Chapter 28: Blowing the worries away (slight r18)

With the main faucet of my small shower broken, there was no way for Fay to properly wash her hair. And even if she could somehow conquer the quirks of modern technology and overcome the trouble she herself created...

I could still claim, and with a certain dose of confidence at that, she would want me to wash her hair anyway.

With how few words Fay would speak, even with her dictionary rapidly and steadily increasing, I learned to attach a lot more value to what words she was using. And just like I could tell the difference between her calling me "Human Peter," and just "Peter,", it was plain for me to see that her "grooming" didn't exactly mean just "washing someone's hair."

'As far as I can recall, grooming is what animals do to build bonds, especially amidst the closest members of their pack,' I thought, only for a sour smile to appear on my lips a moment later. 'Or is it just my lust-founded wishful thinking?'

This moment of distraction caused the water in the bucket I was filling to overflow, sending the warm chill up my suddenly wet socks.

"Shit," I cursed a little, taking a step back and pulling the bucket of water away... And making the mistake of assuming, just like I would yesterday, that the water would now flow down the shower's drain. Please visit fr𝐞𝐞w𝒏.π’Έπ‘œπ”ͺ website to read fastest update

But the very middle of the battery was now broken off. And while I could still manipulate the flow of both cold and hot water to adjust the temperature of a small fountain that burst forth the broken part... It was no longer aimed anywhere near the shower.

"Shit..." I cursed again as I watched water spill all over the floor before rapidly reaching for what was left of the battery and cutting the inflow of water. As a result, by the time the situation calmed down, my new set of clothes was as wet as the clothes that I just changed from.

I had no time to dawdle around, though. With the shower's battery broken, I had no means of keeping the water running and thus at a constant temperature. It was already a blessing that I found a small basin stashed away in the dark corner of the small storage shed outside. And now, for every second that I wasted, the water in the basin would turn slightly colder.

And for Fay's first, proper hair wash, subjecting her to the discomfort of cold water...

'Stop it!' I disciplined my thoughts, refusing to even imagine such a discourtesy, raising the heavy basin and carrying it over to the main room of my spartan apartment.

"Here!" I uttered a small scream of relief when I dropped the basin down by my bed, just by its edge. "Lay down face up, with your head on the edge of the bed," I instructed the girl while turning to my bags and fishing out several bottles of expensive cosmetics.

'First, use softener,' I recalled the words of the shopkeeper at both the relatively high-end cosmetic shop and then the advice of the vet from the clinic I visited while on the way back.

For Fay... I couldn't really tell whether I should follow up the routine of the vet or the cosmetologist. Was her hair... actually hair? Or was it an illusion attached to fur?

With no other choice, I simply followed my own gut and reason, splashing quite a bit of the thin liquid from the first bottle before raising my eyes up...

After applying the final cosmetic and then carefully rinsing Fay's hair, I finally moved on to the last few steps.

First, I smeared yet another creme into her hair, the name of which I didn't even know. Then came a strange, white powder that seemed to be so light it could flow in the air. And lastly...

"Can you stand up and sit on the edge of the bed now?" I asked, already rushing back to the bathroom to find the hand-held hair dryer that I low-key stole from my aunt's house. It was a cheap replacement for what my mom used to have, and something I couldn't afford to miss if I didn't want to get sick every time after washing my own hair and having no other choice but to wait for them to dry themselves.

By the time I returned to the room with the electric device in my hand, Fay already finished my instructions, moving up and sitting down at the edge of the bed. And as if to add the adorableness to the picture, she happily inserted her feet into the wastewater from washing her hair, gently sloshing the water within the basin.

Fay spoke nothing as she saw me approach, connect the dryer and the seat myself behind her back.

"I'm going to blow hot air to dry your hair. There will be a strange noise, so I hope it won't startle you too much," I warned as a small, mischievous smile crept up my lips.

I was just a single move of a finger away from turning the hair dryer on only to then savor Fay's reaction to the unknown magic.

"Did something happen?" the girl asked right as I was about to pull the trigger. "Because you know..."

I already knew Fay was learning my language at a speed that would put even the greatest polyglots of the world to shame. But still, hearing how quickly she advanced, even though I already knew about it... I still couldn't help but get shocked.

"When Fay finished her bath, Fay could tell Peter's aura..."

Looking from behind her shoulder, I couldn't catch all the details of Fay's expression. But even with this poor angle, I could see the hints of the uneasy look on the girl's face.

"Peter's aura... heavier."

This supposedly joyous, amusing moment suddenly turned just like how Fay felt about my aura.


So, I had no other choice but to blow all our worries away with a dose of cuteness.

I pulled the trigger, turning the hair dryer on and sending a stream of hot, directed air at Fay's wet hair.

The dryer alone couldn't blow the dense air out of the room. But when Fay jumped a little while squeaking "Kyaaa!", the thick atmosphere didn't have a chance!

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