By now Lin Wu had put the fear of himself in the hearts of the followers. They were helpless, being surrounded on all sides by Lin Wu's body. Not to mention there was an even more powerful beast next to him.

But what these followers and the Silver Beak Sky Soar Eagle did not notice was that the few people that were killed by Lin Wu had actually disappeared. They were originally smashed below his body and the blood had spread from there, along with some flesh and guts.

If one saw it now, they would see some blood, but no minced flesh. It was as if it had disappeared into thin air. Not even the Silver Beak Sky Soar Eagle noticed this, and it was not like she would care about that either.

'Hmm… so this is the Skull god huh…' Lin Wu thought to himself as he went through the memory that the system was showing him.

This was the memory extracted from the data nodes Lin Wu got from killing the two followers. In reality, Lin Wu didn't really need to interrogate these followers as he could simply kill them and let the system extract the data nodes from them.

But as Lin Wu had experienced from the Bandits Shirong had killed near the capital of the Ling Kingdom, there was a slight loss of information during the death of the person. Plus, the longer it took for him to retrieve the data node, the more information would be lost.

With that in mind, Lin Wu first chose to kill two of the followers and see what they had in their memories. Then he would interrogate the others and cross reference the points. Once this was all done, he would get to consume them all and get the final bits of memories from them.

This method ensured that there was the least amount of data loss. Plus… it was kinda fun for Lin Mu.

The priest trembled on the ground as he finally gained enough courage to speak again.

"The skull god… he's an ancient being. Our prophet found his altar and got blessed with the grace of the Skull god, gaining great powers. The skull god looks like just as his name is… he's a floating black skull. 

His altar is deep in our sanctuary." The priest spoke.

Lin Wu heard this all, and it matched what he had learned from the memories.

"And where exactly is this sanctuary of yours?" Lin Wu questioned.

"It's… It's… I can't…. I can't remember?" The Priest suddenly said as his eyes went wide.

He held his head as if he had a headache and wailed.

"I can't remember!!! WHERE IS THE SANCTUARY!" The Priest shouted out loud.

His fellow followers looked at him with confused eyes before one of them realized something.


But her voice was strange… it was hoarse and definitely did not seem like that of a human female. Lin Wu also narrowed his eyes, as he could sense something change in the air.

"YOU!" The female follower said while pointing at Lin Wu; no fear was visible in her eyes.

In fact, one could not even see her eyes anymore as they had turned into black, empty orbs.

"WHO DARES CHALLENGE THE AUTHORITY OF THE SKULL GOD!!!" She shouted, in an even worse voice.


"Next!" Lin Wu casually said before looking at the other follower, who seemed to be normal.

"You speak now, since this priest seems to be mad now." Lin Wu stated.

"I… I…" The man was filled with fear and found it hard to speak. 

"III III!!!!!" but in the next moment his eyes went black just like the woman, and a hoarse voice came from him.


"Next one," Lin Wu said.


The three renaming followers including the priest, were now shocked by Lin Wu's actions. They were more scared than before seeing him smashing the vessels of their god.

"No one gonna speak now?" Lin Wu asked one last time.

"YOU DARE!!!" another follower changed and uttered in a hoarse voice.


"Seems like I should just end you all now…" Lin Wu muttered.

"STOP! KILLING! MY! FOLLOWERS!" The second last remaining person uttered with rage.


"Nope." Lin Wu stated.

He then looked at the priest, who was the only person remaining. Lin Wu's mouth opened wide as the thousands of sharp teeth in his mouth became visible. The priest didn't even have a chance to transform before he was swallowed by Lin Wu.


"Should have done this from the start. Sad that he messed up my show…" Lin Wu said, much to the confusion of the Silver Beak Sky Soar Eagle.

He then consumed the rest of the smashed followers and let the system sort through the data nodes.

"What are we going to do now? They're dead." The Silver Beak Sky Soar Eagle asked.

"Just a minute," Lin Wu asked her to wait.

He closed his eyes and went through all the memories that the system had prepared from him.

'Hmm… the location of the sanctuary is indeed protected. Even in the memories, they are secured and any attempt to see them leads to corruption of the memory. Though… seeing as all of them came from the West, the location of the Sanctuary should be there.' Lin Wu thought.

He went through a few more memories and gained some valuable information.

"Bingo!" Lin Wu suddenly exclaimed.

"What happened?" The Silver Beak Sky Soar Eagle questioned.

"I got the location of a temple that's going to appear soon. The servant of the so called 'skull god' is searching for it right now." Lin Wu answered.

"Servant?" The Silver Beak Sky Soar Eagle asked before realizing what Lin Wu meant. "You mean those strange beasts?" She added.

"Yeah… they're called Specter Skull Hounds." Lin Wu answered. 

"Then let's go." The Silver Beak Sky Soar Eagle said before flapping her wings and flying away.

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