Linda's car stopped in front of one of the houses there. It had two floors, just average compared to the other houses.

Only, it had much higher walls and fences, looking like it prioritized security. Probably because Linda didn't want to be bothered by some of the neighbors.

"Come on!" she said to Arthur, signaling him to get out of the car.

Arthur followed her into the house.

Before they arrived at the door, the door suddenly opened, revealing a middle-aged woman with a simple appearance.

"Miss, welcome!" The woman smiled in greeting and gave Arthur a curious look.

From her appearance, it could be guessed that she was a servant in this house. Linda was a young lady, after all, she definitely needed someone to help her at home.

Linda nodded to her as she said, "Auntie, please prepare the roast meat and soup for tonight."

When she said that, her tone sounded friendly. It seemed that she had an emotional bond with her other than the master and servant relationship.

"Yes miss, I'll buy the meat and vegetables first," the woman replied.

After that, Linda stepped inside her house, followed by Arthur, and watched by the middle-aged woman.

The latter remained calm as if she thought nothing strange even though it was obvious that Linda had come to bring Arthur for sex. After all, Linda herself already looked drunk.

A drunk woman would not bring a handsome man home except for that.

Perhaps the middle-aged woman still tolerated every single thing Linda did.

She then closed the door from the outside as she went outside.

However, the middle-aged woman was not the only occupant of the house.

Arthur saw another person in the living room, a young man, perhaps 14 years old.

He had a face similar to Linda's. Because Linda was so beautiful, he was naturally very handsome. Even if he was still lacking compared to Arthur, he would have no trouble getting beautiful women.

When he saw Linda with a man, he frowned.

He then snorted softly before looking the other way.

"Ohh, Raymond, you're back, how did it go? Did you get accepted into that high school?" Linda asked him.

"What was that question? Of course, I was accepted there," Raymond replied.

"Good then..." Linda laughed.

After that, she took out a few bills from her dress pocket.

"Take it, take your girlfriend out or find a hotel, you should celebrate your success," Linda said.

Arriving in front of him, she placed the money on his thigh.

Raymond was a little surprised, but he still took the money.

He then stood up.

"Alright, but when giving me money, just tell me your intentions honestly. Isn't it because you don't want me to disturb you from making love?" he said before taking a step, heading straight for the door.

His rather harsh words made Linda's face freeze for a moment, but then she just laughed.

"Is he your little brother?" asked Arthur while hugging Linda from behind as Raymond arrived at the door.

The young man was still looking at Arthur's actions, but he didn't react at all.

Linda, on the other hand, was a little surprised because she didn't expect Arthur to act immediately even though she knew he was quite wild as a man when he was with a woman.

"Yeah," he replied. "You know, it's hard to take care of that little guy sometimes. He gets into a lot of fights at school."

"Maybe it's because you're too lazy and busy with your own business," Arthur replied.

"No, in this day and age, it's rare to see fights between middle schoolers unless it's over a girl. My brother is favored by many girls at his school, and he happens to be a bit like you, open to any girl who likes him. This causes a lot of male jealousy." Linda laughed as she said that, looking back with an expression as if comparing her younger brother to Arthur.

"Don't underestimate him. Although he's rather quiet like you, there are already three girls he's brought into this house. I even saw them do it. I guess the world is indeed getting corrupted, I was actually a virgin when I was their age."

Arthur, "..."

"He might become a big playboy in the future. Maybe you should tell him that ability is needed to have many women," Arthur said, to which Linda laughed.

"I'm always worried about that. However, he recently dated a very beautiful girl, the daughter of a conglomerate in this city. He said this time he will be serious and faithful, no longer open with other girls."

"That doesn't sound convincing," Arthur replied.

"Well, stop talking about it, it's time for us to talk," Linda replied, turning towards Arthur and putting her hand on his shoulder.

She smiled with her drunken expression before kissing Arthur on the lips.

The taste of wine filled her lips, warming his mouth so much that he responded instantly when she stuck her tongue into his mouth.I think you should take a look at ραΠdαsnovel.cοm

At the same time, her hands began to unbutton his shirt and caress his chest.

Arthur also explored her body, groping her lovely ass with one hand while his other hand pulled her dress down until her breasts were exposed.

He grabbed her breasts and squeezed them so hard that her body shook.

In less than a minute, both of them are fully naked.

Linda was forced to break the kiss as she was out of breath.

She looked down and was mesmerized when she saw Arthur's dick touching her stomach.

With a quick movement, she grabbed the dick and said, "I finally see this little dragon again."

ραndαsΝοvεl.cοm She stroked the cock gently before lowering her body to squat down.

Without hesitation, she took it into her mouth, licked it, rubbed it, and sucked it.

"Ohhh..." Arthur moaned softly in pleasure so he grabbed the woman's head and pressed it firmly.

This was what he liked about this one woman because she really did wild things without hesitation despite her young age.

If it was Amanda, let alone Carla, Arthur knew that they would not be willing to do this even if they were very happy while making love to him.

In the end, Arthur pushed the woman's head away before she could finish.

His actions made her laugh.

"Can't wait, baby? Then let's go to my room, it's upstairs," she said while licking her lips.

She stood up, grabbing Arthur's hand before pulling him to the stairs, leaving their clothes there.

In no time, they arrived at the door to her room.

She opened the door, revealing a spacious and luxurious bedroom with fragrant scents everywhere.

It had complete facilities, from entertainment and sports equipment.

The bed was on the terrace, facing the street.

Sunlight came in through the window, bathing the mattress in its warm glow.

This was the room of a famous young celebrity. On his social media, Arthur actually saw Linda taking photos here often, and her photos in this room always got a lot of likes. Maybe it's because her male fans love seeing this room. It makes them fantasize about being alone with her in this room.

Unfortunately, the chances of that are very low, almost impossible.

Linda hurriedly climbed onto the mattress and bent over there, pointing her ass backwards.

"Baby, come on," she said.

If Arthur was impatient, she was certainly more impatient.

Arthur climbed onto the mattress, stopping behind her ass. He aimed his cock straight at her already very wet pussy.

With ease, his cock entered her vagina which was much narrower than last time.

It seemed that not having sex for a few months had made little difference to her body.

This is her downside to fucking Arthur. In effect she would have trouble being attracted to other men.

Arthur then pressed her back and hugged her waist with one arm while his hands groped her breasts.

"Are you ready?" he asked next to her ear.

"Just do it, and don't hold back," Linda replied.

It seemed she wanted more than just sex, perhaps she also wanted to be tortured in a comfortable way.

Arthur moved immediately, not holding back as he would have liked.

Pa! Pa! Pa!

"Ohhhh... Ohhhh... Aahhhhh...." In an instant, the sound of flesh clashing resounded loudly, followed by Linda's moans of pleasure.

The sound of her moans could even be heard clearly in the living room.

She sent her younger brother away obviously because she didn't want to be disturbed even though she didn't mind what she was doing being known.

The servant also wouldn't be back in a short time as she needed time to go to the supermarket and then pick out the items she bought.

For now, Arthur and Linda can have their fun in the wildest way possible.

Only, they turned out to do it for longer.

When the servant, the middle age woman returned, they were still at it so when she came into the house, she heard Linda moaning from upstairs, and saw Arthur and Linda's clothes lying beside the sofa.

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