Rise of Humanity

Chapter 871 - Yin Yang Coitus

Chapter 871: Yin Yang Coitus

Translator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus Tales

With a flip of his palm, Zhong Yue showed her the birth of Yin through extreme Yang and the birth of Yang through extreme Yin and the combination of Yin and Yang that turned into the Innate Tai Chi, showing her that a debate was utterly unnecessary.

This was a higher level technique; the Innate Tai Yin, Tai Yang completed each other, evolved into a new whole, a level completely foreign to Jin Hexi.

Zhong Yue replied with a gentle smile, “Senior Martial Sister Hexi, you were born in the Jinwu Clan. Your rise can be attributed to your clan’s assistance, but that is also what is restricting you. This is why it was so difficult for you to understand the birth of Yin and Yang through extreme Yin and Yang. But to be able to break through your race’s restrictions and gain a grasp on how to birth Yin through extreme Yang, you are very impressive.”

The race’s boundaries might be nothing to most but to higher-level gods, these boundaries were often what prevented them from becoming stronger.

In fact, while the huge clans often seemed to possess powerful bloodlines and were born with numerous advantages, they all had boundaries that only become more glaring the stronger they got.

For example, the Jinwu Clan were masters of fire. Their birth from Pure Yang bestowed them immense power and talent, allowing them to cultivate more efficiently than the others that almost all of them could ascend into a god.

But while their bloodline endowed them with an innate comprehension of Pure Yang that far outclassed that of the other races it also precluded them from understanding the Pure Yin. The ability to birth Yin through extreme Yang was only possessed by aberrants like Jin Hexi.

To achieve this, it was extremely difficult that it was almost impossible because one had to break through the racial boundaries!

The stronger the race, the harder it was the breakthrough their ceilings. As a monarch race that had the monarch level blood coursing through their veins, it was even harder for those from the Jinwu Clan to achieve this.

“Which means Brother Yi has broken through the boundaries?”

Zhong Yue’s proud smile froze on his face right away to which Jin Hexi shouted, “Are you telling me that you achieved this and you have yet to break through the racial limits?”

With a sigh, the young Fuxi said, “My race’s bloodline was too powerful. This is merely a part of our innate gifts. I am still far below the limits of what my bloodline can do. I have no idea when will I be able to break through the limits.”

Jin Hexi was in immense shock right now and she thought, What kind of race is so powerful?

Jinwu Clan was already a monarch race with the Heavenly Monarch’s blood flowing in them and to think that there was such a race that was far more powerful than the Jinwu Clan.

With such a strong bloodline, is it almost impossible for him to break free from the boundaries?

Zhong Yue then continued, “My race gave birth to quite a number of monarchs and barely any of them managed to break through the limits as they usually become a monarch through our racial talents.

Zhong Yue added, “Come to think of it, only one of them managed to achieve this and his achievements were beyond imagination.”

The monarch Zhong Yue was referring to was Dao Venerate Fu Min, the only Fuxi that broke free from the boundaries, creating the Six Paths Reincarnation and standing on the Dao God level.

Jin Hexi was in shock, Becoming the Heavenly Monarch within the racial boundaries, obtaining the Monarch Dao Fruit, is there such a terrifying race in this world? Yi Clan… is this unknown race really that powerful?

Jin Hexi walked towards him and said eagerly, “Brother Yi, can Hexi discuss cultivation with you? I might be able to achieve birthing Yin from extreme Yang but apart from that, I’ve hit a bottleneck. I am eager to learn and if Brother Yi is willing to teach me something, Hexi is willing to become your disciple.”

What she meant here was that learning under Zhong Yue as a disciple with Zhong Yue as the teacher. She meant to practice discipleship under him in a situation where Zhong Yue is the teacher and a friend and that she is willing to lower her own position half a level.

As the Heavenly Lady of Jinwu Clan, the next clan master, doing this would put shame on her race. After all, as the future clan master, being someone else’s disciple would be a slight to her clan’s reputation.

“Brat Yue, making a future clan master from a monarch race your disciple is too much.”

