Revenge Sevenfold

Chapter 124 That Should Be Enough

When the three of them came back to the apartment, Director Peng was waiting for them inside the living room with a dark expression.

"Good evening, director," Hui Yin greeted, her heart thumping in nervousness when she saw that he didn't give her his usual customary smile.

"Good evening, director."

Both Bao Bai and Yu Qiang echoed her, their voices sounding just as apprehensive as hers.

Hui Yin couldn't pinpoint why the director was in a bad mood. Didn't they create a perfect take earlier? So why did Director Peng look like he wanted to strangle the three of them?

She also noticed that the rest of the actresses weren't there, which meant that only the three of them were at fault.

As far as Hui Yin knew, the only thing that they did different than anybody else was that they had dinner outside. But didn't Geng Niu and Tan Na go outside as well? Why was he singling them out?

"You girls went outside to eat dinner?"

He didn't wait for them to answer his question. His mouth a straight line, he continued, "Did you ask for my permission to go out?"

Hui Yin was speechless. What was this? They need his permission to go out?

"As long as you are under my employ, you are not to go outside without permission, regardless of whether you want to or not. I trusted you girls not to do any foolishness, and look at where it got me! For the next two weeks, you are grounded inside the apartment and are not to take a single step outside. Understood?"

"But director..." Yu Qiang couldn't take it anymore and spoke out.

"It's a simple request." His tone was harsh, and he looked at Yu Qiang with a flinty expression. "I want to finish filming the show as soon as possible, and you have already agreed to the contract of being mutually responsible for the production. Is touring Shanghai your first priority, Miss Yu?"

"That's not what she means." Hui Yin regarded Director Peng with frosty calm. "Director, we always do our best in acting out your instructions, and we have pushed ourselves these past two weeks to make sure we give our best to this show. Is a simple dinner outside really worth your chastisement? We are under your employ, yes, but you are not our custodian. We have the right to act freely as we see fit."

"Miss Hui." Director Peng raised a silencing hand. "Naturally, I understand that all of you don't like to be constrained. And as you say, I'm not your custodian. But if this project falls, will you be willing to pay for the costs, Miss Hui? And if I sued you for a breach in the contract, will you be willing to face me in court? I advise you to think carefully before you reply, Miss Hui."

Her face stiffened, and Hui Yin opened her mouth...only to be stopped by Bao Bai, who squeezed her arm in warning.

"Leave it be," she said softly to her. "We can afford to stay inside the apartment for two more weeks. I know it's not fair, but are you sure you want to test his temper just because your dignity was pricked?"

Hui Yin knew that she was right, but she still couldn't help but feel angry at the Director Peng's high-handedness. Did he think they were his slaves to order about? If this got out to the media, who did he think will receive the worst backlash? It was certainly not them.

But in the end she kept her silence, not because she was afraid of Director Peng's threat, but because she knew that if she exploded, Yu Qiang would surely follow after her. She didn't want to drag her into this mess.

"Director Peng, we understand," Bao Bai was saying. "We will never do it again."

Director Peng dismissed them with an unsmiling expression, and Bao Bai dragged the two reluctant girls into their rooms.

She had barely managed to close the door when Yu Qiang exploded, her mouth letting out a stream of creative curses that even made the angry Hui Yin laugh.


After the three girls disappeared from his sight, Director Peng's face fell abruptly into stern lines, his conscience making his lips quiver in regret. He glanced at the girl standing in the shadows, his voice heavy.

"Tan Na, that should be enough for you, right?"

A laugh full of jovial mirth answered him, and a girl with wavy brown hair stepped into the light. There was a kind of insidious air surrounding her, making him feel an inexplicable sense of discomfort.

"It was so-so, Director Peng. I'm surprised they didn't see how many times you've wiped your sweaty palms on the hem of your shirt."

Director Peng swallowed. Nothing truly escaped this girl's eyes. He was afraid that even the number of times he blinked for the past hour had been counted.

Tan Na laughed again. She lingered for a few leisurely seconds, enjoying the sight of the director being ill at ease in her presence.

During the day he could pretend to boss her around, but it was Tan Na who truly dictated their relationship. After all, Director Peng had been entrusted to her. She had the final say on everything related to him and this little TV series.

Finally, Tan Na left. She opened the front door and walked towards the yard where a nondescript black car waited for her on the sidewalk. Once she slid in into the car, it pulled away and sped into the highway.

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