She needed to act before Raymond would.

But in reality, Carynne was just a seventeen-year-old girl. Even the fief lord himself did not have enough power to shut down the business dealings being done at their estate. The affairs of people require effort and labor. Even with her utmost efforts, stopping the business immediately seemed far-fetched.

Most rights had already been transferred to Verdic at this point, so the power to halt the operations lay with him.

Therefore, Carynne’s initial wish was to visit the Evans family.

“This is a matter for adults, not for you.”

“I am older than you, aren’t I, Father? Didn’t you say that you believe me?”

“What would you even talk to Mister Evans about? And would he even agree to meet you?”

Carynne couldn’t answer.

In truth, she didn’t know a concrete way to immediately halt the business. The only method she knew involved debuting in high society through Raymond, then using Countess Elba—who bore animosity towards Verdic—and the countess’s connections to gather information and leverage against Verdic.

That would take time. Ultimately, it meant getting entangled with Verdic. It was possible for Raymond to halt the business early last time, as it was within his means.

But Carynne needed to meet Verdic before Raymond would intervene.

“If you really want to, wait until the weather warms up a bit more. Now is not the time. And Mister Verdic Evans will arrive at our estate soon anyway. Just go to the kitchen to see what’s for dinner tonight.”

But seeing that her father was not backing down, Carryne spoke to him in a softer tone.

“I want to resolve it before Mister Verdic Evans comes in person.”

“There’s less than a month left before he’s due to arrive at our estate. What’s the hurry?”

“That’s why I’m saying this.”

If they were to wait now, Raymond might be able to stop the business.

Carynne disliked having to resort to that method.

But how to convince the fief lord right now? After pondering for a while, Carynne realized there was no way. The fief lord was pointing fingers at Nancy, not her.

“Nancy, take Carynne’s bag back.”

“…Yes, I understand.”

“Wait a minute!”

Carynne exclaimed desperately.

“Why don’t you trust me?”

Carynne was anxious. She didn’t want to argue with the fief lord here and now. It was an unexpected opposition. He had permitted her travels just before, so Carynne thought she would be able to leave this time without much opposition.

But the fief lord showed no signs of agreeing. At this, she grew more anxious.

She didn’t want to waste time.

“If you can’t tell me exactly how you’re going to do it, why would I let you travel so far away and risk being in such danger? As a parent, it’s only obvious why I cannot permit this. And even if you don’t meet him, Mister Verdic will be here soon anyway.”

Suddenly, Carynne remembered the commotion from her previous life. He had readily allowed her travels then because she had caused a disturbance trying to kill Dullan.

Was it because he feared what accident she might cause if she stayed at home? The usefulness of Dullan was apparent here.

Carynne sighed. Would he allow her again if she pointed a gun at Nancy’s head and caused a scene?

She also realized anew that the reason she could leave back then was because Verdic had already decided to terminate the contract.

The fief lord sent her as a representative for the contract termination and allowed her to travel as a secondary matter. The fief lord didn’t believe she could act proactively or achieve anything.

“What if it’s because I really want to leave? What if it’s because I feel suffocated from staying at home all this time?”

“…In that case, it would be better for you to travel with other servants and a relative who can take responsibility for you. Wait a bit longer.”

“That’s why I have to go before he comes. It’ll be too late if it’s delayed any further.”

“This business isn’t something that can be halted or initiated in such a short time. It’s been in preparation for a long while, so your going there first won’t change anything.”

This wasn’t working.

Carynne anxiously looked around the room, making eye contact with Nancy—it’s clear that she would do as the fief lord commanded.

If things remained this way, would Raymond send Isella somewhere else? Or, as before, would Isella just end up opposing Carynne again?

Either way, it wasn’t what Carynne desired.

As the story progressed to its latter half, the flow became uncontrollable. The beginning was crucial.

Love thy enemy.

Carynne disliked that testament. But she had already tried various options. Now, it was time to choose a different direction.

Once she had decided, she had to push forward.


“I won’t allow it.”

“If it’s difficult for me to persuade him, then at least let me go and escort Mister Verdic Evans and his daughter Isella Evans here. Wouldn’t it be okay to at least go to welcome them in advance? Maybe I could leave a good impression.”

It was a relatively light task for a lord’s daughter who had recently come of age.

The fief lord’s face was puzzled.

“Why would you do such a thing?”

“I want to meet Isella Evans in advance. She’s about my age, so maybe we could communicate better.”

“How would talking to his daughter influence the business?”

“It’s not about the business, Father. But being in the mansion has been… I’ve been confined in this mansion for over a hundred years. Even if you don’t believe me, you know I’ve been locked up in this mansion for most of my life. You understand, right?”


Though Carynne hadn’t actually been in the mansion all that time, lying in this situation seemed acceptable. Guilt flashed across the fief lord’s face.

“You and Mother kept me locked up inside the house because you thought I wasn’t normal. I remember everything.”

“You were really troubled back then.”

“So, please let me go this time. If I succeed in stopping the business, it will ultimately be good for the estate. And even if I fail, nothing much will happen. I’ll just go and come back with them.”

“…I’ll send a telegram.”

Eventually, the lord agreed. Carynne smiled brightly.

No matter how much she wanted to go, such a task required her father’s help. She couldn’t walk all the way to the Evans’ estate alone. She needed a carriage, a maid, and money.

Carynne hugged her father. He flinched slightly.

“Thank you, Father.”


“Don’t send the telegram just yet. At least not until I’ve left.”

“It’s only polite to inform in advance.”

Carynne shook her head.

“I want to push through without giving him a chance to refuse.”

* * *

Nancy held Carynne’s bag with a dazed look.

“You’re not taking an attendant with you, Milady?”

“The coachman is enough. One is enough.”

“Isn’t that dangerous?”

“I won’t pass through dangerous roads, so it’s okay.”

Carynne didn’t want to see Borwen. He’s Dullan’s lackey, after all. Though Borwen would help even if she committed murder, his presence meant that all her actions would be reported back to Dullan. Carynne found this extremely unpleasant.

“Did His Lordship permit this?”

“The carriage would just run at full speed. And taking too many people would draw more attention, right? On the way back, I’ll be accompanying Verdic Evans anyway.”


Though Nancy kept making displeased faces, Carynne neatly ignored her. She was ditching Borwen and taking relatively unimportant people. Borwen was far more dangerous than potential highway robbers.


“See you later then!”

“…Safe travels.”

Once she went outside, the fief lord grabbed Carynne’s hand and patted it.

Then, soon, the carriage departed.

Carynne blinked. In the rattling carriage, she struggled to contain her fluttering heart.


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