Chapter 982: Setting A Trap

Translator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus Tales

Albeit with difficulty, Charlie struggled to grab his phone and used online banking apps to transfer more than 200 million dollars to the account Tang An just gave him. After the notification was displayed on the screen, proving that there was no money left in his account, he then said with a bitter voice, “Miss, I didn’t see your face so I don’t know who you are. I already gave you all my money, all for my life.”

“The money from your private account is for the compensation of your own sins!” sneered Tang An. “You can be sure to meet your maker along with your loved ones should you dare to sell us out again. Heh, don’t ever think that because you’re a member of the Darkwind agency, it can deter my Boss from killing you. As long as the price is right, let alone you, even all your family members and friends will be ruthlessly hunted and killed by countless people.”

Charlie gulped and fearfully replied, “Yes, yes, yes. You’re right. I’ll never sell you out again. Absolutely.”

“Then you must play your script we give you to prove it,” said Tang An with satisfaction. “Your performance will determine whether you can keep your shitty life.”

“What script should I follow?” asked Charlie hurriedly.

“You just called Singkuo, the eldest prince of the Dark Shaman, didn’t you?” asked Tang An. “He wants to buy the intel about us, doesn’t he?”

Charlie said bitterly, “Yes. I just wanted to make a lot of money in private, so...”

“You really had no idea how powerful the man you just wanted to sell out is, Charlie. If you did, I’m afraid that you’d be scared out of your wits after pulling such a stunt even if you gave 20 billion dollars.” Tang An interrupted him coldly and lightly added. “What I need you to do is to inform Singkuo that Singluen has returned to Bangkok and is now hiding in a coconut plantation about 100km to the southeast of downtown Bangkok. The owner of that plantation is a man called Zuo Daquan.”

“I know him!” blurted Charlie in surprise. “Do you have a grudge against him?”

“Don’t stick your nose in it,” said Tang An coldly. “Do what I just told you and pass it to Singkuo. Also, you must know that Singkuo’s death is inevitable. Associate yourself and give him a favor, and you’ll find death knocking at your door.”

Charlie had witnessed the mysteriousness and dreadfulness of the other party. He could only brace himself to write the information personally, sending it to Singluen via email. Everything was to keep his own life.

“I did what you told me to do. Can you let me go...”

Just as his fingers left the keyboard, he spoke and looked back, only to be dumbfounded since not even the shadow of that person was seen behind him.

‘Was it just an illusion? That’s impossible! That woman was definitely here!’

‘But... the door and windows are closed. They were never opened in the first place. How did she come in? How did she leave? Is she a ghost or something?’

Wiping off the beads of sweat on his forehead, Charlie got up and checked every corner of the room. After confirming that there really was no other person inside, only then did he feel relieved, taking a sigh of relief. As he came to the sofa, he felt weak as he took a seat. The sensation of having death knocking at the door was so intense and real, leaving him with a lingering fear up till now.

‘No longer will I stick my nose in this shit again. I won’t give a damn shit to Singkuo, nor will I get involved in anything related to this clan again even if they give me a mountain of gold. Those guys around Singluen are too dreadful and it’s very easy if they want to kill me. Anyone around me is nothing but shit. They can do whatever.’

Charlie felt more relaxed after ruminating about this issue clearly.


Don Mueang District, Feather Palace Club.

Tang Xiu had just come back and was now holding a stack of documents as he returned to his room when his expression suddenly moved slightly and he asked, “Have you accomplished the task I gave you?”

A shadow flickered, and Tang An appeared in front of Tang Xiu out of thin air. Then, she respectfully reported, “It’s been done, Grand Master. It was as you predicted. Charlie tried to fish out more from Singkuo again for some personal gain, so I forced him to pass the fake intel you prepared to Singkuo.”

“Heh, the Darkwind agency may be the world’s largest intelligence agency, but they have too many corrupted crooks,” sneered Tang Xiu. “Everything is just for money and interest to them. With too many people in their organization, it’s inevitable that they are rotten and decent people in their ranks. As such, there will be numerous people who forget their own code at the prospect of profits. Their promises are worth nothing.”

A smile was now sported on Tang An’s face as she said, “Well, he has quite a fortune, Grand Master, so I forced him to transfer the money in his Swiss private account to mine. The total amount is around 240 million dollars, which I’m going to transfer to your account later.”

“Huh? You what?”

Tang Xiu’s expression turned vacant. An expression between laughter and tears appeared on his face a moment after. “Haih, why do I feel like all the people around me have kinda turned into fearful bandits lately? How come all of you always extort money every time I deal with the enemy?”

A smile appeared on Tang An’s face yet again. “Well, we’re short on money, Grand Master.”

“Yeah, right. You’re all short on money to buy cultivation resources, huh?” said Tang Xiu snappily.

“Yeah. It’s all because we need a massive number of cultivation resources, especially pills. It’s dwindling fast.” Tang An nodded and said, “That’s why we must find ways to get more money and buy the pills from HQ.”

