While Lin Wu was killing using Wang Xiong as a proxy in the real world, Wang Xiong himself was gaining enlightenment. 

He had found himself in a dark space where he was floating, without any sense of direction. He didn't know how long it had been since he arrived here, but it could have been from a few seconds or tens of hours.

Wang Xiong's sense of time was skewed and he could not accurately tell anything. After being in this dark space for an unknown amount of time, he suddenly saw a small speck of light appearing in the distance.

At first the light was only a tiny dot but soon it started expanding till it covered the entire world. Now instead of a dark space, Wang Xiong was in a white space. He was still floating in it aimlessly, without any reason as to what he was supposed to do.

"Why am I here?" He questioned himself.

More time passed, and another change occurred. A black dot appeared in the white space which then started expanding rapidly, taking over the entire space again. The space had now become dark again.

Wang Xiong curiously observed everything without any fear. He didn't know why this was, but he felt a strange sense of both comfort and unease here. He kept on observing the space and an unknown amount of time later, it turned into white again. More time passed and it became black.

This change continued on for countless times and with each cycle, Wang Xiong could feel like he started to understand.

"From Yin, Yang is born and Yang shall eventually return to Yin only to give birth to Yang again. The cycle of Taiji is unbroken and even heavens shall not deny it."

A mysterious voice was heard in the space. 

As soon as Wang Xiong heard this, it was as if the gates of Dao were opened for him and insights rushed into his mind. 


In the real world, a mysterious energy that fluctuated between white and black was released from Wang Xiong's body. This energy was hidden from everyone's eyes due to the Emerald green armor and directly seeped into his Dantian.

In there the energy surrounded his fully cracked core which was about to birth the nascent soul. 


The core finally shattered and an infant that looked similar to Wang Xiong was born. It was naked, but as soon as the fragments of the core disappeared from around him the strange energy that fluctuated between white and black surrounded it.

The energy flowed around the infant, forming into a set of tiny robes. Half of the robes were black and half of them were white, giving the infant a sense of superiority.

All this did not go past the system's gaze and it informed Lin Wu the moment it had occurred. 

"Hmm… so he got a unique nascent soul as well…" Lin Wu muttered to himself and observed the nascent soul for a few seconds more.

Moving his perception from Wang Xiong, Lin Mu looked back at the core disciple who was left trembling on the other corner of the battle stage.

Lin Wu controlled Wang Xiong's finger and casually pointed it at the core disciple.

"No… no… no! Wang Xiong forgive me! ~thud~thud~thud~" the core disciples suddenly fell to his knees and heavily kowtowed to Wang Xiong.

Tears flowed out like a river, and snot dripped from his nose. The all-powerful nascent soul realm core disciple had been reduced to a crying brat. Those who were watching could not believe their eyes and pinched themselves.


"No MeRcY! DiE!" A distorted screechy voice was heard coming from Wang Xiong that seemed to be inhuman.


The final tribulation lightning bolt descended from the sky, three times as powerful than the one before, striking Wang Xiong. His hands slightly trembled, but the lightning finally redirected towards the core disciple. 


Suddenly, multiple treasures came out to form barriers and shields around the core disciple. He had used up all of his trump cards that he had been holding since now.

Alas! It was all for naught.


The barriers and shields broke like glass before the tribulation lightning hit the core disciple. The man lit up like a light-bulb before slumping back to the ground, dead. The smell of burnt flesh spread in the area mixed with that of ozone.


This scene was too much to bear for many disciples and they all fainted, collapsing on the ground. The fear and pressure exuding from Wang Xiong was evidently too much for them.

"Welp… I may have overdone it with the voice I think…" Lin Wu muttered to himself.


Finally, Wang Xiong's breakthrough was complete and the spirit Qi vortex started forming around him. This was the infusion of spirit Qi that came after a successful breakthrough and it could be considered as a reward of the heavens for successfully surviving the heavenly tribulation.

The spirit Qi was incredibly pure and easily restored the condition of Wang Xiong's body. Even if Lin Wu had reduced most of the effects of the heavenly tribulation, Wang Xiong's body was still under quite a lot of stress.

It was just not perceivable to himself as much. The hidden damage that was done to his body was quickly healed, and his Dantian started to fill up once again. Soon it was saturated with spirit Qi and the infant that was dressed in black and white robe floated in it freely.

Wang Xiong who had now completed his enlightenment, opened his eyes and looked around the area feeling absolutely stunned.

"What in the name of heavens?! When did all this happen?" He couldn't help but exclaim, except his voice could not be heard by others due to the strong wind that was blowing.

"I took a few liberties while you were busy with your breakthrough. Hope you don't mind." Lin Wu spoke in Wang Xiong's mind.

"Senior, you did this?" Wang Xiong asked.

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