“Goodness, it’s already this late… Shall we go back for dinner now?”

The sunset’s illumination colored the streets. However, the dimming lights gave off an uncomfortable atmosphere that was very unlike the summer.

At the very least, this was a main street where the police precinct was, so there were people walking here from time to time. But just a few steps away, there was practically no one walking along the alleys.

There was also a cathedral along this main street. All the roads led to the cathedral. In this era, where miracles no longer occurred, God’s influence still remained.

Habitually, Raymond made the sign of the cross.

“Lord Raymond?”

“The next corpse will be along Seventh Street, and then the next one after that will be on the Seventeenth.”

“Which way is Seventeenth Street?”

“Huh? …If you go along that way, you’ll get there.”

“You know the roads well.”

“…It’s uncomfortable staying at Mister Evans’ mansion. And the maids are so fussy that I can’t even drink beer with them comfortably.”


“That’s why I often go out to eat. It’s not too far away, so it’s worth the trek.”

“Other than you, do other servants go as well?”

Raymond and Xenon chatted as they headed towards Seventeenth Street. Xenon vented about his dissatisfaction with the Evans household. It wasn’t very like a middle-aged man to complain like this.

“Yes. Well… A few attendants or maids here and there come out every weekend and eat somewhere else. I got a lot of recommendations from them. The chicken dishes of a restaurant around that alley over there are amazing. The chicken skin is crispy, but the inside is tender, and the sauce is very…”

Raymond raised his head when, some distance away, he had a clear view of Seventeenth Street.

“Let’s just go there.”

“…Why did you even ask?”

Grumbling, Xenon followed after Raymond as he stepped through the doors of a tavern. It was dark inside, but noisy. A few men and women stared blatantly at Raymond.

“Oh my. Hello, handsome.”

“Xenon? Who’s this with you?”

“My boss.”

“Then… the rumors?”

“You’re really handsome, huh.”

Raymond turned towards the squalidly dressed woman who was making eyes at him.

“I tried to warn you that this isn’t a good place. Are you alright with eating here?”

“…I’ve been thinking this for a while now, but you keep treating me like I’m a kid. I’m fine. Though I’d rather sit by the window.”

Raymond frowned. But even before he could sit down, a familiar face appeared.


Noticing that Raymond was referring to someone, Xenon turned his head to look.

It was a familiar face to Xenon as well.

“That’s Lady Carynne’s handmaiden, isn’t it? Donna. Should I call her to have a drink with us?”

“Hold on.”

Right now, Donna was scowling as she received a note from a man. Raymond observed Donna’s lips.

She received the note forcefully as though she was protesting, however, her shoulders were slumped when she went out the doors she had pushed through.

“Ah, she left.”

“What would you like to eat?”

A rugged-looking head cook appeared before Xenon and Raymond. However, Raymond was still staring after Donna instead of looking at the cook.

Why did she come here?

“Xenon, take your time and eat here.”

“Lord Raymond?”

Raymond left Xenon at the table and hurried down the front steps.


In the time that had passed, the streets had become buried in darkness. He caught sight of Donna’s hair. Then, he recalled what Carynne said.

“The culprit behind the serial murders is Baron Ein.”

Donna entered Seventeenth Street. And that’s where Carynne predicted the next murder would take place.

Raymond tried to clear his mind as he hastened his pace. He hung back around ten steps behind Donna. Where was she going?

Did he believe her?

So far, Carynne’s claims had been in line with what has happened. Apart from that, she never left the mansion alone. She was bogged down with things to do from morning ‘til evening. Verdic, who hated her, made sure of this. She regularly attended social gatherings every night as the heiress to Raymond’s family and the Evans household.

There was not a single thing to connect her to the serial murders. And her assertion that she knew the future had its own basis.

Still, Raymond was too old to believe such a thing. If he was still a boy in his early teens, then perhaps.

This is a world inside a novel, she said. And she’s lived the same life over and over again.

Raymond was not so free that he’d believe an adolescent delusion which didn’t sit well with him.

But he was sure of this—that Carynne was, somehow or another, involved.


Donna stopped.

Raymond also stopped.

