Rise Of The Worm Sovereign

Chapter 447 - A Lesson For The Disciples

Lin Wu who heard this was rather stunned.

"Their intelligence network is rather vast, it seems. They managed to learn of this much faster than I truly expected." Lin Wu muttered to himself.

Hearing the words of Minster Qi You, senior Kong and his three disciples were stunned to say the least.

"What do you mean, minister Qi You?" Senior Kong asked for clarification.

"We sent scouts to check the extent of damage due to the flood, and they even were surveying the area. While doing this, they spotted the glow in the distance and that turned out to be nothing but the burning Dread Coil marsh.

This area was the very northern border of it too! This means that not only is the eastern side of the Dread Coil Marsh burning, but the northern and western parts are burning as well. And I think… the southern part is burning as well." Minister Qi You explained.

"This… even for a Dao Treading Realm beast it's quite difficult to do something like this. Just what kind of a beast is that?" Senior Kong couldn't help but wonder.

"I fear it might be an old beast that just woke up from its feel sleep. It might even have been a native of the Dread Coil Marsh and had been sleeping there for years. Maybe the appearance of the other Dao Treading realm beast caused it to wake up.

There's even a chance that they fought together." Minister Qi You said.

"Hmm… with the level of destruction this Dao Treading realm Beast has caused, it must be at the Embryo Comprehension stage." Senior Kong stated.

"Embryo… Comprehension… stage?" one of the disciples of the man muttered in confusion.

"What are the stages in the Dao Treading realm, master?" the other disciples asked, feeling curious as well.

"I guess I'll take this opportunity to explain this to you three as well. There are three stages in the Dao Treading realm. The first stage that one enters after having broken through to the Dao treading realm is called as the Embryo Birth stage.

In this stage, the embryo had just been born and the cultivator gets used to the presence of the embryo. The cultivator will learn more about his embryo and get better control over its powers.

The second stage is called as the Embryo growth stage. In this stage, the cultivator is actively trying to grow the Dao Embryo. This can only happen when the cultivator has gained full control over their Dao Embryo.

They need to make their Dao Embryo grow so that the traces of Dao in them can increase as well. The bigger it grows, the easier time they would have in the third stage. This stage is quite dependent on the Shell expansion stage of the Dao Shell realm and if one did not work well in that stage, they would be disadvantaged here.

Once the cultivator feels like their Dao embryo cannot grow anymore or that they have reached their own personal limit, they will start to comprehend the Dao traces that are present in their Dao Embryo.

When a cultivator is said to have reached this point, he would break through to the Dao Comprehension stage automatically. This stage is also a very silent stage and one would not be able to tell if a cultivator was in this stage easily as there are no outward sights.

In reality, telling the stage of any Dao Treading realm cultivator is difficult because the changes they have can be very subjective. Some can have naturally large Dao Embryo's while some may have grown them.

Even from the Spirit Qi fluctuations, one can only tell that they are in the Dao Treading realm, but not exactly what stage they are in. Only when a cultivator goes all out in a battle and displays their capabilities can their cultivation base be estimated.

The other method would obviously be to directly probe their cultivation base with your spirit sense, but you all can guess what kind of a problem that would cause. This is on top of whether you would even be able to use spirit sense in the presence of that cultivator first of all." Senior Kong explained.

Even Lin Wu heard the entire explanation and nodded his head. The expiation he got from senior Kong was quite similar to the one he had gotten from the system. Though this one could be aside to be a bit more simple than the detailed one system gave him.

"This man is certainly a good teacher." Lin Wu nodded his head, actually feeling pleased with the man.

The three disciples listened to the explanation with their full attention and felt like they had learned a lot.

"What of the Immortal Ascension realm, senior? How does one reach it?" one of the disciples asked.

"That is something even I don't know. Very few people will ever have the chance to become an Immortal Ascension realm cultivators and even in our world right now, there are less than five of them.

You can estimate from this how difficult it is to reach the Immortal Ascension realm from this." Senior Kong replied.

"I see…" The disciples muttered in response.

Lin Wu, who heard this, knew how one reached the Immortal Ascension realm. But the problem he had with it was quite different.

"There are way too many methods to reach the Immortal Ascension realm. They could literally continue to cultivate and luckily, reach the Immortal Ascension realm. Or they could just have dog shit luck and be given some kind of an inheritance that pushes them to there." Lin Wu muttered to himself.

Due to having seen the Skull God's memories, Lin Wu now knew a lot about the realms that existed below the Immortal Realm. Lin Wu even knew of the alternative methods of cultivation such as the Body cultivation.

Lin Wu knew that there was also the Five Treasures realm, which was an all encompassing realm whose sub stages were equal to the peak realms of the spirit Qi cultivation.

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