Lin Wu finally felt better when the process stopped, and he was able to raise his head normally.




DATA ANALYSIS: 25% completed


OBTAINED QI SKILL: Unity Avatar Technique 

NOTIFICATION: Further analysis cannot be done, high grade encryption detected.


HOST DATA: Updated


Lin Wu looked at the notifications and was content with it. He had finally received a cultivation technique, but that was not all, even a qi skill had been given to him.

'Hmm… if it is only 25% complete and the latter parts are encrypted then there should be some specific requirements for it.' Lin Wu thought.

"System, what are the requirements to decrypt the data?" Lin Wu questioned.



ANSWER: The requirements for decryption are actually been given in the data itself. The host needs to become an 'Immortal' and reach the Immortal realm.


"Ah, I see. That makes sense… isn't this how the old cultivators in cultivation novels give their inheritances? They only unlock the part that can be used by the character and nothing extra, at least until specific conditions are fulfilled." Lin Wu guessed.

Lin Wu then saw the environment change as the Taiji celestial disappeared from the place. He felt the world spin again before he returned to the same small room, except this time the statue had disappeared as well.

"Huh? Where did it go?" Lin Wu wondered.


The room suddenly started shaking and the walls started moving. Lin Wu felt as if he was in a Sci-Fi movie with all the moving walls and roof. The floor soon started to lower, and he felt as if he was on an elevator.


About a minute later, the floor finally stopped moving and he looked at the map. Lin Wu had reached the seventh level. 

"Whoa!" Lin Wu exclaimed in amazement.

This was the biggest hall he had seen till now. But that wasn't all that was shocking to him, rather it was the hundred of formations that were all working here, combining to form a massive array. His arrival had also caused a change, and a formation appeared around him.

Lin Wu was a bit apprehensive and didn't know if he should do something when a spirit qi wave hit him.






"Oh? It already verified me? Is it linked to being a disciple of the Taiji celestial?" Lin Wu wondered.


Another sound was heard as the hall started to light up. The walls of the hall became white and Lin Wu could see some words appear in front of him. At first, he thought that the system had made these, but they were different.

Lin Wu was at least able to recognize the characters and understood that they were all in Dao script. He didn't even have to think much before the system started to automatically translate it for him in his head. Even if Lin Wu had learned Dao script from the system, he still could not master all of the characters and combinations.

Thankfully, with the help of the system, it became a piece of cake.

"Welcome, disciple Lin Wu." The word said.

"So it really is linked with me becoming the disciple…" Lin Wu confirmed.

And just as he did this the notification of the system sounded again.




ACCESSIBILITY: 100% obtained.

AUTHORITY SET: Highest grade

ADDING VIRTUAL INTERFACE: Multiple Functions Available

HOST DATA: Updated



As soon as the notifications ended, windows started appeared in front of Lin Wu. There were so many that he was having a hard time keeping with it.

"System, pause this. Show it to me one by one." Lin Wu ordered.




NOTIFICATION: Please select the intended function from the list.


A long list then presented in front of Lin Wu. He started counting the number of functions that were available and got shocked.

"One hundred and sixty one functions… holy hell! And what are these names? Unity extermination formation? Tribulation Attenuation formation? These are some crazy names…" Lin Wu said. "But what do they do?" He added before checking their descriptions.



Unity extermination formation: Destroys an area of 1000 square kilometers (Status: offline)

Tribulation attenuation formation: Reduces potency of heavenly tribulation by 50% (Status: offline)


"Oh they're offline…" Lin Wu muttered and saw the symbol next to the function.

'They need energy source to work. I should have guessed, something like this must have a very high cost to run…' Lin Wu thought.

He looked at the different formations that were sorted into functions and soon found one that was understandable to him and also online.

"Activate the Monitoring Formation," Lin Wu selected.


The formation runes started swirling and new ones appeared in front of them. They morphed into a plane sheet of glass on which pictures started to appear.

This function was the same as that of a security camera and could show Lin Wu the things that happened in the different parts of the tomb. Lin Wu then started scrolling through the different views and felt that this was pretty similar to his previous world.

"They accomplished the same thing using a different method. Instead of technology, arrays are used here instead and formations replace the processors in the computers. The runes are the programming language and the spirit qi is the energy that runs it all." Lin Wu analyzed.

While scrolling through the windows, Lin Wu came upon the view that showed the two servant beasts of his outside in the sky. They were still flying there and kept on circling around. 

"Huh, thought they would go and wait somewhere else." Lin Wu muttered.

He scrolled again and came upon a window that showed the entrance of the tomb.

"Oh? Who are they now?" Lin Wu questioned.

On the screen in front of Lin Wu, a group of people were currently doing something.

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