Rise Of The Worm Sovereign

Chapter 315 - Exterminating Ghosts With Ease?

Lin Wu was checking the status of Shirong and saw that the man had not moved one bit from his position. 

"Alright… that makes it easier for me I guess…" Lin Wu said before diving down, letting his body free fall.


His body was like a bunker buster missile and directly penetrated the ground. Lin Wu switched to his drill form and made his way to the city. He was still over fifty kilometers away from there and wanted to enter the ground beforehand so that the people of the city don't sense him.

Lin Wu swiftly returned to Shirong and entered the ring. He spent a few hours there before it was finally time for Yu Guowei's report to come. 


Shirong's jade slips hummed, and he opened his eyes to check it. He closed his eyes and read the message that had come.

"So the Marsh has been calm with no extreme changes…" Shirong muttered before standing up.

He flew out of the courtyard and went to Yu Guowei's place. The man was currently with a few other people who seemed to be pretty important looking. Shirong same as before swaggered into the room without a care for the others.

"Who are you?!" The people in the room questioned looking angry.

Shirong simply gave them a look and exuded the spirit Qi pressure from his body. The faces of the men went pale as they realized the man in front of them was a Nascent Soul realm cultivator.

"Gentlemen, can we talk about this in a little while? I got something more urgent to attend to." Yu Guowei spoke.

The men didn't reply to anything and simply went out of the room, leaving the two alone.

"What is it that you need, young master?" Yu Guowei asked.

"I'm going to leave for the Dread Coil Marsh now. If you have anything to say, this is your last chance as the jade slips won't work there." Shirong said.

This piqued Lin Wu's interest as he had not known of this fact. There was no information about this in what was gathered by the system either.

'Why is that?' Lin Wu wondered.

Yu Guowei looked at Shirong and shook his head.

"There is nothing as of now, young master. I will be busy with the Tournament this entire time as it is the time when we make the most profits. I believe you would like it too if the Ji clan got a bigger share this time." Yu Guowei stated.

"Alright…" Shirong curtly said before leaving the building and flying away.

Once he reached the outskirts of the city, he withdrew the Immortal Crystal Armament and transformed it into the hoverboard form before flying away on it. Lin Wu was much faster than he was and they would reach the destination much earlier.

Just like this, six hours passed and Shirong had finally seen the Dread Coil Marsh for the first time. He had never come here before and had only heard the stories and reports about it. Also, unlike most other powers of the world, the Ji clan had more information on the Dread Coil Marsh.

It was that very information why the Ji clan had sent out Ji Quan to investigate when they discovered that a sect had appeared in the marsh. This in itself was quite strange as the ghosts would be quite a trouble to deal with normally.

For a sect to choose the Dread Coil Marsh as their base meant that they had some secret information that the Ji clan did not. Of course, the Ji Clan could not let that go and would investigate it themselves, wanting to find out the reason.

Once Ji Quan had died, it was already confirmed that whatever it was, it was worth the Ji Clan's time and effort to investigate.

Shirong descended onto the ground once he reached the edge of the Dread Coil Marsh and stored the Immortal Crystal Armament back into the ring. He walked into the marsh and scanned the area with his spirit sense.

During this time he had encountered quite a few dangers which included the beasts, poisonous insects and also the ghosts. He was able to get rid of the beasts pretty quickly but when the ghosts finally appeared at night Lin Wu observed it with full interest.


"Ugh! These ghosts!" Shirong said with disgust before extending his index finger.


Electricity coursed around his arm before being shot out from his index finger. The lightning was extremely effective and was the bane of these marsh ghosts, wiping them out in one hit. Shirong simply waved his finger around, making the lightning act like a whip.


The ghosts let out shrill cries before being destroyed. Lin Wu specifically observed what happened to ghosts who were already supposed to be dead. It was nothing… they simply faded into air, leaving behind no trace except for their voice that echoed for a while.


"Don't know what I was expecting…" Lin Wu muttered to himself as he popped a piece of chicken drumstick into his mouth.


He ate the meat and spat out the bones, before realizing he could eat the bones too. 


Lin Wu sucked the air in, making his mouth act like a vacuum, and pulled the bone back.

"Oh? That's another idea… I can be a vacuum too." Lin Wu said, feeling strangely pleased with himself.

"No ghost can touch me as long as I can use the Immortal Sky Shaker Art!" Shirong proclaimed.

He made his way through the forest, exterminating what everything dared to oppose him and kept looking around. It took Shirong over five days to reach the same point that Lin Wu had gotten to in one day. 

Though it was reasonable since Lin Wu was simply moving around aimlessly, while Shirong was actively searching for clues to his uncle Quan. 


The sound of water splashing could be heard as Shirong snapped his gaze towards the source of the sound. There he saw a different beast than the ones he had seen before.

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