Rise Of The Worm Sovereign

Chapter 229 - The Tired Clan Head Lu



SPIRIT QI OBTAINED: 8000 Units [liquid spirit Qi]

AVATAR CULTIVATION: Late Stage of the Core Condensation Realm.

    -Spirit Qi required to upgrade = [12000/12000] units (liquid spirit qi)



Lin Wu's avatar had just finished cultivating up to the current limit and paused to take a sense of the situation. Lin Mu transferred his focus back to the avatar and looked around with his spirit sense.

"How much time has it been now?" Lin Wu muttered to himself before seeing that it had been nine days.

He then saw Shirong and found him to have returned to a better condition than before. His body had more flesh on it and looked normal. Even the hair on his head had started to return and a fine layer of it could be seen.

His eyebrows though, were still not here and there was no beard on his face either. It was apparent that it would take much longer for those two to grow back. Eyebrows naturally took longer to grow, while the beard was just a trait of Shirong.

His body simply did grow it well enough. And even without shaving, he stayed hairless for the most bit.

~knock~ knock~

Suddenly, a knock was heard on the door, and a voice called out.

"Young master, it's me." The voice spoke.

Shirong opened his eyes and looked at the door, "come in clan head Lu."

In walked in the old man, who seemed to be looking much more tired than before. There were eye bags on his faces and his hair was tousled. Even his clothes seemed to be rather ragged and the glow from his face had gone.

"Damn, is this old man gonna die or something? What happed in the past few days?" Lin Wu wondered.

"Clan head Lu? What's up with your appearance? Are you okay?" Shirong asked, feeling strange too.


"It's just been hard coordinating and managing all the people. There are now six nearby cities who are participating in the entire event and they've sent a few thousand people to watch your tribulation." Clan head Lu replied.

"Ah, I see. Have they been giving you trouble?" Shirong asked.

"Well… it is trouble but I don't think it is intentional. Rather it's just something that comes when there are too many people working on a single thing. As they say, too many cooks spoil the broth, but when the broth is meant to be fed to a hundred thousand people, I don't think we can do the same." Clan Head Lu said in a tired voice.

"You've been doing good clan head, I thank you for arranging the Tribulation platform," Shirong stated.

"The honor is ours, young master you need not worry. You don't know how many of the aristocrats are willing to pay ten times the price to get a closer look at the tribulation." Clan Head Lu said.

"Oh? Do they not know getting closer to a tribulation platform isn't necessarily good? A tribulation platform is not a hundred percent safe and casualties can still happen." Shirong warned.

"They know it very well. I made sure of it and even got them to sign contracts that no one will be responsible if their people were to get hurt or die." Clan Head Lu replied.

"That's good. And… if they still protest after that… I'll take care of it." Shirong said in a serious tone.


"If you say so, young master." Clan head Lu replied, understanding the hidden meaning in his voice.

"Speaking of that… do you perhaps have some… unsavory people attending the event. I may be able to take care of them at the same time." Shirong offered.

Shirong did not mind doing something like this as he knew that building an alliance needed effort from both ends. If the clan head Lu was willing to do so much, he didn't mind putting in some extra effort either.

Shirong was a selfish man, but he was not a fool. He knew to aim for long term gains rather than short term profits.

"Won't that be problematic, young master?" Clan Head Lu asked with concern.

"Hmm… I'll see how it works out then. For now, you can just give me a list of them." Shirong spoke.

"Ooo now this is interesting… taking out the competition, huh? Should I add to it a bit… Hehe." Lin Wu muttered to himself.

Clan head Lu gave Shirong a jade slip in which he put the name, appearance, and background of the people attending the event. Shirong took a look at it, while Lin Wu also spied on it rather easily.

Since Shirong had gotten the high grade spatial storage ring, he didn't need to carry Lin Wu around on his body anymore. He would simply keep him in the ring for now, which also made it more convenient for Lin Wu to act.

Especially since he was now close to a breakthrough and could do that here without having much trouble or Shirong noticing. He had also checked in with the system who had told him what he could do and what not to do in the spatial storage ring, so as to not have a repeat of the last time.

"So is the tribulation platform ready, clan head Lu?" Shirong asked.

"Yes, young master. We finished the last part just a few hours ago and we are doing the final checks now to see if everything is working properly." Clan Head Lu answered.

"So tomorrow is the day," Shirong stated.

"Indeed, just as we scheduled. We still start it whenever you are ready, young master." Clan Head Lu replied.

"That's good. I can already sense the tribulation and I can trigger it whenever needed. So I guess we will start early in the morning." Shirong replied.

"Alright, I'll inform everyone. Do you need anything else before that young master?" Clan Head Lu questioned.

"No… nothing for now," Shirong replied.

Clan head Lu was just about to leave when he remembered something.

"Oh, I almost forgot! I got these for you, young master." Clan Head Lu said, and took out something from his spatial storage tool. 

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