Rise of Humanity

Chapter 477 - Wild Ambition

Chapter 477 - Wild Ambition

In the rocky planet, a demon god arrived to the bloody battlefield, he looked around and frowned.

Suddenly, his senses picked up an incredibly faint moan coming from the underground of five mountains. He flicked his finger and the five mountains crumbled into dust, they have disintegrated into the totem patterns and dispersed in thin air. As soon as the mountains were eradicated, the demon lady Fu Tixiang was revealed to be still alive underneath the mountains.

The mountains were formed by Zhong Yue with the totem patterns, they weren’t true mountains and Zhong Yue was still a far distance away from actualizing real objects from his psyche. But it wasn’t an issue to imitate mountains with totem patterns.

Back then when he launched the strike, Zhong Yue was way too heavily injured to do anything else.

The injuries he was suffering were too great for him to cast any other stronger skills. Thus, he used the power of the five elements and formed the five finger mountains. The mountains were too weak to kill her instantly, but they were strong enough to trap her beneath. These mountains were formed in a way that they would grind Fu Tixiang’s cultivation base little by little and with every surge of energy faltered away from the demon lady, the five mountains would grow stronger. Eventually, they would siphon every last morsel of energy from Fu Tixiang before killing her.

However, the arrival of the demon god had interrupted the plan.

Seeing that there was still a survivor, the demon god has quickly rushed over and helped Fu Tixiang in suppressing her injuries, he asked, “You are the disciple of the Fu Ti Saint Race? Where are the others? Su Domi?”

Fu Tixiang spurted out a mouthful of blood, she didn’t even have the energy to grasp for breath. She laid powerlessly on the ground and rested for a few moments before shaking her head and answering, “Senior Martial Brother Su Domi has most probably escaped. The other senior martial siblings are … mostly all dead. I tried to survive by playing dead, he was already going to leave… I thought I could survive but he is too cautious, he has still formed the five finger mountains even in that situation … I nearly died… What about Senior Martial Sister Que Yan’er?”

The demon god didn’t answer her, he raised his hand toward a direction and when Fu Tixiang looked over, she saw Que Yan’er lying on the ground lifelessly. The demon lady couldn’t escaped death in the end.

Beside Que Yan’er, there were the five shattered light wheels, those were her Yuan Shen secret realms.

“Who did all of this?” The demon god’s tone turned somber and his eyes became filled with killing intent.

Immediately, the image of a young human appeared in Fu Tixiang’s mind, her body shivered. She quickly grit her teeth and answered, “He is a… fiend… a terrifying fiend…”

In space, a huge piece of the shattered little star was flying toward the far Kun Lun. Tens of days had passed and it was drawing nearer to Kun Lun.

Zhong Yue stood up and revealed a muscular torso, his muscles were bulging out and yet, aligned perfectly. He lifted up his hands and his clothes flew toward him.

Chi Xue has also stood up, her skin complexion wasn't too pale nor too dark, just right at a perfect blend of both. Her waist-length ebony hair covered most of her chest as her blouse flew up and covered her body.

When her flawless toes were lifted up from the ground as she walked toward Zhong Yue, her shoes then flew over her feet as well.

The two of them stood alongside each other, they watched the starry space as the shattered star carried them toward one of the moons that were orbiting the Kun Lun Realm. Zhong Yue glanced at the young lady whose arms were curled around his, and he thought with slight displeasure, She kept pushing me on the ground and having her way with me…

Although he was irked, he still felt incredibly good. What had just happened was way too novel of an experience for him.

But all of a sudden, Qiu Jin’er’s innocent countenance appeared in his mind, and a wave of guilt instantly washed over him.

Junior martial sister is just right in my Yuan Shen secret realms, how can I do this…

He then furtively peered into his Yuan Shen secret realms. Qiu Jin’er was still in her closed door training, while other than his junior martial sister, Ying Nu and the divine herbs were also in his Yuan Shen secret realms.

Luckily, I closed the connection of the Yuan Shen secret realms to the outside world, they don't know what just happened. If Xin Huo suddenly wakes from his slumber, he will make a lot of noises again…, Zhong Yue suddenly felt grateful in his heart.


The shattered star crashed on the moon surface and the two couples landed on the moon. They looked around and everything that came into vision was only a piece of greyish flatland. There were no signs of living things around nor were there any beasts.