In Zhong Yue’s psyche ocean, for the first time in a long time, Xin Huo became very serious and he said, “Though the monarch race is inferior to the sovereign race, the next clan master of an innate celestial monarch’s race can never lower their head to be a disciple from other races. I will never approve this, the best way out is to have sex with her! That will be fair for both of you! The children will then take one of your names depending on whose bloodline in the child is stronger! Maybe you will even give birth to a…”

Zhong Yue completely ignored the little flame and he replied, “Senior martial sister, perhaps the exchange of ideas between us will bring us great improvements, so in my opinion, there is no need for this. I too, need someone like senior martial sister to aid me in my understanding towards Innate Tai Yang Dao.”

“I’m angry now!”

Xin Huo shouted furiously, “Brat! Do you still remember the Chaos Divine Turtle’s prophesy where you will be a player? As a player, you must have sex with many ladies out there and try your best to impregnate them!”

Jin Hexi on the other hand, was oblivious to the obscenities that Xin Huo was spouting in Zhong Yue’s mind, saying happily, “I think it’s better for me to become your disciple. After all, the first achiever is the teacher and the latecomers are one level lower than the first one. In our knowledge exchange, Brother Yi is the teacher and I am the student. Besides, I believe that I will be the one that will benefit more!”

She then greeted Zhong Yue like a disciple and followed beside Zhong Yue but a little behind him. The two arrived at a temporary divine temple. Zhong Yue knew how strong Jinwu Clan was; this race possessed their very own perfect monarch level art that incorporated Six Paths Reincarnation. Hence, exchanging knowledge with Jin Hexi would aid him better in merging the Six Paths Reincarnation’s concept and the Fuxi monarchs’ arts.

Both of them were incredibly smart individuals; Jin Hexi’s understanding on the Innate Tai Yang Dao was extremely deep and it was on par with his, if not better. He had benefited a lot by exchanging ideas with her.

Doing two things at once, Zhong Yue studied the [Fu Min Dao Venerate Heart Sutra Scripture], tried to comprehend Innate Yi Dao while he exchanged his knowledge with Jin Hexi. Above their head, the innate sun shined brightly before the innate moon rose up and reflected the sunlight from the sun and together, the sun and moon emitted rumbling Dao voice.

With a wave, Zhong Yue turned the palace into the altar and the two sat with their legs crossed on the altar. As their sharing continued, various Dao voices sounded; Zhong Yue taught Jin Hexi what she wanted to know, turning Yin and Yang into Innate Tai Chi while Jin Hexi’s knowledge helped him to enter the next level.

Above this planet, the sun and moon circled around. There were two innate sun and innate moon and when they circled around the planet, they gave off a very strange yet unique feeling,

The suns and moons synched with one another and with that, this lifeless planet started to change; first, earth, water, fire, and wind came to life, then lightning and cloud. As the Yin and Yang merged with one another and the tiniest totem patterns combined, life was birthed.

Zhong Yue and Jin Hexi immediately noticed this and they both looked towards the ocean curiously, only to see the tiniest Yin and Yang totem patterns merging together and started birthing lives within the ocean.

Creators and creations…

Zhong Yue said softly, “Yin and Yang creation turned into lives… Is this the Creator level?”

Jin Hexi was also very excited for they were both not Creators. Their cultivation level was still far away from becoming a Creator and it would require them a few hundred or even thousands of years to become one.

But now, through their sharing, they both experienced improvement and they even acquired some knowledge and power of a Creator in this planet.

The two gave each other a glance and immediately continued their sharing. As the sharing continued, time passed quickly and the totem patterns shrunk and the evolution of lives became even more complicated.

Observing the birth of life through Yin and Yang Creation was also a great experience for them.

Suddenly, something struck them and with that, the two suns and moons in the sky merged and they felt that their soul entered a state where a water-deprived fish returned to the water.

Lives evolved in this planet and slowly, this colorless and lifeless planet finally has its own color; plants grew on the land and in the water, the lives turned into countless forms; while some mindlessly wandered in the water, some started to absorb the sunlight and moonlight and some started devouring each other.

