Rise Of The Worm Sovereign

Chapter 251 - Lin Wu Versus Demon Spine Ape?

Spikes covered Lin Wu's tail as it turned into a mace and smashed against the Demons spine ape.


The demon spine ape took the hit head on and pushed his hands against the mace like tail. He slid back about ten meters before he was able to stop the tail. Lin Wu's body was over fifty meters long currently thus he had the advantage of reach.

He had not used his full form as he thought that it would be better to hide it for now. He knew having a bigger body was both an advantage and disadvantage but so far it could be used as a trump card if needed.

After the Demon spine ape got thrown back, it looked at Lin Wu with a furious face and jumped towards him. But this time maroon flames were now burning on his body. The flames covered his exposed spine and his hands.

"DEMON FIRE EXTERMINATION!" he shouted before the flames exploded from its hands.

An area of over hindered meters was instantly covered in the maroon flames and burned everything in it. Even Lin Wu was fully inside the area and his body could not be seen in the dense flames.

The flames showed no signs of stopping but then the sound of a collision was heard coming from inside of it.


A figure shot out of the flames and broke tens of trees before stopping. This figure was none other than the Demon Spine ape. Soon after it, another figure flew out. But this one did not seem like it was thrown, rather it was flying out on its now.

Who else could this be other than Lin Wu?

But this time, he seemed to be a bit unwell. Fine cracks could be seen all over his body, and the glow on his body had gotten slightly dimmer as well. 

"Well, well, I guess I at least know what this body can handle now…" Lin Wu muttered to himself.

The Slim arm ape watched on in horror as Lin Wu came out of the demonic flames unharmed. When the flames were finally extinguished, all the things that existed in the area had been reduced to ash and even the ground was scorched black.

"This… how can it be possible? The demonic flames of a demon spine ape are dangerous to even an Adult stage Nascent soul realm cultivator…" The slim arm ape said to himself.


The demon spine ape picked itself up from the ground and threw all the trunks of trees covering him aside.

"YOU!!" he shouted before running towards Lin Wu.


"This should be enough for a test…" Lin Wu said before a blinding glow emitted from his body.

The demon spine ape couldn't help but freeze in his tracks as the light assaulted his eyes. The slim arm ape covered his eyes with his arms while looking through the gaps. While the Split thorn horn beetle king was just fine due to his compound eyes.

The beast kings switched to their spirit sense to observe and saw a terrifying scene. Lin Wu's body started growing till it reached a length of over a hundred meters and two meters thick. The spikes on his body became longer, and his crimson eyes glowed as well. The cracks that he previously had completely disappeared.


A loud screech was let out by Lin Wu, which spread far. This was his natural cry, which he seldom used, but he just felt right using it right now. 

Spirit Qi swirled across his body as the area suddenly started to heat up. But there were no flames like before, it was just heating up as if the sunlight was doing it. 

The three rulers suddenly found it hard to control the spirit Qi in the air. It was as if the spirit Qi had become heavy with lead and it took them a lot more effort to move it. While the spirit Qi they had in their body was still usable, once they emitted it from their body, it became hard to use as well.

"What is this?!" All of the rulers shouted.

Lin Wu was currently using his radiation manipulation innate skill at its full force. He was suppressing all the spirit Qi in the air with the radiation emitted from his body and forcing it into the body of the Demon Spine ape.

The slim arm ape king and the beetle king didn't know what the demon spine ape was currently feeling. The effects those two rulers were feeling were not even targeted on them and were just passive effects.

Lin Wu's focus was fully on the demon spine ape and he was trying to see how much he could suppress others using just the radiation. He had seen the effect of radiation on the Lu Clan Head who was also a Nascent Soul realm cultivator, but these beasts were all many times stronger than him.

"Time to end this!" Lin Wu said before his body shot forward at a great speed.


The winds shook the trees nearby and directly uprooted some of them. 


Lin Wu directly collided with the Demon spine ape and a sick cracking sound was heard. The demons spine ape was launched back again, but before he could go too far, he collided with a hard object.


This was nothing but Lin Wu's tail, which had appeared to block him. 

"ARGH!" The demon spine ape grunted in pain as blood spilled from his mouth and nose.


Lin Wu flipped his tail and slammed the Demon spine ape into the ground next.



His body created a crater in the ground as an ape shaped imprint was formed. Lin Wu slithered ahead and coiled around his body while constricting hard. He actually had to shrink a part of his tail so that it could wrap around the demon spine ape.

If he just used his full size, he would just end up squeezing the beast instead.

"So what do you say now?"

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