
Massive waves of spirit Qi were rolling from Shirong's body as he gripped the immortal Crystal Armament hard.


Taking a deep breath Shirong roused the wind attribute spirit Qi and lightning attribute spirit Qi in his Dantian. Arcs of elasticity coursed across his body and streams of wind circled around him, forming into a vortex.

Once his aura was at the peak, Shirong swung the Immortal Crystal Armament.


"Immortal Crystal Armament: World Splitter!" Shirong yelled.

Tens of notifications appeared in front of Lin Wu at that moment and he felt a little overwhelmed by them. On the side of his body though, the Qi synchronization function was working well and automatically adjusted it.

There were different waves of spirit Qi traveling through his meridians and they even interacted with the wind attributed spirit Qi in his Dantian. Once it passed throughout his body, it was emitted from the surface spreading out like a wave.


A long horizontal slash traveled across the land cutting everything that came in front of it. The small forested area that Shirong was in, was now devastated. Half of the trees that were in it were now cut in half, their tops lying on the ground.

Some specs of red blood and flesh could also be seen from afar. It was evident that the slash had cut apart more than just trees. But the most shocking thing was that the slash had not stopped it.

It had already traveled across the span of the forest, not having slowed down at all. After a few more seconds, it completely disappeared from their field of vision.

Lin Wu narrowed his eyes and spoke, "system track the energy of the slash and see how far it is going." 



SCANNER ACTIVATED: Target selected


CALCULATION COMPETED: The target has traveled for twenty kilometers before fading away.


"Dang! Twenty kilometers… that's some power." Lin Wu exclaimed to himself.

He looked at Shirong and saw him standing with his eyes closed again. He seemed to be deep in self reflection and was not moving at all.

'Something seems wrong.' Lin Wu thought.

"System check Shirong's vitals." Lin Wu ordered.



SCANNER ACTIVATED: Target selected

SUBJECT VITALS: Abnormal - elevated pulse rate, spirit Qi depletion and aura insatiability


"I knew it! This guy… did he really attempt to use a skill that is not even real? Heck, I literally came up with it in a couple of seconds!" Lin Wu said, feeling surprised.

Lin Wu used his own spirit sense to check Shirong's Dantian and saw a surprising scene. Shirong's Dantian was now nearly empty and all the spirit Qi that was in his Dantian had been drained instantly.

Even his blueish nascent soul seemed to be looking a bit dull. It was evident that Shirong had overexerted himself.

"Though, what kind of a ridiculous talent does he have? Making a new skill from a random memory…" Lin Wu couldn't help but say.

Shirong was now trembling and if it were not for Lin Wu's body being partially pierced into the ground, there was a hundred percent chance that Shirong would have already collapsed from the weight.

He struggled to move, but managed to sit down. 


Once his grip was loosed from the Immortal Crystal Armament, the spear pierced even deeper into the ground from the sheer weight that it had. Half of Lin Wu's body was now stuck in the ground but he didn't mind that much.

He just kept on observing Shirong and saw the minute changes in his Dantian. There was more than just spirit Qi that was changing in his Dantian.

"Hmm… this… is this what they call… weapon intent?" Lin Wu wondered.

This was not the first time Lin Wu was seeing weapon intent. He had seen Shirong use it a few times before and had even experienced it himself when he used it on his Long sword form. The power exerted by the sword intent was definitely many times more than it would be normally.

"So if he already has the sword intent, then what kind of a weapon intent is this?" Lin Wu questioned.

After thinking for a while more, Lin Wu was unable to reach the conclusion and decided to try the system.

"System, you got any idea?" Lin Wu asked.



ANSWER: According to the data extrapolated from the data banks, the subject seems to have gained some insights and is thus forming a new type of weapon intent. Since the subject achieved this by using the host who was in his spear form, the system hypothesizes that this may be spear intent.


"Hmm… I guess this seems fine enough. Though him using up this much spirit Qi is definitely risky." Lin Wu muttered.

Lin Wu observed him for a little while more, and Shirong seemed to have entered a deep state of meditation.

'He's probably comprehending the profundities of insights or all that stuff…' Lin Wu thought.

Hours passed by like this and nighttime arrived. Even now, Shirong had not woken up. Lin Wu was now starting to get bored and realized that he had forgotten something after having broken through to the nascent soul realm.

"Hang on! I can fly now. That should help with quite a lot of things." Lin Wu exclaimed.

He followed the same method he had used before with his main body and was able to slightly lift his body up into the air. His past experience made it much easier and about ten minutes later, he was now freely soaring through the air while in his spear form.

And while he was doing this an idea popped into his mind.

'If I do this, I will be able to kill two birds with one stone." Lin Wu thought.

Lin Wu flew around a bit more and checked the forest for some interesting things. He was able to find a couple of fruit trees and what looked like ginger growing in one of the areas.

"Well… snack time it is…" 

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