Lin Wu watched the memory with full interest as it finally revealed how it all happened.

"Damn… so the Skull god was behind the invasion of the Ming Dao world too?" Lin Wu was shocked to learn this.

"But how did he actually enter there, if they were restricted to do so?" Lin Wu wondered and continued watching the memory.

Thankfully, the memory was longer than this, otherwise Lin Wu would have pulled out his nonexistent hair in frustration.

The Skull God raised his hand to silence his subordinates that were cheering him on and mainly buttering him up with compliments. 

"The important part comes here. Once the invasion of the Ming Dao world has started we will need to send in one of my avatars." The Skull God spoke.

"What method will we be using, Lord Skull?" the subordinates questioned.

"Sending one directly will be impossible thus I'll be sending a sealed wisp of my soul instead." The Skull god answered.

"That… will you be fine with it, my Lord? Plus, if we send a sealed wisp of your soul, we will have no guarantee that it would be able to awaken and form into an avatar after that." The subordinate asked with concern.

"Oh, it will definitely awaken. No one will be able to resist the temptation once they find the inheritance with it." The Skull god spoke.

"I see… the plans of my lord are profound and beyond our understanding. We shall do as you command us." The other subordinates chimed in.

The Skull god then extended his hand as wisps of black smoke started to come out of his body. The swirled around his hand before coalescing to form a black skull. This was the skull that Lin Wu had seen before.

"No wonder… so that's what it was for… NO, WAIT! If it really is as what this memory says, then… DAMMIT! This might be even more dangerous." Lin Wu realized.

"System, do you have any way to escape quick?" Lin Wu questioned.



ANSWER: The system has already begun the withdrawal process from the Subject's body. Once the process is complete, the host's consciousness will return to the Avatar's body.


Seeing the system's answer, Lin Wu took a breath of relief.

"As long as I get a chance, I'll Yeet!" Lin Wu said while looking back at next the memory.

The scene started to change as the new memory arrived. This time Lin Wu had picked it due to it mentioning the Ming Dao world as well. 

In front of him, a massive forest appeared. There were hundreds of hills and mountains dispersed within it and on them, buildings were built. Each of these buildings had a similar motif imprinted on them which looked like that of a bird.

Lin Wu though, felt like it was rather familiar.

"Isn't that… the vermilion bird?" Lin Wu skillfully recognized.

On one of the more taller mountains, a man who was dressed in a black robe stood. He had his hands hidden in his sleeves while he crossed them in front of him. His eyes were focused on the largest building built upon a mountain, that were a few tens of kilometer away from him.

"Elder Hei," A voice called from the back, prompting the man to turn back.

"Core Disciple Feng," The black robed man who was evidently named Elder Hei replied.

"Why do you always stand here, Elder?" The Core disciple named Feng spoke.

Elder Hei starred at the delicate looking girl that was wearing a red dress with a calm expression on his face.

"People often stare at things that they desire… often times they are things they cannot obtain…" Elder Hei spoke.

The core disciple had a complex expression on her face upon hearing the elder's words.

"I too… stare at things that I cannot obtain…" Core Disciple Feng spoke.

"Oh? And what is it that you desire?" Elder Hei questioned.

Upon hearing his question, Core disciple Feng blushed slightly before shaking her head. 

"It's best not to dwell on things such as these, lest we hurt our Dao Hearts." She replied.

Elder Feng nodded his head and turned back to look at the large building in the distance.

"You are correct, Core Disciple Feng… our Dao hearts need far more protection than we think and desires only tear down those defenses." Elder Hei stated.

Core Disciple Feng was left staring at his back as a sad expression appeared on her face.

"Perhaps, I don't want those defenses…" She muttered to herself.

The scene suddenly changed and a completely opposite scenery presented itself to Lin Wu.

Instead of the calm and serene sect, it was now replaced by the fires of destruction and wails of the dying.

"What the hell happened?" Lin Wu couldn't help but say.

All the sect buildings had collapsed while the mountains had been broken. Some of them even appeared to have been cleaved in half somehow. Wails of people were heard echoing across the area as two people stood on top of the mountain where the sect's grand palace used to be.

A woman dressed in a red robe stood on one side while a man in a black robe stood on the other. Lin Wu recognized them to be the same two people from before, Elder Hei and Core Disciple Feng.

  Blood leaked out from Core Disciple Feng's lips as she gritted her teeth.

"Why?" She questioned in a sorrowful tone.

The black robed man smiled in response to her question.

"Haahahah! Ahahaha! You ask me why? It's been decades since I was promised the position of the sect master, and what do I get? Nothing! I've served as the high elder of the Vermillion sect for a thousand years! 

And now… a random disciple gets the approval of the inheritance temple and becomes the sect master? NEVER!" The black robed man answered, his voice distorting at the end.

Hearing this, the woman flinched, as if she had been hurt once more.

"Is that all I was for you? Some random disciple?!" She asked out loud.

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