"Will it die?" Jiao Fan couldn't help but hope.

He knew that now that this beast had entered the temple, there was a great chance it was the end for them. The only thing he could place his hopes on was nothing but the very same formation array that had made him despair and killed hundreds of people before.


But then he saw an oppressive sight.

All the flames made by the formation array were sucked into the Silver Beak Sky Soar Eagle, mouth as she swallowed them whole. To her, these flames were just nourishment and were restoring all the energy that she had lost fighting previously.

"If I knew this, I would have already done this at the start and not waited there." The Silver Beak Sky Soar Eagle stated.

'If you did this, I probably would not have had the opportunity to gather information.' Lin Wu thought to himself, but did not dare to utter it out loud.

If he did try that, the Silver Beak Sky Soar Eagle would probably be pissed. And after coming this far along, Lin Wu did not want that to happen. All he could do right now was to watch the Silver Beak Sky Soar Eagle devour the flames made by the formation array.

The formation array did not falter either and kept on producing more and more flames. Lin Wu could ideally turn it off if he wanted to, but he didn't. 

'Let's see how much she can really absorb and what happens to the formation array after that. Perhaps the exhaustion of energy might give the system the chance to analyze how the entire temple works.

Right now, it still can't tell where the main energy source of the temple is. I can see that it is being supplied by a spirit Qi gathering formation array that is separately presented in the depths of the temple, but the reservoir is still hidden.' Lin Wu thought.

Along with Lin Wu, Jiao Fan, old Man Tiandi and the other two also watched as the Silver Beak Sky Soar Eagle ate the flames made by the formation array as if it was merely water. 

"How… how can this beast do this?" Old Man Tiandi asked.

Till now the man had asked several questions, the answers of which no one knew. It was a pity that they did not know the very statues that they were seeing around them were attempts at replicating the majesty of a Vermillion bird. And the beast that they were witnessing right now was technically a descendant of that very beast.

"Even a beast that is innately talented in the fire element cannot do something like this. This eagle beast is not simple." Jiao Fan said as he wiped away more sweat from his forehead.

The temperature of the area had risen up by quite a lot due to the sea of flames and if there was any normal human here, they would have long since been scalded to death. The temperature was easily enough to evaporate water and blood.

Even if Jiao Fan and the other three were temporarily crippled, their bodies were still at the Nascent Soul realm despite not having any body cultivation. They could withstand the heat, but it still made them very unconformable. They wanted nothing more than to get away from here and soak in a cold spring of water.

Alas! Those thoughts were never coming true.

The four watched on as the Silver Beak Sky Soar Eagle kept on sucking the flames into her body. The more she consumed, the stronger her aura got. Lin Wu could tell that her spirit Qi that had been depleted was rising at a rapid pace.

Previously, when the Silver Beak Sky Soar Eagle woke up, while she had not recovered all of his spirit Qi exhausted during the battle with the Aquadream Sea Lotus, she had still recovered about a quarter of her spirit Qi.

This was more than enough for her to fight and if she wanted to, she could very well erase the entire Jiao Dian city off the face of the world. It had taken her over six hours to recover that spirit qi but now she had reached fifty percent capacity in mere five minutes.

One could tell from this that the formation array had a great demand for spirit Qi and that the flames were very potent. 


The entire process lasted for about ten more minutes after which the formation array started to dim down. The runes scattered away and the flames died out.


The Silver Beak Sky Soar Eagle closed her beak and enjoyed the aftertaste of the flames. This was perhaps one of the best meals she has ever had in her life. She was pleased that she got to eat it today and even felt her opinion of Lin Wu increase, as he was the one who made it possible for her to find this place.


Lin Wu didn't know why, but he felt goosebumps on his body despite having no skin or hair. The feeling passed away quickly, but it was enough to snap him out of his observation mode. He looked at the four men who were left standing in awe and shock.

"I-it finished it all…" Old Man Tiandi muttered.

"I can't believe it… it broke the formation by exhausting all of its energy." Jiao Fan said.

The other two Nascent Soul realm men were far too shocked to say anything at this point and kept their silence. 


The Silver Beak Sky Soar Eagle lightly shook her head and opened her eyes to gaze at four men standing in her path. 




With each step of hers, the temple shook. Jiao Fan and Old Man Tiandi, who still had control on themselves, immediately rushed to the sides, getting out of the beast's path. But the remaining two were not thinking fast enough for that.


With a slap of her wings, the Silver Beak Sky Soar Eagle embedded the two men into the walls forever.

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