Rise Of The Worm Sovereign

Chapter 374 - A Plan To Overcome The Array?

Jiao Fan's voice rang out in the crowd and they all became excited.

Old Man Tiandi was the same and did not know what Jiao Fan had done, but he knew that it was probably something to do with the large formation array inside of it. Even he could feel the complexity of it and did not think he could do anything to it on his own.

"What do we do now, Mayor Jiao?" The subordinate of Jiao Fan questioned.


Jiao Fan took a deep breath and wiped the sweat off his brow. He had already withdrawn his spirit sense, as it would have been completely burned up if he let it stay in there. Not only that, but he also had a rather bad headache due to forcibly using the Mind Expanding Lardite.

"I was able to find a flaw in the Formation array and also have an idea of how it works. The entire array is made out of multiple smaller formations that are contained within the statues of the bird inside the hall.

While there are hundreds of statues there, a few of them are damaged and thus are not active. But these are rare and few in number. We will need to exploit them and then use them to our advantage." Jiao Fan spoke.

Lin Wu was listening to it as well and wanted to know what kind of a method did Jiao Fan figure out. If it was good enough, perhaps it may even trigger the system to update its data banks.

Jiao Fan was now freely speaking, not minding that Old Man Tiandi and the other cultivators were hearing his words. He knew that this was something that would be impossible for him to do on his own, even with the help of his subordinates.

This left him with the only option which was to take the help and cooperation of Old Man Tiandi. It took him fifteen minutes before he finished his explanation. During this time he took the opinion of several formation masters that were here and improved upon his plan.

While Jiao Fan knew a bit about formations, he was not an expert in it, similar to Old Man Tiandi. 

'They flipped their stances once again. Now that it is hard for them to go further on their own, they chose to cooperate with others even if they were just enemies a while ago.' Lin Wu observed.

And just as he was thinking this, Lin Wu was interrupted by Jiao Fan and Old Man Tiandi.

"We now want to enter it together, can we do that?" Jiao Fan questioned.

Lin Wu raised his brows at this, finding it to be rather interesting. They were still thinking of him as an authority figure despite having no assurance whether Lin Wu would be killing them later or not.

Lin Wu didn't know whether to think humans were foolish, or brave for being able to act like this.

"Why are you asking me? I don't care. Do what you want." Lin Wu spoke curtly.

The eyes of Jiao Fan and Old Man Tiandi lit up, and it was evident that they were actually happy with this response. They then turned around and discussed a bit more with their people. Half an hour later they were finally ready to enact their plan.

Lin Wu looked at the sky and saw it turning orange. It was soon going to be the time for sunset and Lin Wu had already spent quite some time here in the Jiao Dian City like this. The system had gathered all of the information from the city and even managed to get a few data nodes from the people that had died.

Since Lin Wu had not directly consumed these people, the data nodes were less than incomplete but it was still fine for him. As long as the system could improve the data banks using it, Lin Wu was fine.

He looked around and saw that most of the people of the city had also retreated to the edge of the city. The rescue operations were also mostly complete, and there were multiple tents and makeshift hospitals set up in the outskirts of the city.

The injured people were being treated and a place was being cleared out for them to live in for the time being. The weaker subordinates of the mayor such as those in the Qi refining realm were helping in building some shelter for the people now.

Since the cultivators themselves were helping, the construction was going rather fast and surprised Lin Wu. 

"Having cultivators doing construction seems both absurd and novel at the same time." Lin Wu muttered to himself.

"Alright then! We shall start the first phase now!" Jiao Fan suddenly spoke, bringing back Lin Wu's attention to him.

The cultivators split into six teams and each of them had different distributions of cultivators. Some had higher numbers of them, while the smallest team only had four. This smallest team was composed of none other than Jiao Fan, Old Man Tiandi, and two other Nascent Soul realm cultivators.

"The Nascent Soul realm cultivators will forcibly create an opening and we will expand it. Then teams two and three will stabilize a barrier to separate the flames, which will create a path to the closest broken statue.

Once that is done, the team of Owner of Mystic Treasure Pavilion and a few other formation masters will tweak the formation on the statue to deactivate it." Jiao Fan explained.

Lin Wu heard it and thought it to be reasonable, but the question still stood whether they would actually be able to do something like this or not. Lin Wu knew that the flames were reactive and were only at a low setting now.

Once they faced a higher resistance, they will increase their output, which will put them all in trouble and many will probably die. Still, it did not matter to Lin Wu as much and he was looking forward to watching it.

"This will be interesting…"

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