Tang Xiu couldn’t help but chuckle and said, “Right, the world never provides free lunch. You gotta pay if you want cultivation resources. I know the annual pay given by the Everlasting Feast Hall is not decent for you all, but you guys indeed have the ability to make it up and earn yourselves quite a fortune. I won’t bother with what you do as long as you don’t kill innocents and rob the weak. Well, you can keep the money. We’ll have more people join our ranks in the future, and everyone will be more restless to get cultivation resources. There’s no harm in buying them now indeed.”

“Thank you, Grand Master,” said Tang An with a joyful expression.

“Spare me the courtesy, okay?” Tang Xiu waved and said again. “Also, don’t use all the money for yourself. After you spend it on some cultivation resources, give your brother a share. As I see it, he seems to have nothing else to do except cultivation and fooling around with women.”

“Ah, that brother of mine is indeed an exotic marvel,” commented Tang An with a helpless face. “I’ve often given him money over all these years and he’s been wasteful while spending it.”

“Well, you can push him to find himself a wife to help him manage his life as soon as possible, though,” said Tang Xiu smilingly. “Else, I’m afraid you gotta take care of him for a lifetime.”

Tang An secretly clenched her fists and replied with a dead-serious expression. “I’ll definitely push him to find himself a wife.”

“Haha.” Tang Xiu chuckled and said, “Okay, okay, get some rest now! I need to read this intel about the Dark Shaman clan to make some plans.”

“Anyway, would you like me to head to that coconut plantation, Grand Master?” asked Tang An all of a sudden. “You’re setting the trap there. In case Singkuo sends his men there tonight, Zuo Daquan and his men perhaps won’t be able to deal with them. Besides, there are Zuo Qing and her two children. They could be in danger.”

“There’s no need for you to go there now.” Tang Xiu shook his head and said, “I’ll personally lead our men there once I’m done devising the plan tonight. Also, I assigned Jin Shi’s team to go there when we were in the Darkwind branch. I believe they’ll be able to make Zuo Qing and his two children stay out of trouble even if Singkuo’s men arrive there earlier than us.”


At the Dark Shaman Clan location.

Singkuo hastily draped his coat over him as he walked out of a building. As he came to the entrance of the Dark Shaman clan, dozens of people had already gathered there. All of them were dressed in black with magic staffs and cold weapons. More than a dozen cars came from afar, and when they stopped at the gate, Singkuo and the men immediately boarded the cars before they quickly headed toward the distance.

Several minutes later, the Dark Shaman’s Patriarch, Singtuo, silently appeared at the gate, looking grim and icy. He took out a sharp dagger and threw it to the left side of the entrance. A black mist suddenly appeared at his left side as a white-haired old man came out of the black mist and caught the dagger.

“Follow them! That child, Singluen, may be incompetent, but he’s still my son. If Singkuo really wants to kill him, you must immediately act and save him when he’s in the most critical situation!”

“What if Singluen defeats Singkuo and becomes the final winner?” asked the white-haired old man.

Singtuo shook his head and asked back, “Do you think he’s got what it takes to defeat Singkuo?”

“I know that it’s unlikely, but there’s nothing absolute in this world either.” The white-haired old man shook his head and said, “Unforeseen accidents that lead to an unexpected situation may still happen. Besides, Singluen seems to have some helpers from China. Although we don’t yet know clearly about these people, China has had many hidden experts for countless generations. It will be Singkuo who will suffer losses if the people invited by Singluen are very strong.”

Singtuo touched his nose deep in thought. Then, he nodded and said, “You’re right. There’s some truth in what you said. China does have too many powerful people, so we’ve got no choice but to guard against any contingencies. Alright, take 13 Shaman Protectors with you! You should be able to deal with the circumstances should any accidents occur.”

The white-haired old man nodded and took the dagger as he turned into a black mist, quickly vanishing in front of Singtuo.


At the coconut plantation.

Zuo Daquan was leaning by the window while looking at the dark scenery outside. Dark haze filled his heart, even though his daughter had come with his two adorable two grandsons. Furthermore, he was experiencing a feeling of restlessness that was getting more intense as time went by. It was a feeling he had never had for more than a decade.

About a decade ago, he had relied on this mysterious sixth sense he possessed to detect any possible dangers brought by the Huang ahead of time. It was also the reason why he had been able to flee in advance, eventually saving himself from being killed by the Huang clansmen. But the feeling he had this time was far more intense than it was a decade ago. It was as though the scythe of the Grim Reaper had been placed around his neck, making it difficult to breathe and causing him to be restless.

‘What could be the reason?’

The thought kept plaguing his mind before he finally came to one conclusion. His hunch told him that the danger he would face soon was related to Tang Xiu, the man who came to his place with her daughter today. It was even very likely that it was also related to the Huang Family.

‘This won’t do. There’s no way I can sit still and wait for death to come. I gotta make preparations in advance and send Qing’er and my two grandsons to away to run from this place first. After that, I gotta go to some spot in the vicinity for surveillance and observation.”

Right at 400 sharp, after Zuo Daquan had secretly sent his daughter and grandsons away, the dreadful sensation he had turned more intense. It was as if he was being stared at by a venomous serpent that could bite him at a moment’s notice. It was the kind of bite that was very fatal and deadly.

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