Time passed and eventually, Lin Wu had finished absorbing all of the spirit qi and vital energy from the beast corpses. The amount contained within one corpse wasn't that much but with more than a hundred thousand beasts were combined, the sheer quantity was massive.

Lin Wu knew that even now he hadn't gotten everything from the corpses as he had not consumed them. If he did the vital energy would increase by another forty percent. 

'Hmm, I should try to see if I can do it tonight. Shirong is also practicing the new technique and will be busy with it I think.' Lin Wu thought.

He looked up at the notification window that had a rather big number of notifications listed on it. Lin Wu had ignored them and had let them accumulate since he was focused on absorbing them, but now he could finally take a look.

"System, compile all the spirit qi and vital energy increase notifications into one and show me the amount obtained." Lin Wu ordered.



TOTAL SPIRIT QI OBTAINED: 2,115,805 units [liquid spirit qi]

SPIRIT QI STORAGE: 2,211,587 units [liquid spirit qi]




Looking at the numbers that had shown up on the window, Lin Wu was dumbstruck.

"This… this… what the f*ck! Holy shit! This is… massive!" Lin Wu exclaimed in shock.

In fact, he was so excited that his body started to tremble and even Shirong felt it. But he was focused on cultivating and thus did not look at that time. Even with the amount that Lin Wu got, he understood that it was only a fraction of the real amount.

There was still some part left in the corpse and the amount that he had transferred to Shirong.

"With the amount that I have right now, can't I just upgrade directly to the Nascent Soul realm? No, wait… I still need to take care of the foundation or I may have problems again. Still, I should be able to complete most of the tasks I have been stalling for a while." Lin Wu said to himself.

'Let's accelerate the speed of the system's analysis further.' Lin Wu thought.

"System, what's the most you can speed up the speed of analysis with the energy?" Lin Wu questioned.



ANSWER: The maximum consumption that can be reached is 198 units/hour if the third computational A.I. is activated and overall consumption per computational A.I. is increased.


"Alright! Do that and also transfer 200,000 units of vital essence to the system energy." Lin Wu ordered.



TRANSFERRING ENERGY: Vital essence 200,000 units-> System energy 2,000,000

ACTIVATING COMPUTATIONAL A.I.: Computational A.I. (3) has been activated.


SYSTEM ENERGY STORAGE: 2,055,480 units

ASSIGNING TO TASK: Computational A.I. (3) has been assigned to the task- Cultivation technique analysis and extrapolation.




With the new computational A.I. activated, Lin Wu hoped to get the new cultivation technique soon. But he also had other things he could now do, such as upgrading the bloodlines.

"System open the bloodline upgrade function." Lin Wu ordered.




AVAILABLE UPGRADES: 1. Hard Eared Limber Mice-> Hard Eared Limber Mice King

2. Lamp Light Liger-> Twin Light Liger 


Lin Wu decided to go with the Hard Eared Limber Mice King bloodline upgrade first, as the abilities given by it seemed to be rather mild. Plus he wouldn't have to worry much about his main bloodline getting affected as this bloodline was quite low ranked.

"System, start with the Hard Eared Limber Mice bloodline upgrade," Lin Wu ordered.



BLOODLINE UPGRADE SELECTED: Hard Eared Limber Mice-> Hard Eared Limber Mice King

REQUIREMENTS: 1. 12000 Units Spirit qi (Liquid Drops)

2. 1000 Units Vital Essence 

3. One additional Computational A.I. activated.

CHECKING COMPATIBILITY: Compatibility at 95%



With all the conditions fulfilled, Lin Wu felt the change. It was as if something foreign was moving through his body. It was like a presence and seemed immaterial, yet it was could be sensed clearly. Lin Wu looked deep within his body using his spirit sense and soon found the cause.

It was as if a Hard Eared Limber Mice was running around in his dantian like crazy. Its body was twitching and growing at the same time. A few minutes later it was fully grown and the process had completed with the Hard Eared Limber Mice turning into a Hard Eared Limber Mice King.



BLOODLINE UPGRADE COMPLETED: Hard Eared Limber Mice King Bloodline obtained.


Now Lin Wu wanted to start the assimilation of the bloodline. This was the first time he was manually going to assimilate a bloodline, as the other two bloodlines he had; the Crimson eyed emerald worm and the unknown one were done by the system itself.

Lin Wu first checked Shirong and found him to be close to done. The spirit qi in his body was slowing down and a change could be perceived. Lin Wu wanted to see what was Shirong doing with his new technique. He still did not know the name of it, thus wanted to learn more about it.

Lin Wu looked into his body using the spirit sense and found that his spirit qi was flowing into his meridians from his dantian and then into the tissues of his body. There, the tissues rapidly consumed the spirit qi and started producing a reddish energy.

"Wait, isn't that… Vital essence?" Lin Wu identified.

Lin Wu looked on for more time just to confirm that it was indeed vital essence that Shirong was producing and it turned out to be true. The vital essence that was being produced by the tissues spread out evenly in his body and started nourishing it.

His injuries healed completely, and even the hidden sequelae he had due to the previous incidents were healed.

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