The dreaded drug dealer and his underlings are defeated by Amanda's kicks and the power of her illusions.

In the end, she was a Magus who had almost become an Official Magus, so her strength was already too far above ordinary humans. Maybe she would be in trouble if they shot, but unfortunately they didn't have time to shoot.

Of course, the end result would still be the same since Arthur was watching on the side.

Amanda walked over to Uncle Sam, ignoring everyone's dumbfounded expressions.

By now, more than half of them were rubbing their eyes, looking like they were wondering what was going on and couldn't believe what they were seeing.

The problem was how this was explained and told. They would probably be considered crazy if they talked about this.

"You? What exactly are you?" Uncle Sam could still speak even though his entire body was immobilized.

At this point, he unconsciously asked a question, something that was beyond his control due to the shock he felt.

A feeling of fear naturally arose in his mind as he finally felt extremely threatened.

"Humans like you are the ones I hate the most," Amanda said, not answering Sam's question.

"You seem to be able to ignore the law, but don't think about escaping my punishment."

When Amanda talked about punishment, Sam became even more panicked because Amanda's expression looked like she was going to send him to hell.

ραndαsΝοvεl ƈοm Maybe it was impossible, but it was still possible to make him live a life not unlike the life of hell.

Actually, that wasn't something Amanda could do either. She stared at Arthur while the latter approached her.

"What do you want me to do to them?" asked Arthur, knowing that she needed help.

He wondered if Amanda would be cruel to them.

If that was the case, he would naturally help.

"I want them to stay alive, but make them unable to do anything but beg," Amanda replied without hesitation.

Her request seemed to be almost entirely out of emotion, with little rationality.

Even so, Arthur still nodded.

It's just that, he needed to do it seriously because there were too many people here, which meant he needed to release more magic to avoid unnecessary commotion.

At best, the things that happened here would become urban stories that were considered untrue but were often told.


He moved, disappearing from people's sight.

At the same time, the minds of everyone here went blank, as if their brain cells stopped functioning.

They were exposed to stronger illusionary magic, something Arthur could still do at this level even if his focus was not illusion.

When that happened, he began to take action against Sam and his subordinates.

What he did was nothing more than cutting off both of Sam's legs and one of each of his subordinates' legs and directly healing their wounds.

He also erased every recording from the time he and Amanda arrived until now.

Even then he messed with people's minds further so that later they would not be sure what had happened.

This is how real magic is when used on ordinary people.

However, he allowed Titan and the others to see everything.

He thought it didn't matter anymore since they were already pretty much involved with his and Amanda's lives.

Maybe it was their luck. At most he would make them unable to speak.

Before everyone recovered, he, Amanda, Titan, and the others left the place.

For Sam and his subordinates, he made them keep everything in mind to let them know that their suffering was due to their own arrogance.

It did not matter if they later told stories to certain parties. Right now, it didn't matter anymore because the parties controlling this country also knew about him.

His arrival must have been known to them, and he was prepared for the small conflicts that would occur.

That would allow him to slowly weaken them and perhaps gain more knowledge about them.

Here, he could not simply attack as he had done to the Armstrong Family.

He might be able to ignore an enemy made up of humans, but when those mysterious creatures were preparing for his attack, he needed to be more careful.

Not long after, they arrived again outside the drug trafficking street.

The situation was still the same so nothing seemed strange.

"Now where are we going?" Arthur asked Amanda as he got on the motorcycle first.I think you should take a look at ραΠdαsnovel.cοm

Amanda looked thoughtful and didn't seem sure where they were going either.

There were too many places to visit, causing confusion.

Titan and the others were even more confused. They were confused as to what they were going to do after this.

And suddenly, Kabir asked Amanda, "Miss, what about the money you promised us?"

When she heard that, Amanda looked very surprised.

Perhaps she was torn between whether to get angry or fulfill her promise.

She did have to be angry that a group of young people were trying to ask her for money, but she also felt bad if she had to break her promise.

"How can I trust that you won't do something like this again?" she asked not only Kabir, but the others as well.

Asked about it, they seemed unconvinced as there was a chance they would buy the illicit stuff again. One dealer may have fallen, but Amanda was sure there were many others.

"Miss, can we learn how to use that superpower?" Titan suddenly asked and then said, "we will definitely stop taking drugs as long as we have a clear activity. Teach us and we will uphold justice in this city."

Titan is smarter, he knows that what is more important now is not money. The power used by Amanda and Arthur is much more important.

"Ask him," Amanda replied while looking at Arthur.

That would be Arthur's decision.

Arthur had initially refused to take matters into his own hands to develop power in this country because he had already left that task to Isla, Suzune, and Rebecca.

However, things were still heading this way now.

"Let's go to a quiet place first," he said before Titan spoke again.

This was not so troublesome because it was basically just doing it by chance, so he did not refuse, at least it would reduce the burden on the three women.

They went to an area near the city's harbor.

Although it was a busy place full of people, there were some small parks to relax while looking at the sea.

Arthur ordered Titan and the others to line up. He then transferred a spell to each of their heads. Even then gave them potions and gave them the explanation that he and Amanda were using magic, not superpowers.

Regardless, they were very happy to finally have access to the power of human dreams.

They also promised to be forever loyal to Arthur and Amanda.

The latter still gave them money in the end, and ordered them to improve their lives.

Once done, they left, parting ways with Arthur and Amanda.

However, a woman arrived after they left. She was none other than Isla.

Appearance was no different from the last time Arthur saw her.

She still had short brown hair with a graceful style.

Today she was wearing long pants and a white shirt, making it obvious that she was a student of a university.

If there was anything different, it was that she was wearing glasses that people with minus eyes used to wear.

Arthur didn't know why she was wearing glasses because last time she only wore her glasses when she was about to read.

Of course, now she was also a very powerful Magus.

Amanda still knew who she was even though she had never met her in person.

"Arthur, Miss Amanda, hello!" She greeted the two in a polite-sounding tone.

"Actually you didn't know to come to this city," Arthur said in response.

"It would be a shame if I didn't come and see what you'll be doing in America. After all, Boston is very close to New York," Isla replied with a faint smile.

She was very relaxed in front of Arthur because she thought of them as friends, not boss and subordinate, something that bothered Amanda somewhat.

For this one woman, she didn't dare underestimate her because she saw the intelligence in her eyes.

"Dear, let's go, I think I'm getting tired and want to rest," she said and her real intention was to avoid Isla.

The latter wouldn't be able to come along because they were on motorcycles.

She saw Isla coming on foot, so she wondered how she would respond.

Of course, from Arthur's point of view, leaving Isla here when she had just arrived would make him look too heartless. He wondered how to handle this.

Surprisingly enough, Isla suddenly said, "Arthur, how about you fly over and take us. Actually, I feel like I'm not far from a breakthrough, but I need certain insights. Maybe I can get them while flying."

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