Rise Of The Worm Sovereign

Chapter 298 - The Duel Begins?

Lin Wu watched on as the two duelists got into their places. Wang Xiong had a relatively calm expression but his opponent Niu San still had a pissed off face. He was also muttering something that could not be heard. But from his expression it was likely to not be anything good.

"The two duelists read?" The referee asked as he looked at them.

"READY!" Both of them shouted in unison.

"FIGHT!!" The referee declared.


As soon as he said that, Niu San lunged at Wang Xiong with a sword in his hand. The sword had a gleaming edge and Lin Wu could tell that it was a high grade spirit weapon. Wang Xiong responded by blocking it with his halberd.


The two weapons collided, knocking up winds in the arena.



Expression of shock could also be seen on Niu San's face and he was having a hard time believing this. All this time he had thought of Wang Xiong as an arrogant and overconfident junior who should know his place, but now he didn't know what to think.

"YOU!" Niu San said, his voice dripping with anger.


Wang Xiong paid no heed to his words and simply deflected his sword. Niu San, who finally recovered from his shock, recovered from the deflecting and looked serious now.

"Seems like you truly do have some skills to be arrogant of…" Niu San said before flicking his hand.

A white ball of frost was shot out from his hand towards Wang Xiong. The ground below the frost ball started freezing as it passed over it.

"Look it's senior Niu San's Frost Freeze Orb!" 

Wang Xiong looked at the approaching attack and dodged it by flying up. Ning San wasn't done here though. He threw out more of the Frost Freeze Orbs and filled the stage with them.

Wang Xiong poured spirit Qi into his halberd and dived down from the air. 


The speed of his drop created a sonic boom and then the halberd hit the ground



A shockwave spread outward from the halberd, knocking all the Frost Freeze Orbs out of the stage. But just as Wang Xiong had done this, he suddenly felt the hair at the back of his head, stand.



He barely managed to move his neck at the right time as an object grazed past it. A small cut was now left at the back of Wang Xiong's neck. 

A frown appeared on his face as he saw the object that had just grazed him. It was a Grey dagger that was also a high grade spirit weapon.

"A mere inner court disciple should know his place. Humph~ daring to challenge me," Niu San said as he looked down at Wang Xiong.


The audience cheered once again, upon seeing the first injury of the duel.

"Senior brother is indeed worthy of his stays. Wang Xiong is the first to be injured!" One of the lackeys of Niu San said.

There were a lot of supporters of the core disciples in attendance, and even Wang Xiong's companions were here to support him. Still, they all had tensed expressions on their faces as they saw their leader getting injured.

Wang Xiong held up the halberd and spun it before creating a slash of spirit Qi. Niu San raised his palm and shot out more Frost Freeze Orbs, but that was not all as now his spirit sword and the dagger was attacking along with them.

Wang Xiong dodged the Frost Freeze Orbs as he exchanged blows with the two spirit weapons. One could tell that he was being suppressed. 

Lin Wu who had been watching all this, felt strange seeing Wang Xiong being suppressed.

"Is he doing this intentionally or what? Why is he so slow and weak?" Lin Wu wondered.

The Wang Xiong he had seen before was much stronger and faster. This was even before he got the inheritance of the Taiji Celestial, which meant that he should have been much better than before.

Niu San kept attacking Wang Xiong and got closer little by little. His attacks were getting fierce by the minute, and Wang Xiong had a hard time keeping up with them.

"You should understand by now you are no match for me or any core disciple at that. You should just surrender and let your female companions come server us." Niu San said.

The companions of Niu San who were in the audience couldn't help but laugh upon hearing this.

"Hahah! Senior brother is absolutely right. It is the honor of those girls that they get to serve senior brother in their lives." They said.

The companions of Wang Xiong gritted their teeth and bore it in silence. They knew there was no use in talking back to them, as it would only get more problematic. 

Wang Xiong and Niu San kept on clashing as blow after blow was exchanged. But now over ten minutes had passed and people could tell that Niu San WA intentionally delaying it, letting Wang Xiong get humiliated along with his companions.

"ENOUGH!" Wang Xiong suddenly shouted.

"HYAA!" Wang Song yelled as he threw his halberd towards Niu San.

The halberd was covered with a layer of frost that let out a chill that even the people in the audience could feel.

"What is that? We haven't seen that technique before." Someone from the audience commented.

"That… that's the Glacier splitting halberd art!" Finally, someone recognized the technique.

"Humph! Puny tricks!" Niu San said as he made a few hand seals and created a shield in front of him.


The halberd crashed into the shield and cold Qi started spreading around from it. The shield became covered in ice, along with the entire stage. Even Niu San raised his eyes at the amount of spirit Qi that was contained in the halberd.

'Did he use half of his entire spirit Qi stores in this attack?' Niu San wondered.

"LOOK!" Suddenly someone from the audience pointed.

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