Chapter 830: Traitor

Translator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus Tales

“Something followed us back to the present?”

The Fuxi gods were puzzled, they stared at the location that Zhong Yue and Yin Fanxuan were at but saw nothing.

The Fuxi clan master shook his head, “When the future comes back to the past, they can see and hear everything, but they cannot touch and intervene in our lives, they won’t be able to change anything that has happened, and we also won’t be able to see them. To them, we are the past, fixed and unchangeable. They are merely observers.”

The eight Fuxi gods were baffled, the clan master’s attainments were beyond their comprehensions.

“If the future cannot change the past, then how can that evil presence still seal our people?” One of the Fuxi god asked, “When our clansmen lifts the bloodline seals, we will return to 30,000 years in the past and encounter him in the seal. But doesn’t this conflict with what you just said? He shouldn’t be able to see our clansmen but he can, let alone kill them.”

“This is why he is strong, even more powerful than I am.” The Fuxi clan master’s face was placid, “The Great Curse sealed not only us, but a part of him as well. It opened a world outside of our space and time, one that is independent in every aspect, even time. Whoever touches the Fuxi bloodline seals would be pulled into that world to meet him. As this parallel world is independent of ours, it can be said as the past, the present, and even the future. Even when one day, he is dead, the Great Curse will still not be dispelled and will persist regardless of his death. His attainments in the [Time Light Spatial Crystal Mystic Scripture] are far beyond mine. As long as there are Fuxi that touches the bloodline seals, they will find themselves in that parallel world and die in his hands.”

The eight Fuxi gods were dead silent.

To the Fuxi Celestial Race, this was a future that allowed no hope, not even killing the evil presence could change the darkness that hung over their fate.

The Fuxi clan master mulled, he suddenly raised his voice, “Friends from the future, where are you from? Which time period are you from? Which clan do you belong to? Here in the past, what is it that you seek? What do you wish to know, to see, and to find?”

He was a middle-aged man whose eyes were filled with the vicissitudes of life, and his voice resonated with extraordinary charm, “Are you a friend or a foe?”

Moments flashed by.

The Fuxi clan master was disappointed and he mumbled, “Seems like you won’t be able to answer me. Following me back to the past, you can only stand outside of the influence of time and space. You can see and hear, but that is all you will be able to do. There’s no way you can send me any form of useful messages.”

“I am a Fuxi!” Zhong Yue shouted at the top of his lungs.

But, the Fuxi clan master couldn’t hear it, no matter how loud he shouted.

Zhong Yue startled. Then, he suddenly found himself and Yin Fanxuan released from the rope that tied them to the thick mast. The rope was an excellent divine weapon, it held them tight to the mast even in the midst of the raging Heavenly River.

Yet, it was as if the rope was non-existent, Zhong Yue and Yin Fanxuan were able to move past it as if they were ghosts, not bound to any physical substance of the past.

Zhong Yue was dazed, he quickly moved down from the mast, stood in front of the Fuxi clan master and shouted, “I’m also a Fuxi!”

The Fuxi clan master still didn’t hear anything, instead, he immersed his senses into the void and felt the flow of time and space around him, he smiled, “I can feel your presences, it’s so… strange yet amazing. What a pity we cannot communicate. I am in dire need to know the future, that if we have won or lost, that how are my people living in the future. I want to go to the future and take a look, but every time I go to the future, I find myself dead.”

Zhong Yue startled while the Fuxi clan master smiled wrying, he lowered his voice and continued, “I died in my time, my era, I can’t go to the future.”

But quickly, he adjusted his emotions and bestirred his spirit. He powered the enormous warship toward the unworldly land of the Fuxi Clan, he laughed, “I don’t know who you are or which race you are from, or anything else about why you’re here. I don’t even know if you are a friend or foe. But you and I, it is fate that brought us here together. I’ve brought two lives back to me from the future. What a marvelous trip.”

Zhong Yue tried to initiate physical contact but only found his hand passing right through the Fuxi clan master’s body.

He couldn’t touch anything in the past.

Yin Fanxuan was also amazed when she tried the same and also couldn’t touch anything.

“Brat Yue, this is the marvelous effects of the [Time Light Spatial Crystal Mystic Scripture], it affects through any space and time. You see, you hear, but you cannot change anything. When you try to interfere with the past, you will find yourself returned back to your own space and time.” Xin Huo abruptly said.

Zhong Yue calmed himself, he accepted the truth and mumbled, “I want to know what happened 70,000 years ago. Don’t worry, I won’t try to change anything…”

Xin Huo nodded, “We shouldn’t linger long here in the past, it is unchangeable, there is no use here.”

“Let me look, Xin Huo. I will return once I see my past people…” Zhong Yue mumbled.

Xin Huo startled but didn’t continue to persuade Zhong Yue anymore.

On the other hand, Yin Fanxuan mumbled, “70 thousand years ago? Our Yinkang Clan still hasn’t been sealed…”

70,000 years ago.

Zhong Yue’s heart thumped excitedly, this was the era of Heavenly Monarch Tian Yuan.

Moments later, the fleet sailed into a huge State of River. The State of River was locked down by seals, but there were no obstructions that came from within; instead, the seals were opened from the inside and allowed the fleet to enter.

Zhong Yue and Yin Fanxuan have finally entered the Fuxi Clan’s State of Heavenly River.

