Rise of Humanity

Chapter 673 - The Impossible World

Chapter 673 - The Impossible World

It was kind of shocking for an ancient existence’s Dao to be broken; Zhong Yue once tried to investigate her traces in the realms she created in the other places but there was not even a single drop of sweat, not to mention footprints.

And now, she had revealed herself, having left behind footprints, sweat marks and hair all over the ground, even shown signs of total mental breaking down. All of this suggested that this ancient existence was dealing with immense pressure!

Was it because of the fatigue from creating the Six Paths Reincarnation or did she encounter something unexpected, such as an invasion?

“Doesn’t look like an invasion, there are no traces of a battle.” Xin Huo thought for a moment and said, “Those at such a level are at least Imperial Emperor and if there were enemies, they will sense it before their enemies attacked so there would be traces everywhere if they fought. But… if it was just experimenting on the Six Paths Reincarnation, she wouldn't be this tired to the extent that her hair would fall off…”

Clearly, Xin Huo was greatly puzzled as well.

He was not awake during that particular era so of course he knew nothing about what happened.

But one thing was for sure; that era must have been a very interesting and amazing era, it really was a shame to not be able to witness the creation of the Six Paths Reincarnation and the process of those who created the Ancient Land of Gods Grave all over the world to research the Six Paths Reincarnation.

The research of this innate goddess on the Six Paths Reincarnation at this place was also one of the bigger events that had happened within that era but this was no longer remembered by anyone.

This was because everything about that era was seemingly erased by someone and now, perhaps only those innate gods that lived through the era and the spirits in the Void World would know the secrets of that era.

Zhong Yue shrugged off his unnecessary thoughts, turning his head around and looking at the palace which was extremely tall. It was so tall that it looked like it was floating in the air but in fact, it was built on the peak of a huge and strange mountain.

The mountain was strange because it looked like a transparent jade that light could just pass through. Thus, it made for a very unique scene where one could see the palace but not the mountain.

“Such a perfect mountain… It must be the creation of that innate goddess.” Bai Canghai and Ma Shansou praised as they followed behind Zhong Yue on the rocky stairs.

They got onto first flight of the stairs and what entered their vision were palaces built atop mountain peaks, lakes and even oceans.

The entire Ancient Land of Gods Grave was lying there beneath their eyes!

What was strange was that after merely getting into the first flight, it felt like they had already jumped out from the Ancient Land of Gods Grave and out of this dimension. They seemed to have entered a different dimension and it felt very weird.

It did not take long before Zhong Yue discovered this and after reaching the next flight of stairs, even more things entered his vision; he saw a flying bridge outside of this place which extended out from the depth of a black hole and on the other end of this bridge was a portal.

Then, another side of the bridge was the courtyard of Hell where the Realm Lord of Prison Realm and Heavenly King Shang sat with many gods surrounding them.

Suddenly, Bai Canghai waved at the Realm Lord and the Heavenly King Shang as he shouted, “Hey! Over here! Can you see us?”

The Realm Lord immediately put up a confused expression, turned around and scared Bai Canghai as he looked at Bai Canghai’s direction, causing him to quickly hide his head behind Zhong Yue.

“Strange, I felt that someone was looking at me but now, I saw nothing but the black hole. Could it be that there is something hidden within this black hole?” The Realm Lord muttered.

“Tian Yan, come and have a look.” ordered Heavenly King Shang who felt something was off as well.

Tian Yan immediately nodded and looked at the direction of Zhong Yue and the others with his eyes and said confusingly, “My lord, I saw nothing but emptiness within the black hole.”

At this time, Zhong Yue and his companions were already at the third level of the world and this time, what they saw were things beyond the black hole and what lied in front of them was a scene where black holes surrounded the Prison Realm.

Then, they got even further and the entire Prison Realm was within their vision now.

They continued to delve deeper, widening their view. Finally, they find themselves in a place where the entire Six Paths World could be seen; a humongous Six Paths Pan Gu Celestial Being had his six arms stretched out, on his head was the heaven courtyard where the Realm Monarch lived and ruled all the living beings within the Six Paths World and the Six Paths and Reincarnation.

Zhong Yue was awestruck when he examined this scene closely as he realized that the courtyard of the Prison Realm was actually lifted by the Pan Gu Celestial Being on his palm!

When the Prison Realm’s Realm Lord and Heavenly King Shang brought them here all the way from their meeting point to the black hole, it felt like they had traveled for a very long distance but in truth, they had always been within the palm!

He also realized that the Six Paths Pan Gu Celestial Being was staring at everyone with his three eyes and there was only calmness within those eyes.

