Rise Of The Worm Sovereign

Chapter 454 - Helping The Mole Beast

Hearing the words of the High Wind Gale Sparrow, Lin Wu raised his brows.

"What do you mean?" He questioned.

"I mean, all that we have gained is due to master. When you made us your servants, it gave us a fragment of your bloodline as well. I didn't know this at first, but now all of the servants can feel it very well.

This has not only increased our talent and cultivation speed but it has also allowed us to comprehend a lot of things better." The High Wind Gale sparrow answered.

'Huh… so if they have my bloodline… will they be worms too?' Lin Wu wondered.

But after thinking for a bit, Lin Wu realized something.

'Hang on, the bloodline was made by the system and is not specifically for a worm. Only when I named it did it became like that. This means… the bloodline must be compatible with a lot more beasts than I knew.

And if just a fragment of it can do something like this then it must be quite powerful. Just what was that green crystal?' Lin Wu thought to himself.

Having understood this, Lin Wu also remembered how the Olive Viper King's subordinates were like too. They had crystalline parts as well that were green in color. 

'But I doubt he used the same method as me… no wait, they said his subordinates were his descendants. That's probably how they also got the crystalline features…' Lin Wu thought to himself.

While Lin Wu was thinking all this, the two bird beasts silently stayed there watching their master. They knew that their master was probably thinking something important and thus didn't think they should disturb him.

After a few minutes, Lin Wu was done with his thoughts and nodded to himself.

"I guess this was a better decision. How're things going with getting more subordinates of your own now?" Lin Wu asked.

"That is going well, Master. Both of us now have at least a thousand beasts under us that are willing to follow. This even includes ten core condensation realm beasts." The Hook Winged Swan spoke.

"I see, that's good enough for the next part I guess." Lin Wu spoke.

"For the next part? Do you have something planned Master?" The High Wind Gale Sparrow questioned.

"Yes I do… but it will take some time to get it ready. For now, we need to get rid of some other competitors…" Lin Wu replied.

Hearing this the eyes of both the bird beasts went wide.

"Are you finally going to attack the Olive Viper King master?" They asked.

"Indeed… but just need to wait a few more days." Lin Wu spoke.

"Do you want us to do anything?" They questioned.

"Hmm… for now just gather more subordinates. I'll tell you what to do when the time to act comes." Lin Wu answered.

"Alright master." The bird beasts replied.

Lin Wu nodded his head and then flew away in the direction of the Territory of the Olive Viper King. He wasn't going specifically to his area, but rather to where the Mole beast was currently.

With Lin Wu's link and the system's location on the map, Lin Wu quickly found him.

"Huh, he's quite deep in the ground." Lin Wu said. "Not like that's a problem for me…"

In the next moment, he entered the ground and quickly reached the underground cage that the mole beast had dug out. This was a place that normally even Nascent Soul realm beasts would find it hard to discover due to the depth it was at, but to Lin Wu it was easy.

Though Lin Wu could understand why the beast had chosen a place like this as it was far safer.

"Looks like his breakthrough came a bit unexpectedly for him, otherwise he would not have stayed here and would have come back to the tomb. I'm pretty sure I left some areas for them to stay in for things like this…" Lin Wu muttered to himself.

Lin Wu took a proper look at the Mole beast and saw that the emerald crystals had also appeared on his body. His claws and teeth were completely made out of sharp emerald colored crystals while his tail had also started to gain the crystalline hue.

There were small spikes also protruding from his spine as well, showing that the transformation was taking place on a much deeper level than before.

"Hmm… if he's taking this much time, it will take him much longer to break through. I guess I'll help him out a bit…" Lin Wu said before touching the Mole beast on his head.

Then, streams of spirit Qi were channeled through his tail into the body of the mole beast. Lin Wu used his spirit sense to monitor the situation and made sure that everything was fine.

The reason for the mole beast's condition was not just because of a breakthrough. After all a breakthrough from the late stage to peak stage of the core condensation realm isn't really that complex.

It is merely the matter of the core increasing in size. The problem that the Mole beast was actually having was that even his core was changing due to Lin Wu's influence and had taken on a green color.

There were some traces of it turning crystalline as well and Lin Wu reckoned that the mole beast had taken a slightly different path with his bloodline than the bird beasts. Even if the High Wind Gale sparrow beast was at the Peak of the core condensation realm, it did not have the same core as that of the mole beast.

"Hmm… what could be the difference? Is it perhaps because they got the rhombus gem earlier than the other two? Oh wait, they also had a far lower cultivation base than the bird beasts when I made them my servants.

Perhaps that's why they adapted to my bloodline better. I reckon the Beetle beast should have already gone through this by now.." Lin Wu said to himself.

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