Rise Of The Worm Sovereign

Chapter 395 - Lin Wu Is A Mechanical Puppet?

Jiao Fan and Old Man Tiandi tried to search their memories for any information on such a beast, but they were unable to.

"A legendary beast… that title seems familiar," Old Man Tiandi said upon hearing it.


Jiao Fan nodded his head, and an idea suddenly appeared in his mind.

"Wait, a minute! Weren't the three guardian beasts called as legendary beasts in their origin story?" Jiao Fan suddenly said.

Lin Wu heard this and raised his brows. The Silver Beak Sky Soar Eagle on the other hand, paid no attention to that and instead spread her spirit sense around seemingly looking at the entire area.

Old Man Tiandi also had an expression of realization after hearing Jiao Fan's words.

"But that can't be! There are only three guardian beasts." Old Man Tiandi stated.

"Haha… seems like you two finally figured it out." Lin Wu said, feeling a bit amused.

He was truly wondering since there were so many intelligent people who had lived long lifespans, then there should be someone who was able to link the vermilion bird to the three guardian beasts.

And now he finally got to see that very thing. Jiao Fan and Old Man Tiandi though were not amused at all.

"How can it be? There can never be another beast on the same levels as that of the three guardian beasts. The three great clans proclaim this!" Old Man Tiandi said.

"Ahahah!" Lin Wu couldn't help but laugh again. 

He had once heard Shirong saying that the Three clans had pulled the wool over the entire world to ensure that they would forever stay in power. They even split the three continents equally so that they would not have any unnecessary conflicts.

They spread the faith of the three guardian beasts all over the world, and now very few people would deny and doubt the truth behind them. Seeing Old Man Tiandi's reaction had confirmed that point for him.

"Seems like only the top sects and clans know about the truth. But since it is in their favor as well, they do not wish for it to be let out…" Lin Wu muttered to himself.

Jiao Fan had a pale expression on his face after hearing all this. He wondered if this entire situation was being orchestrated by some greater power that was hidden in the shadows or not. This all seemed far too coordinated to be unplanned to him.

But then the doubts he had about Lin Wu's identity reappeared in his mind.

"You!… You are a human, aren't you? Or at least used to be." Jiao Fan suddenly said.

"What did you say?" Lin Wu asked again, wanting to ensure that he had not heard it wrong.

"You are a human's soul in a mechanical puppet, aren't you?" Jiao Fan elaborated.

"Huh?" Lin Wu said in a confused tone.

He was frankly stunned that this man would have somehow figured out that he truly was a human before and that his soul was human right now, too. The only difference was the two words, 'Mechanical puppet.' Lin Wu did not know what they exactly meant.

"System, show me the information about these 'Mechanical Puppets'." Lin Wu secretly ordered and in the next second, a window popped up in front of him that showed all the information that the system had in its data banks.

Lin Wu read the summary that the system showed in the first window rather quickly in less than a minute and got the gist of it.

'No wonder he thinks this is a mechanical puppet. The crystalline structure does make it seem like that.' Lin Wu thought to himself.

Though Lin Wu was still a bit confused about how the man figured out, he had a human soul. Lin Wu looked at Jiao Fan, which only made the man nervous.

'Dammit! What was I thinking? If It really is true, then he must have been hiding this for a long time and now I just revealed his secret.' Jiao Fan thought to himself, feeling even more scared as Lin Wu gazed upon him.

"And why do you think I'm a human? Or why this is a mechanical puppet?" Lin Wu questioned, wanting to know the man's hypothesis. 

To Lin Wu, if Jiao Fan was able to grasp this, then others should be able to do so as well. While he did not know if it would be better or not, that they knew about his human soul, he knew that his current situation had not caused him that many problems.

Thus if it was possible, Lin Wu would like to continue staying in his current situation. At least until he figured out why he had a human soul himself. Jiao Fan who heard his question, was stunned at first and even wondered if he should answer or try to escape.

He secretly gazed at the exit but realized that it might be a long shot. If the thing in front of him truly was an old cultivator that had taken over a mechanical puppet, then he must have had multiple tricks to ensure that he died. With that inference, Jiao Fan decided he may as well speak, and perhaps he would survive somehow.

"Your body… I don't think there are any beasts like these. It is fully made out of crystals as if someone carved out emeralds and jades to make it. There is no way it can be naturally made. I've read about the mechanical puppets and some of them can be made in similar ways as you are.

And seeing your cultivation base, only an old cultivator that was at the very least a Dao Treading realm cultivator would be able to do the same. Plus, since you know about this 'Legendary Vermilion bird' it must have been from long ago.

There is no way anyone that was born in the recent five hundred years would even know about this. I've never seen any records such as this." Jiao Fan explained his side.

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