Rise Of The Worm Sovereign

Chapter 236 - Dual Layered Tribulation?

Just when Shirong was just about to lose hope, he suddenly felt a thought in his mind. As soon as he sensed it, he immediately acted on it.


A green glow escaped from his robes as an emerald green armor appeared on his body. His robes had already been tattered by the lightning bolts and now the appearance of the armor had ripped the upper part of the robes, baring his torso.

The people could now see the armor on his body and a few of them recognized what it was.

"THE DIVINE ARMOR!" They shouted in excitement.

The wave of excitement spread as fast as excitement through the audience as they had not expected to see it at all. But the Dharma protectors were not feeling the same. 

"If young master Shirong has summoned the armor, it means the situation is dire," Clan Head Lu spoke.

"Indeed, I haven't heard of anyone bearing four bolts of tribulation lightning in many decades." One of the clan heads of a neighboring city said.

"Not to mention, this is not the end. Young master has still not broken through to the Nascent Soul realm. Who knows how many more lighting bolts will descend…" Clan Head Mu assessed.

Every elder's expression turned tense as they knew if the heavenly tribulation went beyond a certain limit, the tribulation platform may not be able to bear it. The moment it collapses, each and every one of them would be under mortal danger.

There was not a single Dao Shell realm or above cultivator amongst them, that could somewhat defend them either, which meant that they would have to prepare beforehand.


Clan head Lu looked at the platform for a moment before looking at the platform. While he wouldn't mind a few people in the audience dying, he couldn't let those of his clan and his allies dying in this.

A determined expression appeared on his face as he made up his mind.

"Clan heads! Prepare to retreat, this is no longer safe. The moment we feel the tribulation platform is unable to hold back, I ask you all to take your respective people to a safe area." Clan Head Lu announced.

The clan heads looked at Clan Head Lu with a complex expression. They had spent a fortune in setting up this tribulation platform and knew the risks that came with them. While they were a bit unwilling to let this go to waste, they had no choice. 

While getting to observe a heavenly tribulation, especially one that was of someone as talented as Shirong was rare, they couldn't let their descendants and clansmen getting killed. Each and everyone here was the most talented people from their clans and they definitely did not want them to die. If they did, then their clans may as well die together with them.

Without talented people to lead a clan or an organization, their lifespans will be extinguished. Many clans and even empires have died out just because they were left with incompetent people.

This was definitely not something they wanted to happen. They had heard countless tales and stories from their elders and ancestors and knew well to put their greed behind them for now.

"We'll do as you suggested clan head Lu," Everyone agreed.

They took out their respective communication jade slips and gave out orders to their clansmen. One by one, the expressions of the people in the audience could be seen changing. From their previous expression of excitement to the current one of anxiety.

The ones that were a bit more weak hearted directly felt fear and left the seating area even before they were told to do so. The audience was simply told to prepare, in case it went worse. But these people acted before that and willingly left their seats, retreating another kilometer away.

But just as they did, another change could be witnessed in the tribulation clouds.


Stormy winds appeared and the clouds started spinning. It was as if the heavens were now absolutely furious and another layer of tribulation clouds appeared on top of the current one.

As soon as the elders saw it, they knew what it was.

"The legendary Dual Layered Tribulation!" Clan Head Lu exclaimed.

"I can't believe I'm getting to witness this with my own two eyes." Another elder commented.

"Wait, if the dual layered tribulation appeared then doesn't this mean…" Clan Head Mu said with realization.

"Young master Shirong's talent is monstrous such that even the heavens are jealous!" Clan Head Xiong replied.

The other clan heads realized the impending trouble and got everyone to move the seats half a kilometer away. The people quickly got to work while the tribulation clouds formed up and charged the lightning, and within a couple of minutes, they had moved.

It was almost shocking as to how fast everyone acted in sync, even though they probably had never worked together.

Shirong too witnessed the change in the tribulation cloud and was truly feeling scared now. 

'Did the Immortal Crystal Armament Sense that it was going to appear and thus told me to summon it?' Shirong wondered.

Meanwhile, Lin Wu knew why the change in the tribulation clouds had appeared. After all, he himself had experienced the higher ranked version of this, the triple layered heavenly tribulation.

"Just as I expected, my presence instantly triggered the heavenly tribulation to evolve…" Lin Wu muttered to himself.

He activated his radiation perception and observed the heavenly tribulation. He could see that the commensuration of the transparent part of the energy in the clouds among the blue radiation was 3% just like during his time.

"If it's this much, I should be able to handle it…" Lin Wu hoped.

His body glowed in an emerald green light that mesmerized the people watching it. Even though they were all far from the tribulation platform now, they could still see it clearly like a beacon in the night.

Lin Wu was now exerting his Radiation manipulation innate skill to the very peak.

"COME ON! I'M READY!" Lin Wu called out.

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