Rise Of The Worm Sovereign

Chapter 439 - Complete Delete?

A distorted, monstrous voice spread in the area, shocking everyone that was present. The thing was, this voice didn't come from the prophet, the skull god's avatar or even the Silver Beak Sky Soar Eagle.

Rather, it had come from the armor that Shirong was wearing.

"Huh? Did the armor just… Shout?" The prophet was stunned.

But in response to that shouting, the Silver Beak Sky Soar Eagle controlled her attack. Instead of the flames coming straight at them, they split around Lin Wu, devouring the final remnants of the followers of the skull god.

Now only the skull god's avatar itself and the prophet were left alive. Even the prophet was only alive because he was close to Lin Wu. Had it not been for the Lin Wu's shout, all of them would have been wiped out together.

"What are you doing there?" The Silver Beak Sky Soar Eagle questioned from there.

"I'm back in the armor form and was fighting these followers, keeping them from disturbing you while you assimilated the bloodline. But then more of them came, and they started to break the barriers with ease.

I didn't know if you would wake up anytime soon, so I did all I could to stall. I also got a lot of news for you that you might like later. First, you need to get rid of them." Lin Wu answered, twisting the facts a little.

"Get rid of them? With you there, how do I do that?" the Silver Beak Sky Soar Eagle asked.

"Just follow my instructions. I'll actually need you to use your flames on me so that I am able to use them to purge this skull god from instead, while you roast him from the outside." Lin Wu replied.

"Are you sure? Even I don't know what the might of these Vermillion flames is now." The Silver Beak Sky Soar Eagle asked again.

"Yeah, I got a solution for that. And that solution was brought by these very imbeciles." Lin Mu spoke.

"And what is it that can protect you from the effects of my flames?" The Silver Beak Sky Soar Eagle felt curious.

Currently, the flames of the Silver Beak Sky Soar Eagle were surrounding the skull god's avatar and the prophet in all directions, preventing them from escaping and giving Lin Wu and the Silver Beak Sky Soar Eagle to talk.

The prophet's jaw was left open as he saw an armor and a great beast such as the Silver Beak Sky Soar Eagle talking to each other. While the voice of Lin Wu was rather monstrous. He could tell that they were actually having rather meaningful conversations.

The Skull god's avatar was the same and felt shocked at this.

"ENOUGH!" The Skull god yelled. "Retreat for now!" he ordered.

There were only a few stragglers that were left outside of the ruins and thus when they heard this, their own great Skull god telling to retread, all the honor and awe about the skull god was currently nowhere to be seen.

"AHA! I got you where I want you. How dare you escape!" Lin Wu said, forcibly controlling the body of Shirong.

Even if he no longer had the nervous control of Shirong, Lin Wu could still use his body's shape to force the man into moving. And that was all needed as no matter how much the skull god tried, he could not move the body.

But soon he felt an even more intense force pushing in from the inside. This was the force exerted by Lin Wu.

"You asked me what I had to be able to resist this, now behold," Lin Wu spoke as a red crystal appeared over his body.

As soon as the Silver Beak Sky Soar Eagle saw the crystals, her eyes went wide and she recognized it.

"A bloodline essence crystal? Where did you get one, I thought I ate all that we found? The Silver Beak Sky Soar Eagle questioned.

"I got this from these people. They apparently had some stores of them left, but most of them were used by the Skull god to fix his curse. It was a curse that could have said be put on by another strong beast that is none other than the vermilion bird." Lin Wu explained while making up facts.

"With this crystal, I should be able to increase my resistance to flames even those at the level of the vermilion bird." Lin Wu stated before consuming the last bit of the bloodline essence crystal.

The movement, he did several different changes happened in his body. Not only did the spirit Qi started to increase, but other parts of his body did too. Lin Wu continued on, letting the system send its notifications. 




ADDING BLOODLINES: Please wait a moment.




Bloodline Addition: Completed. 

NEW BLOODLINE ADDED: Vermillion bird ( fragmented)

INNATE SKILLS OBTAINED: Fire resistance, Flame Manipulation.


Seeing the innate skills Lin Wu realized he was on the right track. 

"DO IT NOW!" Lin Wu shouted again.

While the two cultivators might not be able to do anything to others.


"NOOO!" The prophet was the first to be burned. 

But that was just the start as the Vermillion flames drowned out Shirong directly. The flames of the Silver Beak Sky Soar Eagle merged with that of the Lin Wu's own he made right at the moment.


Together, the two of them killed the Skull god's avatar. Freeing Lin Wu and Shirong from the absolute control had not been easy but they finally become free from the clutches of the Skull god.

"ARGH! MY body!" the Skull god shouted in dismay as the Vermillion flames penetrated the body easily. Lin Wu was now using the synchronization method he had used to join up with Shirong and using that to flush his body of the Skull God's powers.

The entire time the avatar of the Skull god kept on screaming but sadly for him, he was trapped by the only beast it could have been.


Finally, the skull god's avatar was fully wiped out from Shirong's body, leaving him unconscious. 

"That's enough stop it! Now I'm burning too!" Lin Wu yelled again.


The Silver Beak Sky Soar Eagle finally stopped her flames and Lin Wu's appearance was finally revealed. Her body was covered in a layer of black soot, making him look really bad. All the elegance and beauty he had due to his crystalline body were nowhere to be seen now.


Lin Wu coughed out a mouthful of smoke.

"That was one heck of a sauna bath…" Lin Wu muttered to himself.

He looked at Shirong and started to morph his body back into its full form. He had already left the fake copy in Shirong's ring, along with some information that will keep in from thinking too much about him.

Rather, if Lin Wu played his cards right, he might even get to take more benefit from this.


Lin Wu used the wind attribute spirit Qi to wipe his body and soon became shiny and crystalline like before.

"There we go… much better." Lin Wu said.

~flap~ flap~


The Silver Beak Sky Soar Eagle also came to land beside Lin Wu by that time. Her height now matched with him, when his body was sprawled around the ground a little bit.

"Now then… how did this all happen?" The Silver Beak Sky Soar Eagle questioned.


"It's a long story. Once you were assimilating the bloodline essence of the Vermillion bird, I went around looking for treasures in the ruins. It was there that I ended up meeting these followers of the skull god. I took care of the earlier ones, but later on stronger ones started to turn up.

Thus, to get a little help, I decided to get this human back with me so that we could fight them with our combined power. But then the Dao Shell realm cultivator arrived. He was the one that looked like a child and was the prophet of the skull god, leading all his work till now.

He released the avatar of the Skull god which tried to take over this human's body and since I was connected with him, I as well. I knew that I could only stall for time till you were done, so I let it happen and dragged on as long as I could.

But in there is saw several memories… memories of the Skull god." Lin Wu answered.

The Silver Beak Sky Soar Eagle was surprised upon hearing that all this had happened while she was busy assimilating the bloodline. 

"But what was it that you said will interest me?" the Silver Beak Sky Soar Eagle questioned.

"Well… the skull god has existed in this world for over ten thousand years and has come from a different world. He was also the one who suppressed the Vermillion bird all these years and prevented it from appearing!"

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