Suddenly, within the heavenly courtyard where the Realm Monarch stayed, the monarch raised his head and had a confused expression on his face. He looked at them and his voice penetrated through the countless dimensions before finally reaching into their ears.

“My three friends, who are you? Why don’t you show yourselves?”

The trio hurriedly snuck away and avoided the gaze of this monarch with a pounding heart.

His petrifying gaze felt like it could see through the many dimensions in between him and the trio and locked onto them directly!

“Realm Monarch! That was the Realm Monarch!”

Ma Shansou was so excited that he was trembling greatly and he said with a shivering tone, “The Realm Monarch called me friend just now! Did you guys hear it!? Damn, oh my god! Holy!”

Zhong Yue was extremely shocked too, but he was not shocked at the Realm Monarch calling them friends but at this jade mountain which appeared to be very weird and scary to him.

A step a level, we are not even close to the top of the mountain and we have seen so much already, I wonder what we will see at the top…

The trio continued scaling the mountain and after a few moments, they were awestruck to the extent where they lost their voice completely; they had the entire 3000 Six Paths Worlds in their vision, each floating and circled within the universe in their very own unique ways that emitted a mysterious yet grand presence.

What would they see if they got to the top, they did not know.

Zhong Yue recollected his thoughts and climbed up another flight of stairs and immediately, he seemed to have passed through some kind of a barrier as he was transferred to a dimension that was a level higher.

Here, the Six Paths Worlds lied there in the universe like stars in the sky and their trails were so visible as they circled around.

“The Zi Wei Galaxy! This is where the Zi Wei Imperial Star is!” shouted Xin Huo.

Zhong Yue shouted in disbelief, “Zi Wei Imperial Star? Zi Wei Galaxy? So this is the Zi Wei Galaxy?”

He was extremely excited; he came all the way here with only one goal, to get to the Zi Wei Galaxy but as he kept on chasing after the traces of Feng Wuji, he was teleported to the Prison Realm of this Six Paths World.

They lost track of Feng Wuji’s traces but at the same time, because of various reasons, they entered the qualification competition and they used it as a stepping stone to enter the Zi Wei Galaxy.

But at this rate, they would need some time until they finally arrived at the Zi Wei Galaxy.

And who could’ve known that after hiking this jade mountain, they actually see the Zi Wei Galaxy!

“This is only a tip of the iceberg, not the entire Zi Wei Galaxy,” explained Xin Huo, “The Zi Wei Galaxy is located in an even more advanced universe. The entire Six Paths Worlds are spread across over there like a map now, you might be able to see the Zi Wei Galaxy after walking for a few more steps.”

Zhong Yue then took another step forward only to see an endless continental flowing within the galaxy.

In front of them, there was a golden palace that shone brightly and they were standing right in front of a building within this palace.

Vaguely, they saw some scary existences that lived within the buildings in the palace.

“Heh heh heh… The Imperial Emperor is not home…” murmured Ma Shansou as he was slightly out of his mind after receiving all those shocks.

On the other hand, Bai Canghai murmured, “Yeah, thank the gods…”

Zhong Yue ignored them however, he then got up another flight, included the entire Zi Wei Galaxy within his vision and he was awestruck again.

Another step higher, Zhong Yue suddenly trembled and he looked at the scene in front of him with a blank mind; one after another gigantic gods floated in the dead quiet space without creating a noise as they seemed to have fallen into slumber.

This is…

His skeleton body shivered. He was once here, catching a glimpse of this place before being teleported back to the Ancestral Star.

The Void World! This is the Void World! The resting place to the spirits of ancestors from all races!

With a heavy heart, he looked at this scene with an empty mind. Among these spirits were the ancestors of the Fuxi Celestial Race and he did not know what he could do upon seeing their spirits degrading eventually.

Moments later, he recollected his thoughts and as he no longer looked at the scene, he quietly got up another flight.

Flights after flights, the Void World in their vision shrunk and they were drawing closer to the peak of the mountain.

As he finally stepped onto the final flight, he felt like he had gotten past the Void World and to an even higher level and even more sacred place.

They looked towards the outside and they saw nothing but the gates into this huge palace.

“Xin Huo, which dimension are in now?” Zhong Yue asked.

As someone who was equally confused, Xin Huo murmured, “I don’t know either. I’ve lived for such a long time but I never knew that there was any level higher than the Void World! Just what on earth is this world? From what I know, the Void World is the highest dimension already, it is a dimension above the Zi Wei Galaxy… Wait, could it be that The Impossible World was created?!”

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