A desolate moon.

While on the far end, there were the other moons orbiting around Kun Lun. Shining brightly in the ice-cold moon rays.

“There was a god who resided here,” Chi Xue lead the way, and she said while smiling, “There was once a moon god that stayed here, there’s a moon palace just not far in front of us. However, during the last war we had with the A’thoer demon gods, she became the first line of defense and so was killed first in the demon invasion. The same thing happened for quite a few moon gods and soon enough, there weren’t any gods who were willing to come anymore. We will rest in the moon palace, when the Kun Lun gods are here for us, we will be able to go back to Kun Lun again.”

Zhong Yue nodded. Soon, they arrived at the moon palace. There was dust everywhere and the palace was mostly devastated. It was really hard to imagine how grand the moon palace was in the ancient days.

However, there were a few smaller palaces around that remained standing. The two of them then walked into one of the smaller palaces. There was no dust inside the palace and the picture engravings that depicted grandiose mob palace of the past.

Zhong Yue and Chi Xue walked around. The two of them stayed in the palace and quietly treated the injuries inflicted on them during the clash of the gods.

Thankfully, the both of them plundered many divine herbs. With the help of the divine herbs, they were able to recover the injuries without leaving any flaw in their body. However, it would still take some time for them to fully recover to their peak state.

The Six Paths Fruit Tree should be in Kun Lun by already, shouldn’t it? Zhong Yue thought, It is very strong and even more, with the teleportation process disrupted, we weren’t teleported right back into Kun Lun. As such, it wouldn’t have to make up stories and hide its identities or going through the interrogations . With its prowess, sooner of later the Kun Lun will be trembling by its sudden appearance. There is also the Kua Fu expert Kua Fuding, he wouldn’t be strong enough to enter Kun Lun as well, he might be at one of the moons here as well. Whereas Peng Qiuqian… he must be hiding somewhere treating his wounds we well…

Other than Kua Fuding, there was also the Tian Wu young cultivator. The eight little Golden Hous were really naughty, but it was an uncertainty whether or not they survived the clash.

Zhong Yue’s face suddenly turned gloomy, he thought, Any other else is still fine, but this Peng Qianqiu must die! He has seen my 【Mystic Infinite Transformation】, if he returns to the Ancestral Star, he will spread the word out and the whole world will know about it!

Zhong Yue and Chi Xue were both quietly tending to their wounds before they suddenly found themselves back in the throes of passion. Thankfully, this was the moon palace and beneath it was the moon, it wouldn’t crack and shatter into pieces like that little star.

After they finished up, Zhong Yue then felt guilty again. He felt like as though he has betrayed Qiu Jin’er, but not long later, he rolled on the ground with Chi Xue again, and the process continued to repeat itself for a few times.

After tens of days, their injuries had recovered substantially. Chi Xue has on top of Zhong Yue’s chest. She smiled coquettishly as she said, “Young man of the Zhong Shan Clan, when I one day become the Western Mother Empress, you will be my man queen!”


Zhong Yue turned his body and pressed her down onto the ground, he shook his head and said, “Even if you are the Western Mother Empress, I won't be your man queen. I’m not the husband of an empress, I am the emperor myself. At the least, I will be as honorable as your Western Mother Empress.”

“The Western Mother Empire is a matriarchy, you want to be emperor? Then you will have to face the spears of our Western Mother Celestial Race!”

Chi Xue clung her legs onto Zhong Yue’s waist and tried to flip him over, “But you have no idea how strong the Western Mother Celestial Race is. Thus, I will never be the wife of an emperor, but instead you will be the husband of an empress.”

Zhong Yue then stood up, he wore the clothes and answered with a smile, “Why do I need to rely on your empire? You can be your Western Mother Empress and I can be my Eastern Father Emperor. I have no interest in the throne of your Western Mother Empire. Furthermore, don’t you think it’s still too early for you to speak of the Western Mother Empress?”

“Eastern Father Emperor?”

Chi Xue was startled, she then smiled and refuted, “It’s uncertain if you can become the Eastern Father Emperor, but I am definitely the Western Mother Empress.”

Zhong Yue ran the thought through her mind, he then took out one of the Peaches of Immortality he received from the mother tree and tucked it into her hands. “This is from the mother tree, I only have two. Take this and offer it to the empress.”

