Rise Of The Worm Sovereign

Chapter 398 - Eradicating The City?

Lin Wu was intrigued, to say the least, after seeing Cai Ming's memories. The ones that he got right now were the most recent memories that she had, but the system was sorting out the remaining ones so that Lin Wu would be able to see them in detail later.

"At least now I know there is an additional party keeping an eye on Shirong. Though I doubt this woman is the only one that Ji Xiaolian has on the mission. If there is more, even if they aren't here, they should turn up eventually after Shirong reappears." Lin Wu muttered to himself.


'Though by chance if there is an additional spy here… it could get problematical.' Lin Wu thought as he looked around at the terrified humans that were all running around.

The Silver Beak Sky Soar Eagle was already slaughtering the humans and her flames would have been scorching the ruins had it not been for the fact that she wanted to eat them to fill her belly.

If the Silver Beak Sky Soar Eagle wanted to, she could have erased the entire city in one move by just using her flames that could drown the entire place. 

"I may as well replenish my spirit Qi, and also make sure there are no extra spies here…" Lin Wu muttered as he moved his head.


Then in the next moment, his body moved like the wind, appearing next to a group of men who were trying to carry out their items from a shop that seemed to be selling Spirit tools.

"M-MONSTER!!!" the men shouted upon seeing Lin Wu suddenly appearing there.

"Aw, I'm offended." Lin Wu said before opening his mouth wide and gulping them down.

"Four down and…. Over twelve thousand to go. Geeze, how fast is the Silver Beak Sky Soar Eagle eating them?" Lin Wu said with surprise.

He looked at the counter for humans and found it to be falling at a great speed. Lin Wu then spotted the Silver Beak Sky Soar Eagle and found her to be flying close to the ground. Vortex of wind surrounded her body, pulling in all the humans towards her.

The vortex would then pull them into her mouth, making it easier to eat. 

"Damn, she's moving like a vacuum!" Lin Wu said.

"Though… that's an efficient method. Let's try that as well…" Lin Wu said before using the Immortal Sky Shaker Art.

The wind attribute spirit Qi swirled around his body as it started to glow slightly. He then controlled it to form a vortex around his body as well and started to move around the ruined city.




One by one, the nearby humans, along with some debris, started to get sucked into Lin Wu's mouth as well.

'System, sort out all of the data nodes and search for the keywords Ji Clan and Ji Xiaolian.' Lin Wu ordered in his mind.

"Affirmative." The system responded.

With the system working in the background, Lin Wu got to feasting. Lin Wu didn't want to spoil his taste again and thus turned his tongue into a crystalline form as well, which prevented him from tasting anything.

Usually, when he ate any snacks or food, he changed his tongue into an organic form so that he would be able to enjoy the food. This was one of the little joys of life he had as of now that stopped him from getting bored and thus he wanted to preserve it.

Lin Wu and the Silver Beak Sky Soar Eagle ate all the humans for about fifteen minutes, after which most of them were now dead and inside the bellies of the two beasts. The few that remained were either still in hiding or had managed to get away from the city.

"Can you go and get those humans that ran away? I'll take care of the ones hiding underneath the ground." Lin Wu spoke to the Silver Beak Sky Soar Eagle.

"Sure," the Silver Beak Sky Soar Eagle said without even thinking much.

This was something she was going to do anyway, even if Lin Wu did not ask and thus she flew away quickly. Silver Beak Sky Soar Eagle's improvement in cultivation and her bloodline had caused her to feel a lot of hunger.

It was obvious that her body had used up quite a lot of nutrients to make itself grow. So it was understandable that she would like to have her fill of meat. Though the meat in this case was none other than humans.


Lin Wu dug into the ground to find the humans that had chosen to hide underneath. These were the people from the clans of the city that had safe bunkers made underneath their mansions and manors.

A bunch of these people from the city clans were huddled together in one of the underground rooms. This room was about three hundred meters deep as well and would have been beyond the spirit sense of most cultivators, but sadly for them, it was Lin Wu and Silver Beak Sky Soar Eagle here.

"Here'sss… Me!" Lin Wu said out loud as he burst through a solid stone wall. 


"NO! LEAVE US!" The clansmen shouted in fear.

Lin Wu didn't respond to them and simply gave a wide smile that turned into a gaping mouth which then devoured all of them. 

"One down, six more to go," Lin Wu said as he went to the other clans of the city. 

In less than five minutes, all of the clans of Jiao Dian city were wiped out from existence. But Lin Wu didn't stop here. He spread his spirit sense around and found all the places where the valuable items of the clans were kept.


Lin Wu collapsed a few walls in one hit and revealed the secret vault of the clan.

"Bingo!" Lin Wu said with a smile as he entered the vault. He looked around at the items and knew he was gonna have a fun time.

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