“No, no, this isn’t the unworldly land, it’s not…” Zhong Yue glanced around and said, “Although the seals are strong, they aren’t the unworldly land’s, they aren’t as strong and powerful. Strange, but this is where the Fuxi Clan’s unworldly land should be…”

Yin Fanxuan thought, “Could it be, that the unworldly lands haven’t been built yet?”

Zhong Yue nodded, there was a possibility.

After some time, the fleet landed on a continent. Zhong Yue saw many Fuxi gods rushing over and received the fleet. There were also the Fuxi civilians that were looking at the Fuxi clan master with their eyes filled with hope.

Zhong Yue could sense it almost immediately, the blood in the Fuxi clansmen wasn’t pure. Most of them had either lost their divine third eyes or the snake tails into two legs. The innate dragon scales had been replaced by ordinary skin, and the divine hearts and blood were reduced to that of mere mortals.

These Fuxi were most probably born after the Great Curse, the Fuxi bloodline in them was starting to wane into one that was approaching humanity.

There weren’t many pureblood Fuxi anymore in this place.

The Fuxi clan master shook, “It still didn’t work.”

The crowd were disappointed, the happiness and hope were suddenly nowhere to be seen. The clan master comforted, “Don’t worry, I’ll find a way for the real Fuxi, I will…”

A lady with a belly slightly bulging out came forth and the Fuxi clan master quickly rushed to her. He placed his hand on her bulging belly and smiled warmly, “Don’t worry, I’ll raise a sacred land for our son, we’ll make him a proud Fuxi.”

The lady, however, was worried, “If it didn’t work in the end, we can just let Lin’er…”

The Fuxi clan master shook, he smiled, “I will find a place for us to live, a safeland for us! I’ll find a path to the future and bring us all there!”

He laughed, “You don’t know yet, but I’ve brought back two friends with me. What a pity you can’t see them.”

The Fuxi clan master’s wife startled, she couldn’t grasp his words.

“Are second brother and the others still looking for Xin Huo? Are there no news yet?” The Fuxi clan master asked.

The crowd shook, one of the Fuxi gods reported in a soft tone, “They’ve been to the ancient universe, no news so far.”

“They will be back, they surely will.” The clan master frowned for a moment, then released his locked brows and smiled, “Don’t worry, we might hear some good news from them very soon.”

But, the good news never came. Soon, the medium-sized Fuxi Clan welcomed a new life to the big family, he was a human boy, but his arrival didn’t seem to please the clansmen a lot.

“Will our son…” The clan master’s wife whispered worryingly.

“No, he won’t.” the clan master comforted with a smile, “I’ll do everything I can to make sure he comes to this world as a Fuxi.”

Zhong Yue and Yin Fanxuan followed by the side of the middle-aged Fuxi clan master, watched as he put every effort to try to save his clan. But even a strong man like him couldn’t have prevented the birth of more and more of the human babies.

It had been 30,000 years since the Great Curse, the curse and seals have been rooted deep in them, it was nearly impossible to have a pureblood Fuxi anymore.

Time flashed by, the clan master still didn’t hear any news from his second brother while his wife was already on the verge of giving birth, there was not much time left for him anymore.

He stood up and cast out the enormous warship and rushed for the Heaven Court. Zhong Yue and Yin Fanxuan were too slow to catch up to him and the enormous warship had already sailed out with great speed.

The trip took months. When the clan master returned to the State of Heavenly River, he only stayed a while and left. Then, soon after, he returned to see his wife before going out again.

Time after time leaving and coming back, the clan master had finally finished his quest. When he finally returned for good, wrinkles were starting to be seen on his face, his hair turned grey and his eyes lost of the usual lights of hope in them.

He was supposedly a pride man in his prime days, but he now looked just like an old man.

“I’ve found an unworldly land for us all.” He called for a meeting and announced the news to his clansmen, “In this unworldly land, we will no longer suffer from the bloodline seals and curse, it is the only safeland for us, for the Fuxi Clan.”

Below him, the clansmen erupted in utter joy.

He paused a second, then continued, “But, we need to live with them and share the space together. This is their condition.”

“Them?” The clansmen were puzzled.

“It’s them, the ones who share our appearance.” The Fuxi clan master’s face was despondent and his voice was hoarse.

Silence repleted the scene as the people stopped making a sound.

“Traitor!” Suddenly, a Fuxi shouted.

“They’ve sneaked into our race, slaughtered our ancestors, our friends, our family, our children, and stole all our heritage. Why should we lower our heads before them!?”

“They are no Fuxi, never will be!”

“Feng Changyang, you are the traitor to the Fuxi Clan, you’ve laid the blood of our ancestors in vain!”

The Fuxi clan master grew even older, he never returned a word at the curses and chidings. Soon after, the ones that shared the same appearance as them had arrived, some of the even older experts also came to seal the land. This place was then turned into the unworldly land for the Fuxi Clan, a State of Heavenly River.

Then, his son arrived in this world, a Fuxi baby. But there were still people that condemned his son as the ‘little traitor’.

The Fuxi clan master isolated himself even more, only speaking to Zhong Yue and Yin Fanxuan when there no one was around him. To the others, he was just talking to the air and himself.

“I’m not a traitor.” Zhong Yue heard the grey-haired Fuxi clan master whimpering, “Neither is my son…”

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