The shockwave created by Lin Wu's tail was enough to knock both the beasts down.

"Enough…" Lin Wu said before whipping his tail like a comet.


The Green Tenspot Panther was reduced to a mush in a second, under the power of Lin Wu's tail. The beast was in the Infant Stage of the Nascent Soul realm and thus was easy for Lin Wu to handle. 

Once that beast was gone, the Copper Hide Weasel calmed down. It was obvious that this guy liked to pick fights as could be witnessed from it pouncing on Lin Wu without even thinking.

'He literally tried to eat me, of course he would not be afraid of a beast that was five times its size.' Lin Wu thought to himself.

"Come on now, focus. Take me to the place like I asked." Lin Wu spoke.

The Copper Hide Weasel though looked at the bloody mess under Lin Wu's tail with a drooling mouth.


"Go on finish it." Lin Wu spoke as he lifted his tail.



The Copper Hide Weasel started to devour the meaty paste on the ground and soon finished it all. The bones and fur didn't matter to him as he ate it all, and even licked the blood from the ground clean.

But while the Copper Hide Weasel was doing this, Lin Wu was on the lookout for something else. While he had killed the Green Tenspot Panther, he did not see where its Nascent Soul had gone.

In the case of the Specter Skull hounds, they simply did not have nascent souls and just had bodies that were equivalent to those beasts at that cultivation base. This meant that the Nascent Soul of the Green Tenspot panther was still roaming around somewhere.

The Nascent Soul itself did not pose any danger to Lin Wu, but the thing was he wanted to observe more Nascent souls as his own were quite different from others. His main body had two nascent souls that were in the form of a human while his avatar had one Nascent soul that was in the form of a worm.

Plus due to the Taiji Celestial's inheritance, Lin Wu had the Unity Avatar technique. Using that he could not only create an avatar but also merge it with his main body, increasing their combined strength.

Of course, he had not done that yet and wondered what the effects would be with three Nascent souls. He didn't even know if this was something that was intentional or not; Whether it was the technique that had caused this or if it was his own peculiarity.

Whatever it may be the system needed a lot more data to upgrade its data banks and it would only do Lin Wu good to have more of it. Thus he scanned the area for the Nascent Soul of the Green Ten spit Panther.

'Hmm… did it manage to escape?' Lin Wu wondered. "Whatever, doesn't matter for now." 

Once the Copper Hide Weasel was done with its meal, it started to run again and Lin Wu followed behind it. They continued on for another hour before they reached a new area. There was a large pond here the depth of which was unknown to Lin Wu.

There was a meow surrounding the pond and there were many spirit herbs growing around it as well. Overall it looked like a small patch of paradise in this forest. But Lin Wu knew better than to judge from appearances.

After all, this was a cultivation world and there would be danger hiding at every step. The more tempting a place was, the more danger it was likely to be hiding. Lin Wu spread his spirit sense around to check for any beasts.

"How can there be none?" Lin Wu wondered.

The Copper Hide Weasel continued ahead and came to stand at the edge of the pond. 

"Here." It spoke.

Lin Wu approached the pond and looked at it, unable to find anything.

"You mean the tree that you ate was here?" Lin Wu asked.

"Yes." The Copper Hide Weasel replied.

"In the water?" Lin Wu confirmed.

"Yes," the Copper Hide Weasel stated.

"Strange… did the tree grow directly from the base of the pond or was it something else?" Lin Wu wondered.

He spread his spirit sense into the water and tried to observe its insides. But in a surprise to him, the entire pond was much larger than he had thought it to be. Not only that, but the pond actually extended below the ground under his as well.

"How can this be?" Lin Wu asked himself.

After thinking for a bit, he decided to let the system scan it in detail.

"System, scan the area and check for anything abnormal." Lin Wu ordered.



SCANNER ACTIVATED: Perimeter selected

SCANNING: Please wait patiently


"Huh? No time given?" Lin Wu said feeling surprised.

Usually, the system would complete the scan fast enough that Lin Wu did not need to was, or if it did not then it would give him a time period that would be needed for it to complete the scan. But since it had not given him one it meant that whatever was in the area it was either difficult for the system to scan or beyond its abilities.

Lin Wu ended up waiting for about an hour before he got another notification. During this time, the Copper Hide Weasel had curled up and fallen asleep under one of the trees. The beast was evidently very careless, or one could even say fearless.

Though Lin Wu kind of understood its position considering it had just eaten a Nascent Soul realm beast that was at the same stage as it and was also five times as much in size. That beast had eaten that much volume without slowing down.

It was obvious that its metabolism was also quite strong. Lin Wu didn't know if this was due to its natural ability or if this was something that was caused by its fortunate encounter.

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