It took Lin Wu another hour to replenish his spirit Qi once again, but before he could continue putting it into the Spirit Qi reservoir pill, he noticed a change in the surroundings. Or rather, there were a lot of clouds below the platform.

These clouds weren't the same as before either and seemed to have a far darker color than the normal ones.

"Didn't expect to reach the Dread Coil Marsh so fast…" Lin Wu muttered to himself.

He opened the map and saw that they were currently at the edge of the Dread Coil Marsh, or rather, the southern edge of the Dread Coil Marsh. If it were not for the change in the spirit Qi concentration, Lin Wu might have not realized it either.

After being away from the Dread Coil marsh for these many days, Lin Wu had managed to get a feel of it and could tell the difference there was between the normal spirit Qi and the spirit Qi of the Dread Coil Marsh.

There was this suppressive feeling mixed into the spirit Qi of the Dread Coil Marsh that caused them to be unable to properly use the spirit sense and also the reason why there was interference in the system's scans.

This was all new information that Lin Wu had gotten due to the new data that the system had obtained till now. The data had been analyzed and that, combined with the previous data collected from the Dread Coil Marsh, was enough for it to come to this conclusion.

"System, can you find a way to overcome this interference now?" Lin Wu questioned.



ANSWER: The system cannot bypass this interference, as it is also dependent on the host's own cultivation base. The system is restricted intrinsically and the parameters that do so are not currently within the limits of the host nor the system to change.


After seeing the answer to the system, Lin Wu was lost in his thoughts. There were many things that appeared in his mind, though he was mostly questioning the creation of the system. 

"Who could have been able to make something like this and how does the system actually work?" Lin Wu wondered.

But no matter how much he thought about it, Lin Wu knew that nothing would come out of him stressing over it. Even the system itself didn't know who it was that actually made it and thus it would be senseless for himself to spend too much time on it.

"I should focus on the matter at hand." Lin Wu said to himself before putting away the Spirit Qi Reservoir pill.

He couldn't fill the spirit Qi reservoir pill right now either, as he would need his spirit Qi later and it could get troublesome if he was lacking it when he needed it the most. While he could still use only a part of it for the pill, Lin Wu reckoned it would be better to shelve it for now.

"While I didn't expect the Platform to reach its destination this fast, I can't just continue doing what I was before and need to adapt." After saying this, Lin Wu walked to the edge of the platform and stared down.

While he couldn't see anything below him due to the clouds, Lin Wu could still use his radiation perception to get a sense of the area. Though there were several inconsistencies with them.

"System, show me the previously made maps." Lin Wu ordered.

With that, a few windows appeared in front of Lin Wu. These were the maps made by the few survivors who had managed to survive, traveling through the Dread Coil Marsh. While System had already assimilated these into its data banks, Lin Wu wanted to see the finer details that could only be seen by naked eyes.

After staring at it for five minutes, Lin Wu spoke again.

"Nope! Nothing. Looks like the system got it all… that was a waste of time." Lin Wu said to himself before dismissing the map windows. 


And just as he did that, he realized that the platform had started to slow down again. 

"Oh? Is it close to its location?" Lin Wu wondered.

He looked from the edge of the platform but couldn't really see anything down there because of the clouds. Even his radiation perception wasn't that helpful at this moment. Lin Wu continued to observe for a while when he felt some movement behind him.

"Oh? You're awake," Lin Wu said upon seeing the Silver Beak Sky Soar Eagle, who was now walking towards him.

"Are we at the Dread Coil Marsh already?" The Silver Beak Sky Soar Eagle questioned.

"Yup, we are. We reached there way faster than I expected." Lin Wu answered.

The two beasts watched the clouds in silence as the platform slowed down little by little, until eventually coming to a halt.

"Looks like we're finally there! I wanna see what kind of a place the final location would be," Lin Wu said, feeling a bit excited.

The Silver Beak Sky Soar Eagle didn't respond and simply looked on as the platform started to descend. It passed through the clouds and ten seconds later; it had finally gone through them all.

"Oh, damn… didn't think it would be this place…" Lin Wu said with a surprised expression.

The Silver Beak Sky Soar Eagle looked with furrowed brows as well and scanned the large structure that was below them. The place below them was none other than the ruins where Lin Wu had left Shirong in!

Right now they got a bird's eye's view of the ruins and saw how big it truly was. The barriers that surrounded it were actually concealing its true size as they ended up distorting its appearance from others' vision.

"We went all this way only to end up back here… huh, who could have expected that…" Lin Wu muttered to himself, feeling strange.

The platform continued to descend and passed through the multiple barriers that surrounded the ruins with ease before finally settling down on four pillars similar to Jiao Dian city.

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