Why was she here. Donna was Carynne’s handmaiden. Donna had served Carynne as a maid ever since they were at the Hare mansion, and she was with Carynne most of the time. Was she also involved in the murders?

Raymond wouldn’t disregard the kind of close-knitted relationship women had. They shared too much with each other without much reservation.

He wondered whether he should pull out his gun or not, but Donna’s usual appearance made him hesitate. Plain and ignorant.

“Ah, seriously, I already said I don’t want to!”


Who else was there?

Raymond held his breath.

In front of Donna, there was a man who had his face covered, and he was saying something. Their surroundings were so dark and Donna was in the way, so Raymond couldn’t see who it was.

Donna started to get annoyed, and the man in front of her also seemed a bit peeved.

“But surely it’s not going to be that bad of a—”

“Ah, enough! Don’t ask to meet me like this anymore! It’s so annoying!”

“Impudent wench!”


Donna screamed as the man raised his hand. Raymond immediately pulled out his handgun.

Click. The man’s hand stopped. Tensions rose on that dark road.

“…Huh? Sir Knight?”

“Stand back.”

“…I know what you’re thinking, but it’s not like that.”

The man grimaced, but he soon let go of Donna’s hair.

“Both hands where I can see them. If you try to run away or fight back, I’ll shoot you right away.”


Splash, splash. Brown mud splashed up and dirtied the soles of his shoes. An unpleasant sensation could be felt on the tip of his toes.

The man raised both his hands. Then, Raymond checked his face.


It was either a man he couldn’t remember or someone he was meeting for the first time. Raymond pushed the man roughly against the wall and pointed the gun to the man’s temple.

The man’s eyes grew wide.

“You will regret this, sir.”

“Name and affiliation.”

“Lord Raymond Saytes, I know I look suspicious, but…”


“…I am Gale Hiton. I work for Baron Ein.”

“The culprit is Baron Ein.”

Damn it.

Raymond stepped closer with the gun still pointed at the man, who continued to keep his hands up, on edge.

You’re not sure. You’re not sure yet. Calm down. If you shoot people recklessly in this place, you can’t take it back.

For a moment, Raymond gulped, then he asked the man.

“Why did you hit that maid?”

“It’s just that she was being cheeky, so…”

“This… This…!”

At one side, Donna expressed her frustrations. Since Raymond was here now, she seemed to be feeling completely relieved. But without giving her time to vent, Raymond kicked the man’s shin.


The man groaned and doubled over.

“Speak. Why did you threaten this maid and what connection does she have with the Baron.”

“That’s something that you don’t have to care about, Sir Kni— Huuk!”

“How about this? I witnessed you attempting to murder this maid not even a minute ago. And I had to shoot you just to stop you. Would the Baron be able to say anything about that?”


Donna intervened.

Raymond grimaced as he looked at the maid. He thought that this maid needed to be questioned as well. He wasn’t certain, but perhaps it’s connected to Carynne. Perhaps, perhaps. Raymond’s thoughts were mired with possibilities.

But, first order of business. This man.

“You, stay back.”

“U-Um… I’m fine.”

Raymond shoved the man’s head against the wall and spoke threateningly.

“…There’s a lot of murders going on around here.”


“Doesn’t it look like I caught you red-handed?”

“Hiiik! No, sir! Sir Knight! I-It’s just, His Lordship likes that maid, that’s all.”

“So you were going to drag her back for the Baron to enjoy and then slash her throat?”


“All the dead bodies that have been found so far were of young women, their genitals and wombs torn out. Isn’t it obvious? It’s the work of a perverted fiend.”


“If you confess here honestly, then you can live. Did the Baron order you to do it? To catch that maid so he could have his fun with her?”

The man’s eyes almost flipped over as he quivered.

“No! No! I have nothing to do with that! And His Lordship too!”

“Inspector Albert will be very happy with this discovery.”

“No, sir! Until now, all of the women have received money as payment. His Lordship likes women, but that’s all. Uh… You! Tell him right now!”

Donna glowered at the man.

“I kept telling you that I don’t want to go, but you said you were going to drag me away.”


“Let’s go to the precinct so you can share it in detail, shall we?”

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