want me to fight something on it. Let's not even forget the fact that I don't know what on earth I will be fighting. I can die in a snap… this is something…"

As he glanced back to see what the asura was doing. Raith's eyes suddenly froze and began to shudder.

A massive stone hovered above the asura's head. He was far but Raith was sure he saw it clearly- a wicked grin parting his face as the stone flew into the depth of white smoke.

Raith's eyes went round, his mouth was torn open but he couldn't scream. He had no time for that.

He shot his gaze to the end of the bridge and bounced forward, not caring if his steps were shattering the wooden planks bound by thick timbered ropes.

His eyes deftly fixated on the endpoint of his goal. He spared no other attention to what was happening around him.

There was utter silence, tempting him to calm his racing heart - nothing was gonna happen. But Raith didn't want to take the chance. The end of the bridge suddenly seemed so far away as he desperately ran, breaking the slabs of wood.

Suddenly with a piercing screech, something curled into the sky. It came down the next instance, crashing upon the wooden bridge and severing it with laughable ease.

Raith was forced to struggle for his life before he could respond in shock. He held on tightly to the ropes as the bridge swung down, sperated into two distinct half.

The worse part was… his way forward was no more.

Raith gritted his teeth and cursed the asura internally. Why bother disturbing the creature, if they could cross the bridge without having to disturb it.

He burned with intense hate for the vicious asura.

'Even if it will be the last thing I do. I will kill you!'

Raith swore as the swinging rope slammed him into the wall of the cliff, making him blank out for a brief moment.

Raith forced his eyes opened bit down his teeth and twisted the rope on his hand, placing his legs on the wall to reduce the effect of the weight on the ropes themselves. They were made from timber so indeed they were quite strong but he doubted if they could hold on for long having to support a weight of 8,000 pounds.

On the contrary, thanks to so much weight. It was characteristically easy to control the swinging momentum of the rope.

Raith held on tightly as he looked at the white cloud that lay still. As if a massive tentacle had not just shot out of it. He frowned and inspected keenly.

Opening his hand, a darkness like liquid materialized into his hand, weaving together like specks to form a worn out sword.

Another feature of the dark sea was the fact that he could throw items in without having to enter it. He could also summon them outside… there had never been an occasion to use the comfortable feature.

But now that he did, there was no feeling of relish like he usually would have from trying things for the first time. Maybe it was because of the fear that loomed in his heart. Today could spell doom for him.

He could die today and as far as he has come to know, this asura didn't give a damn!

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