Rise Of The Worm Sovereign

Chapter 165 - Creating An Opening?

Lin Wu could tell that this was the way they communicated and that the key to stopping them would be to take out the three beast kings.

Shirong on the other hand didn't know this and was simply chopping down the Hard Eared Limber Mice that were attacking him. After killing the first set of them, the rest of the herd had become infuriated and attacked non stop, with no fear of death.




"Dammit! There are far too many of them," Shirong cursed as his route of escape was blocked.

Whichever direction he tried to go he was blocked and he couldn't head further up into the sky either due to the spirit sword being a mid ranked spirit weapon. Even if he did go further up, there was a great chance he would be attacked by the flying beasts.

The sky and the treetops were the territory of the flying beasts and would attack anyone that went past it. It was perhaps the most dangerous route to take unless one was a Nascent soul realm cultivator and was able to fly without a spirit tool.

From nascent soul onward a cultivator could fly without the need for a spirit tool, but it was still a limited amount of distance and they would need to recover after that. Because of that when nascent soul realm cultivators traveled long distances, they still used spirit tools.

Lin Wu looked at the map and tried to see if he could find a route to the three Hard Eared Limber Mice kings. 

"As long as I'm able to kill one of them, their cooperation should suffer and if I kill all of them, then they should disperse." Lin Wu muttered to himself.

Lin Wu used the connection with Shirong and released waves of spirit qi from his body. 

"Huh? Does it want to consume the beasts?… Alright! Let's kill them!" Shirong said before a fierce look appeared on his face.

He willed it, and the shape of the Immortal Crystal Armament started to change. Shirong started to spin the spear rapidly above his head while dodging the Hard Eared Limber Mice that jumped to attack him. The two ends of the spear started to glow in a green color as Shirong infused it with wind attribute spirit qi.

"Take this! Immortal Sky Shaker Art: Cloud Splitting Gale!" He yelled out while striking with the spear.



Hundreds of Hard Eared Limber Mice were killed at the same time as the ground trembled from the attack. A gully was carved out in the ground and butchered corpses of the Hard Eared Limber Mice were lying on the sides, while those that were in the direct contact were turned to mush.

Still, the number was barely a dent in the Numbers of the Hard Eared Limber Mice and they soon regrouped.

"Come on! Move forward while there is a gap!" Lin Wu prodded Shirong on.

Shirong could tell that the spear was directing him ahead for something and thus he followed it, until being stopped by the Hard Eared Limber Mice again.

"Bah! I'll kill you all!" Shirong yelled before striking again.

More Hard Eared Limber Mice were killed as a path was forcibly opened in the middle. Shirong repeated this at least ten times before he was even able to get close to the area that the Immortal Crystal Armament was pointing him towards.

But just as he could attack the three Hard Eared Limber Mice kings… they disappeared.

"Huh? Where did they go?" Lin Wu wondered and saw the tags on the map, finding them to be underground.

"Dammit, I forget they can hide in the ground too." Lin Wu said, feeling pissed.

'Oh? It wants me to go in a different direction now.' Shirong thought before changing the direction and heading towards the three Hard Eared Limber Mice king.

More of the attacks were thrown, thinning the herd a little bit. But once again, the Hard Eared Limber Mice kings disappeared into the ground, only to come back to the surface a few tens of meters away.

"These are some sneaky rats! Gotta find a different way…" Shirong said to himself.

This time his speed of hunting was faster, and barely any mistakes were being done.

"That's it, just a little bit closer…" Lin Wu said as he aimed at Hard Eared Limber Mice kings.

The three Hard Eared Limber Mice kings seemed to have noticed Shirong's actions and knew better than to stay on the surface. But just as they were about to do that, they were interrupted as a spirit sword came flying towards him.



The spirit sword was thrown by none other than Shirong, and now he was falling to the ground without its support. While the spirit sword had been unable to kill a Hard Eared Limber Mice king, it was still able to cut one of the kings.


Shirong landed on the ground with his feet getting buried up to his knees due to the weight of the Immortal Crystal armament. A few Hard Eared Limber Mice also got crushed underneath his feet, but he was the least worried about them.

He swiped the spear and killed the Hard Eared Limber Mice that was surrounding him before pulling himself out of the ground. But just this much time was enough for two of the Hard Eared Limber Mice kings to burrow into the ground, leaving behind the one that had been injured.

That beast wasn't as fast and thus, Shirong lunged at it, stabbing it with the Immortal Crystal Armament.



A final pain filled cry was let out by the Hard Eared Limber Mice king before it died. The Immortal Crystal Armament acted instantly and absorbed the spirit qi and vital energy from its body, replenish Lin Wu's and Shirong's stores.

The Hard Eared Limber Mice king that had just been killed was an early stage Core Condensation realm beast and there were still two more of them left.

"One down, two more to go…" 

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