Lin Wu was enjoying the entire thing while sitting in the ring carefree. He was even eating some of the fruits he had stolen… taken from the Lu Clan. Since he didn't have a lot of them he was eating them piece by piece while savoring the flavor and the drama as well.

"I really need to get a lot more snacks… storing them in the system's inventory makes them frozen in the state they were put in so I should be able to keep a lot of things." Lin Wu muttered to himself.

The first brother looked over to the carriage and shouted. "Come out now! Show us your face!"

Inside the carriage, the servant looked at Shirong with apprehension.

"Young master, should we act now?" The servant asked.

"Just wait… I'll take care of this myself now. I've gotten bored sitting here all these days…" Shirong said in a tired tone before standing up.


The servant couldn't help but gulp in slight fear. Just because Shirong was bored and perhaps frustrated due to the time spend, he a Nascent Soul realm cultivator was willing to take action himself.

'These men are gonna regret this day…' The servant thought before opening the door for Shirong and leaving the carriage first as was the etiquette. Even if he was only pretending to be a servant, that didn't mean he would stop the act right away.

Besides, it was not bad to do things like this, since Shirong was a Nascent Soul realm cultivator not to mention the heir of the great Ji clan. He would not be making a loss by serving him.

The bandits saw the servant leaving the carriage and looked on at the open door, only to show confused expression on their faces.

"Who is that?" They wondered.

They had an idea of how the said young master was supposed to look, but Shirong was no way like that. It was not just the appearance, but the demeanor which had given him away.

"You people have been saying a lot of things without thinking about the consequence… now it's my turn to act without thinking of the consequence," Shirong said as he moved towards them, temps by stem.

The bandits couldn't help but feel anxious for some reason.

"Stop! Take another step and we will chop your legs!" one of the Qi refining realm bandits that was near Shirong threatened.




The people watched in horror as a head fell down effortlessly on the floor and rolled towards the bandit leader's foot. 

"You guys were thinking of taking advantage of a noob when it was actually a smurf." Lin Wu chuckled.

It barely took Shirong a flick of a finger to chop off the head of the bandit using the wind attribute spirit Qi. His control over the Immortal Sky shaker art had gotten terrifyingly better. And he required much less effort to do something like this.

If he truly wanted to, he could just kill all of them with a flick of a hand. The wind blades would split them in half instantly. But that was not what Shirong wanted. He wanted information about his subordinates, and he was willing to get it by hook or crook.

The bandits finally understood they had hit a steel plate and all they could do now was to escape. While they could still now sense Shirong's cultivation base, they were easily able to assume that he must be vastly strong compared to them, considering the ease with which he beheaded their companion.


In less than two minutes, all of the men were on the ground with their limbs having been broken. Shirong moved at lightning pace and barely took a second for each person. 

"Well then… we should start now…" Shirong said with a dark smile on his face before getting the guards to carry these bandits' insides and then telling them to wait outside.

What happened next was a torture session that lasted an hour, in which Shirong took out all the boredom that he had been feeling these past few days. At the end, all of the bandits were limbless, and some were just dead.

Shirong had been able to gather quite a bit of information from them, which he had expected, especially with the application of his 'skills'.

"So their actual head is off doing business with a big 'client'. But they still don't know much about Ye Dai and Bei Wen. They have seen them, but they were originally captured by their leader and the elite bandits." Shirong muttered to himself.

Lin Wu watched on and knew his turn was about to come. He had watched the entire thing from start to end and actually had to stop eating as he didn't feel it to be as appetizing as before.

Shirong willed it and a gauntlet appeared under the sleeves on his harms. He went to each of the bandits and stabbed their heads with the spike of the gauntlet, while Lin Wu got to his usual task.

"Ahh… it still feels got to absorb spirit Qi and vital energy like this. This will save me a few days of effort." Lin Wu said as he waited for the system's prompt.



DATA NODES OBTAINED: Ten nodes analyzed 

TRANSFERRING DATA: please wait a moment


Lin Wu closed his eyes and watched the memories that had appeared in his mind now. All of them were a bit jumbled at first, but the system was able to sort them out. Eventuality Lin Wu got the proper timeline of things and saw the scene where Ye Dai and Bei Wen were brought in.

The two men were unconscious had were tied up. Their bodies looked injured and their clothes were torn in many places due to the attacks they had sustained. There were many more bandits standing there over a hundred, along with an old man who looked like their leader.

"So that is the Nascent Soul realm leader they have… but that symbol… where have I seen that before?"

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