As the earth, water, wind, and fire cycled, continentals submerged, emerged and living beings started to get onto the ground, turning into plants or the simplest animals.

Seeing this, Zhong Yue and Jin Hexi were in shock as these changes were out of their expectation.

“Are these just lives or living beings?”

Jin Hexi was confused, “Lives are just things with life and living beings are lives with souls. Where did the soul come from? Can our creation give birth to soul?”

Zhong Yue was hit by something and he reached out his hand to shadow over the entire planet. In an instant, an apocalypse descended and countless of lives were destroyed.

Jin Hexi immediately swung her hands, pushed Zhong Yue’s away and the lives returned to the planet.

“They are not real living beings but just lowly lives born through the merging of our Yin and Yang Qi.” explained Zhong Yue.

Jin Hexi’s eyes lit up and said right away, “Our Yin and Yang Dao are not at the peak. If we reached the pinnacle, will we be able to create real living beings?”

Zhong Yue nodded and the sun and moon started circling around again; Zhong Yue and Jin Hexi flew into the air, both turning into the three taloned Golden Crow and circled the planet rounds and rounds again.

The Golden Crows crossed their necks, danced happily with each other as they unleashed the power hidden within the innate totem patterns, giving birth to even more unique lives.

Their souls and minds merged, heart closed to heart and suddenly, Zhong Yue turned into a dragon and wandered among the clouds, sun and moon with the Golden Crow while raining down seeds of lives downwards.

Below them, more and more lives were born and they slowly evolved into races.

The Yin and Yang merged without worrying about anything, long roars and screeching of the dragon and Golden Crow were heard and the lives in this planet self-evolved quickly and miraculously changes occurred under the merging of Yin and Yang.

On the land, in the air and beneath the ocean, giant beasts starting to appear and a complete ecosystem were formed.

Suddenly, a surprised shout was heard before Jin Hexi flew out from the sun and moon, golden feathers danced around her and turned into clothes before she flew away quickly, disappearing in the blink of an eye.

Moments later, Zhong Yue walked out embarrassingly.

“Not bad, not bad indeed, Brat Yue!” shouted Xin Huo happily.

“We were merely sharing our Dao in Yin and Yang and… I don’t even know what’s happening! That’s it! Xin Huo, the innate Dao is controlling our minds!”

“You don’t say! If you were doing this with a male Jinwu, you wouldn’t be saying something like this know and you’d be weeping right now!”

Xin Huo mocked, “Upon reaching the peak in Innate Yin and Yang Dao, both parties will uncontrollably merge with each other. She sort of asked for it for cultivating with you and without you knowing, both of you merged for at least two years now. Now that you are both conscious again, she is definitely regretting everything now! Brat Yue, next time, if you have the time, remember to cultivate Yin and Yang Dao with the other girls out there and the Fuxi Celestial Race will become lively again!”

“Two years?”

Zhong Yue had a scare and he immediately left, “This is bad! Mu Suge has been jailed all this while. I can’t imagine how did Fu Li torture him!”

Beneath him, the innate sun and innate moon continued circling around this planet and created a unique scene.

The lives here continued to evolve quickly and years later, living beings with intelligence were born and on the altar, Zhong Yue and Jin Hexi once sat now had two divine statues; one was a dragon and the other was a Golden Crow. The dragon was worshipped as the Heavenly Father and the crow was the Heavenly Mother, both worshipped and prayed to by the living beings here but this was another story to be told.

Meanwhile, Zhong Yue sped his way towards the humans’ territory, the Star Torrent Fortress.

Without him knowing, he had spent two years on that planet and the humans here will definitely not treat Mu Suge nicely.

Zhong Yue intended to imprison him for only half a year before saving him out but he never expected this.

Did Fu Li really sell him off?

Zhong Yue had goosebumps as he was unsure of this.

The Star Torrent Fortress wandered around without having a fixed place to reside in; just as he wanted to contact the humans in the fortress, a loud bell noise sounded deep within the universe.

Zhong Yue’s heart thumped and he immediately looked towards that direction, only to see one after another bright stars starting to turn dark before they writhed.

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