Unfortunately, even though the princess said that she just wanted to relax with Arthur, her hand still entered Arthur's shirt after some time.

Her face approached his neck and then kissed it. She unhesitatingly licked Arthur's neck, as if intentionally with the purpose of arousing his desire.

Arthur rolled his eyes but it didn't stop her from doing that.

It might be hard to find students who did this in university classes, but Yukiko, as a princess was really brave.

Time will not erase the dirty things that have been done by two famous princesses in this university.

"It's hot," Yukiko said suddenly as she sat up.

It was unknown why she said that because the class was actually quite cold. It was almost winter now plus there were several air conditioners in the classroom.

After she sat up, Arthur finally knew why she said that.

She suddenly took off her shirt so that only her bra was left on her upper body.

After that, she lay on top of Arthur's body once again.

This time, she did not rest her face on Arthur's chest. Her face was now above his while her eyes looked into his.

A few strands of her hair fell on Arthur's face, giving him a ticklish sensation.

"Can't you help it?" Arthur asked her.

"You made me recognize this," Yukiko replied.

"One round, can you really not do it?" She asked after answering.

It seemed that she was in a very uncomfortable state if she didn't.

It ultimately made her unable to maintain her words.

Arthur looked into her eyes in a deep way.

After that, he smiled and laughed.

"Well, okay," he said before kissing her lips and then hugging her waist.

He was going to do something big soon. Before that, it was better to enjoy things first.

Kissed by Arthur, Yukiko was instantly excited.

She kissed him back wildly while her hands moved quickly to undress Arthur.

She had no desire other than to strip him naked and make love to him, no matter that they were now in the classroom.

Arthur was also trying to strip her.

Once she was naked, he laid her body on the desk while he was under her feet.

With quick movements, he inserts his dick into her pussy, starting a game called fuck.

They make love with wild abandon. Yukiko moaned without restraint, as if she was possessed by a demon.

The air-conditioned classroom became hot in no time due to their movements.

This was unnoticed by anyone because the classroom itself had a soundproofing system that ensured that no matter how loud the sound was, it would not leak out.

At the peak of the game when Arthur cum, Yukiko did something even crazier.

She puts Arthur's cock in her mouth and sucks it so hard that Arthur's cum shoots straight into her stomach.

Desire sometimes does drive people crazy.

Even after Arthur cum, Yukiko still kept Arthur's cock in her mouth while it shrank slowly.

Her face could now be said to be an indescribable sight, something of course only Arthur could know.


It was a short day for Arthur.

He felt that the afternoon hour arrived too soon.

After all, his first day at university had been filled with very exciting experiences.

As he walked out of the university with Carla and Bella, the two girls kept looking at him unhappily.

Actually, he was being watched by the Japanese Princess and the Spanish Princess from their respective dorms.

Carla and Bella were an existence that they did not care about. They were only focused on Arthur until he disappeared.

Only, Arthur parted ways with Carla and Bella.

The two apparently wanted to walk around the city while Arthur wanted to go home, so on the way home, Arthur walked alone.

However, he doesn't seem to be a man destined to keep walking alone.

He suddenly met Audrey, the young girl who instantly became awkward when she saw him.

"Where's Raymond?" Arthur asked her as the girl was alone, unlike this morning where she was with Raymond, her boyfriend whom she claimed to be the only one she loved.

"Already home," she replied in a nonchalant tone, trying to avoid Arthur's face.

Arthur's gaze became strange and then he shook his head, taking a step away.

He guessed that the young girl was in a foul mood, so she took a walk by herself.

Surprisingly when he left, the young girl suddenly followed him.

"I wanted to ask you about something," she said as Arthur looked at her.

"What?" asked Arthur.

"What do you think my future holds?" the girl replied.

"I'm not a fortune teller, so it's not suitable for you to ask me about that." Arthur shook his head with a strange expression.

As he expected, the girl was in a state of mind.

She was clearly doubting her loyalty to Raymond.

"Do you think Raymond and I will be faithful to each other forever?" the girl asked once again, changing the question.

"I'm afraid neither of you will," Arthur replied.

Since this was more of an opinion question, he answered based on his thoughts.

Of course, his answer instantly made Audrey's pretty face turn red with embarrassment.

"How can you say that Raymond won't be forever faithful to me?" she said, "I'm so beautiful and rich, there's no way a man can leave me."

Apparently she was thinking more about Raymond's loyalty now than her own.

She doubted she could always be faithful, but she thought Raymond would always be faithful.

Unfortunately, Arthur says that neither of them will be faithful to each other forever.

"Men are more easily attracted to other women, so don't overestimate any one man. He might mind losing you, but that doesn't mean he's not flirting with other women and playing behind your back." Arthur explained as he found it amusing to see the young girl's concern.

"Of course, it's hard to find a rich girl like you, but you must realize that it's very easy to find one as beautiful as you. Each girl has a different unique personality, so just because one girl is pretty, it doesn't mean one isn't interested in other pretty girls." He added.

Instantly, Audrey's complexion turned between pale and red.

Luckily she seemed to have prepared for hearing bad things, so she was able to calm herself down even though she had to take five deep breaths with her hands on her chest.

"Don't feel sorry for having a relationship with a man because it broadens your horizons." Arthur gave her some advice.

"Who has regrets?" The girl responded instantly, snorting softly.

"I'm not the kind of woman who cries easily. If Raymond dares to cheat on me, he will also suffer for betraying me. I don't care about the past," she said.

"Yeah, I hope your relationship is fine." Arthur laughed, quickening his pace to leave the girl.

However, the girl was also quickening her pace.

"Arthur, do you really not want to do it with me?" she asked, startling the passers-by as the meaning of her words was too easily understood.

Arthur rolled his eyes, not knowing whether to laugh or cry.

He wondered why the current generation could be so ridiculous.

"Why do you ask that?" Arthur asked back, looking into her eyes that looked like a pair of diamonds.

Audrey seemed strangely embarrassed to be asked that.

She suddenly wondered to herself why she was asking that.

'Am I getting comfortable with him?' she thought.

She had been drunk earlier, so it was only natural that she looked crazy.

However, now that her mind was normal, why would she suddenly bring up that topic, as if she really wanted to invite Arthur again.

A woman wouldn't do that unless she was comfortable.

Audrey rolled her eyes a few times, confused about Arthur's question.

And strangely, she felt her body become hot and unconsciously glanced at Arthur's face several times.

At this point, her brain was filled with the thought that Arthur was so handsome to the point she felt she really wanted to be fucked by him.

For him, she didn't mind betraying Raymond, her lover.

"I know I'm underage, but what if I become more mature?" She suddenly asked again, a question that instantly made her heart tremble.

'Damn, why am I asking more ridiculous things,' she thought.

Arthur looked into her eyes and laughed.

"Well, that's something I can only answer when you're older," he said.

He increased the speed of his steps once again. This time, he was too fast for Audrey to catch up with him.

She was left alone, but that didn't make her angry or sad. Her mind was really getting muddled now.

Then, she opened her phone to open a social media.

She searched for Arthur's account by going through the list of accounts followed by Linda's account.

In no time, she actually found Arthur's account which only had a few photos but each photo managed to make Audrey's face blush.

She looked around before walking towards a hotel.

There was something she couldn't control at all as a young girl who was in a period where desire was very high.

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