Rise Of The Worm Sovereign

Chapter 275 - Undaunted Sapphire Body Art?

Lin Wu had not seen the error notification for a while since the system had obtained a lot of energy stores and a Data bank that was sufficient for a lot of things. If it still got an error, then it meant that the problem truly was something beyond it.



NOTIFICATION: An external interference is preventing the system from obtaining the answer to the question.


"Huh? What the hell! What kind of external interference?" Lin Wu couldn't help but ask.


"DAMMIT!" Lin Wu cursed.


"No use getting angry over this… better just wait and see it later." Lin Wu muttered to himself.

He pushed the matter to the back of his mind for now and returned to reading. Just like this time passed and the court's session finally ended.

"Now that we are done here, let me announce something." The king suddenly spoke.

The minsters all looked at him, and even Shirong opened his eyes.

"For all the merits young master Shirong has earned, I ordered that a banquet be organized in his honor." The king announced.

"Of course, my king. We cannot forget young Master Shirong's current contributions." One of the close advisers of the king spoke.

The other ministers and advisers agreed, and thus the matter was sealed. 

"We shall hold the banquet tomorrow night and it is to be done with the utmost resplendence." The King added.

The people of the court nodded their heads and soon distributed the tasks among themselves. Shirong did not have a change in his expression, as he didn't really care for this banquet.

For him, this was a mere formality, and the only reason why he was still in the city was to wait for his clan's response. If it had come beforehand, he would have long since left it and went on his mission.

Lin Wu though, was excited about this.

"Ooo, another banquet! More food for me. This time I gotta steal a lot of food, I don't care if they start to suspect a food thief… Hehe." Lin Wu said with excitement.

Shirong returned to his courtyard to cultivate while the city was sent into a minor frenzy. The servants and people of the royal palace could be seen going around the city procuring things needed for the banquet while decorations were quickly being set up.

Some of the commoners living in the city went out to see what all the commotion was about and found out about the banquet. Rumors spread like wildfire that a banquet was being held in the honor of young master Shirong and that the king would be giving out gifts to the commoners as well.

The people got excited and started praising Young master Shirong for his presence. Because of him, they would be able to get delicious food and things they would have never gotten normal or would have been difficult for them to get.

"These people really like to make up stories, huh? The king never said he was going to gift commoners too." Lin Wu suddenly spoke as he watched from the top of a building.

He had left Shirong before and was now busy in stealing food from the restaurants and eateries of the city. He made sure that the amount he stole was not enough to be noticed, but also enough for him to enjoy for a bit.

'Hmm… this much should be enough for tonight. I'll be getting more food tomorrow night at the banquet, anyway. It will also be much more delicious.' Lin Wu thought to himself.

He looked up the map and found a few nearby houses that belonged to the nobles. Lin Wu started his task of obtaining more information. By now, he had gained a lot of dark information about the things these nobles and aristocrats did in their lives.

There was so much information that he didn't know how he would even sort it. Thankfully, the system was here to handle stuff like that. While this information was not useful for him now, it would probably come in handy later on.

He was on his tenth house for the night when a notification sounded.




COMPATIBILITY INCREASED: Undaunted Sapphire Body Art- 100%


Seeing the notification, Lin Wu smiled and exposed his sharp teeth slightly. If anyone were to look at him right now, they would definitely find a smiling worm creepy.

"Perfect… now I have something to do tonight after I'm done with these houses." Lin Wu said to himself.

He quickly finished up as many houses as he could and returned to Shirong's ring. Once he was there, he was free to begin cultivating the new cultivation technique. He scrolled to the window that had the instructions for the Undaunted Sapphire Body Art and read them thoroughly before beginning.

Lin Wu followed the circuits that were mentioned in the booklet and felt the change rather quickly.

"ARGH!" Lin Wu couldn't help but grunt in pain.

He felt as if his meridians were being pulled out of his body for some reason.

"System, are you sure this is safe?" Lin Wu questioned.



ANSWER: The cultivation technique: Undaunted Sapphire Body Art is 100% safe, and any pain caused due to it is temporary. 


"If you say so…" Lin Wu muttered before returning to his practice.

The pain returned as soon as he started it, and the meridian truly felt as if they were getting pulled out. He observed it with his spirit sense and saw that it was not the meridians that were actually being pulled, but rather the spirit Qi that flowed within them.

The spirit of Qi was being passed through the meridians causing him pain that felt like they were being pulled. Lin Wu simply gritted his teeth and continued after confirming that it really was safe.

Hours passed by but they felt far longer to Lin Wu as he was in constant pain. Even his spirit Qi was now starting to get greatly disturbed. But then, just when he was about to give up, he saw the effect.


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