Chi Xue then turned silent, she kept the Peaches of Immortality in her Yuan Shen secret realms and looked incredibly downspirited.

Zhong Yue laughed as he said, “Also, don’t throw the seed away, the seed of the mother tree’s Peaches of Immortality can grow into another new divine tree. This is something the other Immortality Peach Tree can’t do.”

Chi Xue gave a long sigh and gave a warm bright smile, “You gave me the Peaches of Immortality, does that mean you are leaving Kun Lun?”

Zhong Yue nodded, he said with a smile, “I can’t stay here forever, and my actions in the Returning Ruins will sooner or later be known to the Kun Lun gods.”

Way too many experts were killed by him in the Returning Ruins. This included even the Kun Lun Qi Practitioners such as Chi Qing, Chi Yue’er, Shang Qing and the others.

While Peng Qianqiu and Kua Guding were still alive, they would definitely spread the word out, and that would put him in a very precarious position.

Chi Xue nodded silently, she took out a totem pillar and said, “I’ll contact the phoenix race and they will send you out of Kun Lun.”

Soon, a phoenix god flew out from the Pure Yang lightning zone, she came to the moon palace and brought the two of them back into Kun Lun. They arrived right on the Nacre Lake, and the two of them proceeded to take a rest in Chi Xue’s palace.

Chi Xue whispered to him, “Wait here for awhile, I’ll go get the Teleportation Golden Tablet and send you back to the Ancestral Star.”

After some time, the young lady came back, she handed a golden tablet and an incense stick to Zhong Yue. Just as she was going to say something, her face suddenly changed and she whispered softly at him, “Hide for awhile. Western Mother Empress is here.”

Zhong Yue then quickly moved to the back hall of the palace. Right as he hid himself in the shadows, footsteps could be heard moving into the palace. Western Mother Empress and her servant maids had arrived in Chi Xue’s palace.

Chi Xue stepped forward and knelt on one knee, “Chi Xue greets the Western Mother Empress. If I may, can I ask of A’thoer Lord and the demon gods…”

“You may stand, my child. A’thoer Lord has aged, he won’t dare to fight with me before he finds himself a successor. Seeing that there are simply no benefits in fighting anymore, he has led the demon gods and left.” Western Mother Empress’s then said warmly, “Many have not returned from the Returning Ruins, even our Western Mother Celestial Race has only one survivor, there is a lot I have to ask you. The rest of you, leave us alone and make sure there are no prying ears.”

The phoenix servants then bowed and left the palace.

Immediately, Zhong Yue could feel a pair of sharp eyes glancing at him. His heart has still tensed up despite him already knowing that he wouldn’t be able to hide himself from the senses of a Deity Overlord, especially when they were so close to one another.

Thankfully, even though the Western Mother Empress ‘saw’ him, she didn’t do anything.

“Xue’er, have you found any Peaches of Immortality?” Western Mother Empress went straight to the topic at hand.

Chi Xue smiled, “Yes, I did. But I ate it already.”

Zhong Yue’s heart shuddered as he felt the temperature seem to suddenly plummet to subzero.

Moments later, Western Mother Empress smiled and asked, “You ate it?”

Chi Xue nodded and replied while holding the same smile on her face, “Not only that, but I also killed Sister Chi Qing, Sister Yue’er, Sister Yun’er, and Shang Qing as well.

Right at that instant, the birds stopped chirping, the air seemed to freeze, and the only thing that could be hard were the sounds of breathing.

Zhong Yue could even hear his heart thumping in shock, his blood essence then slowly raised and gathered together.

“Mother god, now you only have one choice of a successor, and that is me,” Chi Xue smiled. A hint of craziness was masked in her words as she said, “Without the Peaches of Immortality, you can’t extend your life and as such, it’s near impossible to find someone as prominent as Shang Qing, Sister Chi Qing and the others. Even if you could find someone like that, there is simply no time for you to teach and nurture them.

“If you don’t choose me still, the Western Mother Empire will undoubtedly crumble within the next generation. The races will rise and the empire will fall, we will not be able to rise again anymore. You told Sister Chi Qing and the others yourself, you said that I have a wild ambition, that I will rise against the crown and rebel of I have to?”

Zhong Yue’s hands quickly became clammy with sweat.

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