Rise Of The Worm Sovereign

Chapter 409 - Pill Repository?



SCANNER ACTIVATED: Error (interference)

WARNING: The scanner range will be limited to the one meter radius of the host and touch.



Seeing the system's words, Lin Wu couldn't help sigh. He got closer without asking and let the system scan the blood in the container. The Silver Beak Sky Soar Eagle did the same and they came face to face with the thing.


The Silver Beak Sky Soar Eagle's eyes lit up as she almost pounced on the large container.

"It's blood! It's the bloodline Essence of the Vermillion bird… I can sense it!" The Silver Beak Sky Soar Eagle said out loud.

Lin Wu's eyes went wide upon hearing this. He knew what this meant. 

'Just the crystals before were strong enough to push her to this limit. What would happen with a container this big…' Lin Wu wondered to himself.



SCAN COMPLETE: Substance identified to be Refined Essence Blood. Information about the species cannot be confirmed, but according to extrapolated data, it is likely to be that of the Vermillion bird.


Seeing the confirmation, Lin Wu was shocked. 

'No wonder it seems so tempting… it is literally the essence blood of the Vermillion bird. But how the hell did it end up here? This must have been intentionally built and put.' Lin Wu thought to himself.


The Silver Beak Sky Soar Eagle let out a cry, unable to hold herself back and dunked her head in the container of essence blood.


It was as if her mouth had turned into a vacuum and sucked in all of the essence of blood in five seconds. Once she was done, she lifted her head with a pleased expression. Lin Wu on the other hand, watched on, wondering if there would be any change in her body now.

But even after five minutes, nothing happened.

"Huh? Is everything okay?" Lin Wu wondered.

The Silver Beak Sky Soar Eagle did not respond to him though and stayed in her position while keeping her eyes closed. Lin Wu understood that she must be trying to assimilate the essence blood or something like that.

"Looks like this will take a long time… I should get other things done in the meantime…" Lin Wu said before looking around the hall.

After about ten minutes of search though, he didn't really find anything in this particular hall and it was relatively empty. 

"Guess this hall was only meant for the essence blood." Lin Wu muttered to himself.

"Still, it is not like there aren't the other halls. I should check them out too…" Lin Wu said before leaving the hall.

Back on the platform outside, Lin Wu looked to the two sides and randomly picked to go left. There were several structures there, most of which were collapsed. Thankfully, since he had left the main hall, the dense interference field was no longer there and Lin Wu could use his spirit sense.

It spread around and checked the area. Despite its reduced range, it was quite useful. Lin Wu was able to find several old spirit tools and weapons that had been degraded by time. They were unusable and thus were left behind by him.

Though Lin Wu did end up finding several old murals that showed some history of this place. 

"System, scan all the murals, records and data you find here and analyze it to find a conclusion." Lin Wu ordered.

"Affirmative." The system responded shortly.

Lin Wu continued his search and found an intact building.

"Let's see what we got here…" Lin Wu muttered and opened the doors.

The doors were made of stone like the other places, and were quite heavy. Though for Lin Wu, they were nothing difficult. 


The moment the doors were fully opened, Lin Wu felt a gust of spirit Qi hit his face.

"Whoa! That's a lot of spirit Qi." Lin Wu said.

But that was not all, as he could also smell a fragrant scent coming from inside. The building was dark, but Lin Wu simply made his body glow to make it easy for him to see. Finally, once he was inside, Lin Wu realized what this place was.

"A Pill repository!" Lin Wu exclaimed.

This was exactly the kind of place that he had been looking for and now he had finally found it. The gust of spirit Qi was a sign that there were things rich in spirit Qi here. Lin Wu swept his spirit sense around and spotted several pill boxes, bottles, vials, gourds, and pouches kept on the various shelves and containers.

"BINGO!!" Lin Wu exclaimed upon seeing them all.

While there were some damaged containers here and several pills that had degraded over time, a majority were still fine for him.

"Hang on… System these expired pills… I can still eat them for spirit Qi, right? Even if their medicinal efficacy is gone?" Lin Wu questioned the system.



ANSWER: The host has resistance to toxins and thus can handle the pill toxins of the expired alchemical pills. Alchemical pills have different lives and some become stronger the more time passes, while some degrade in quality.

The ones that degrade usually lose their unique medical perpetuity but will still have the spirit Qi that exists in them by default.


Seeing the answer of the system, Lin Wu showed a big toothy smile.

"HAHAHA! This should be enough for a lot!" Lin Wu said before collecting all of the pills.

It took him about an hour just to do that because he had to be careful with the pills. He had already shrunk his body to do this, but he still ended up damaging some of them. Still, it was a loss Lin Wu was willing to take.

"Alright system, sort out the pills according to the categories we had decided on previously and as for the expired ones, use them up for the system's own spirit qi storage." Lin Wu ordered.

In the next moment, Lin Wu felt a pulse of energy in his body, which came from the pills that had been taken in by the system.

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