Rise Of The Worm Sovereign

Chapter 214 - Nascent Soul Realm Upgrade?

Lin Wu had finished checking up the conditions of all his subordinates. The mole beast and beetle beast were doing what they had been instructed to and Wang Xiong was still traveling back to his sect.

There were close to it now and would reach it in a couple of days at the very latest. Lin Wu had instructed him to find some loyal allies in the sect that were talented so that they could be recruited as well.

If they were found to be worthy, he would even give them the inheritance of the Taiji Celestial. With all that completed, Lin Wu began for his upgrade.

"Alright, system switch my main body with the avatar." Lin Wu ordered.

He had already transformed his avatar into the form of a spear and checked that Shirong was busy cultivating too. 



CHECKING PARAMETERS: Parameters verified


ACTIVATING TELEPORTATION FORMATION: 2000 Units of spirit Qi consumed (liquid spirit Qi)


A light glowed around Lin Wu and a few runes appeared and his avatar disappeared in a flash while his main body appeared in its place.

Back at the courtyard, Shirong was startled awake by a sudden increase in the spirit Qi fluctuations in the area.

"What?" Shirong said in an alert voice and looked around.

His spirit sense spread around and didn't find anything. His gaze then went to the spear that was beside him. He looked at it carefully but didn't find anything different with it.

"Strange…" He muttered before going back to cultivating.

'Hmm… need to do something about those spirit Qi fluctuations. Won't be good if people find out whenever I appear somewhere.' Lin Wu thought.

Lin Wu moved his mind to his main body and looked at the spirit Qi that he had currently.



HOST CULTIVATION: Late Stage of the Core Condensation Realm.

    -Spirit Qi required to upgrade = [0000/24000] units (liquid spirit qi)

SPIRIT QI STORAGE: 2,115,805 units [liquid spirit qi]


"Hmm… how much spirit Qi more is needed for the tribulation attenuation formation, system?" Lin Wu questioned.



ANSWER: 56000 units more of liquid spirit Qi is required for the Tribulation attenuation formation to be activated.


"Alright, that is tolerable. I can use my own after I finish upgrading to the peak stage." Lin Wu spoke.

"System, upgrade my cultivation to the next stage." Lin Wu ordered.



UPGRADING CULTIVATION BASE: Late stage of the core condensation realm -> Peak stage of the core condensation realm

SPIRIT QI CONSUMED: 24000 Units [liquid spirit Qi]

UPGRADE COMPLETED: Host has reached the Peak stage of the core condensation realm

HOST CULTIVATION: Peak Stage of the Core Condensation Realm.

    -Spirit Qi required to upgrade = [0000/48,000] units (liquid spirit qi)

SPIRIT QI STORAGE: 2,088,207 units [liquid spirit qi]


Waves of spirit Qi fluctuations came from Lin Wu's body as his aura started increasing more and more. Soon it broke through and he reached the peak stage of the core condensation realm.


"Everything seems to be alright in my body… no instability." Lin Wu muttered to himself.

He could feel the power thrumming within him and knew that this was but just the start.

"Alright, system start the upgrade to the Nascent Soul realm!" Lin Wu ordered with determination.

As soon as he did, his body went still. No spirit Qi fluctuation could be felt coming from it and it was as if he had become dead. Lin Wu couldn't move his body and could only think.

'What is this now? Did the system paralyze me or something?' Lin Wu wondered.

It didn't take long before the cold mechanical voice of the system was heard again.




EXTRAPOLATING DATA: Data banks updated

INITIATING UPGRADE: Peak Stage of the Core condensation realm -> Infant Stage of the Nascent Soul realm

SPIRIT QI CONSUMED: 48,000 units [liquid spirit Qi]



A humming sound was heard as Lin Wu's body started floating in the air. It instantly grew to its full size and kept on growing to beyond that. Lin Wu felt pain during this but held on.

Within his body, the Dantian was expanding too. His core on the other hand was spinning at great speed creating a vortex of Spirit Qi around him. The spirit Qi was getting sucked into it and was supplementing him.

Lin Wu's body kept on growing till he reached a length of two hundred meters. The thickness of his body had reached a massive two meters, and he was now a giant. More and more crystal spikes raised from his body along the spine.

Outside the tomb, dark clouds had already started to gather and winds were whipping around. The beasts in the millennium forest became anxious and an uproar began.

At the Dark Bloom caverns, the Twin Lights Liger King was raging.

"WHO! WHO IS IT THIS TIME!" He roared in anger.

He didn't want more beasts to compete for the positions of the ruler now. He was already threatened by the Demon Spine ape as it had a greater potential than him. He himself had reached a bottleneck and was having a hard time progressing any further.

He knew that eventually he may be able to break through, but perhaps by that time, the Demon Spine Ape Might have already caught up with him. This is what he was fearing.

A similar reaction was shown by the Olive viper King, and it was furious too. His subordinates dared not come close to him and stayed out of his nest. The beetle king and the slim arm ape on the other hand were calm.

The demon spine ape had flames of battle burning in his eyes.

"Looks like I will have some good competition now… AHAHAHA!" he shouted.

The slim arm ape looked at his son's reaction and sighed. 

"At least wait and watch who it is. Know your opponent before you fight them, lest you lose your life." The Slim Arm ape advised.

"I understand, father…"

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