
NOTIFICATION: The host now has to add soil to this layer before the system can divert water from the flooded levels to inundate the soil.


"Ah soil, that's easy. I got a massive amount of soil in the storage." Lin Wu said to himself.

Whenever Lin Wu dug, he either had the option of pushing the soil aside while digging or swallowing it and excrete it out at the same time. With Lin Wu's body, both options were easy for him, though he mostly used the option of pushing aside the soil.

But there were areas that were more packed and the soil couldn't be moved aside easily. Lin Wu could of course, use more force to push it aside but it would result in him losing his speed and momentum.

Thus rather than doing that, the option Lin Wu used was to eat the soil and storing it in the storage of the system. There was an entire section that Lin Wu had for soil. He had also done this because he had the idea of making an attack similar to what the Aquadream Sea Lotus had used.

While the Aquadream Sea Lotus had flooded the area with water, Lin Wu reckoned he would flood an area with massive amounts of soil. While he didn't have enough soil in the storage for a flood like that, it was more than enough to fill this hall and several more.

Lin Wu thus moved around while dropping soil from the system's storage. If one could compare him with a farming implement, it looked like he was a tractor that deposited soil as it traveled.

This time, Lin Wu took about thirty minutes to fully spread the soil in the hall. Since it needed to be a bit leveled, Lin Wu had to take extra effort. Still, once he was done, the hall had completely changed its look.

Before it looked like a scene of devastation, but now, it looked like a freshly plowed farm.

"Annnd~ Done!" Lin Wu said upon finishing.

"System, time to do you thing." Lin Wu ordered.


In the next moment, several runes appeared at the sides and top of the hall before arranging themselves into a formation. Then, a few seconds later, water started to rain down from the top and sides.


The rain was strong enough to push the soil down and pack it a bit more properly.

"Huh… this is now like one of those green houses." Lin Wu muttered to himself.

Water didn't really affect Lin Wu, so he just stood there getting drenched. Though it did help remove the dirt and soil that had stuck to his body.



ANSWER: The host now needs to make two reservoirs at the sides of the hall.


"Okay," Lin Wu said and dug deeper holes in the walls of the hall. 

These were going to supply the channels so that the hall would stay watered at all times. One would ask if the system could make water rain from the top, what was the use for these reservoirs?

The reason was the spirit herbs didn't just need normal water for proper growth, they also need water that was enriched with sprint Qi. Thus these reservoirs were going to be used for that reason.

Once Lin Wu made the two holes for the reservoirs, runes appeared on top of them as well before embedding themselves into it.

"So this is why the system needed these halls. Since they are near the spirit Qi nodes, it can directly pull higher flow of spirit Qi in here to infuse into the water." Lin Wu understood.

A small teleportation formation appeared from which the water dropped like a hose and filled the two reservoirs. Then the spirit Qi infusing formations that were made earlier started to slowly release spirit Qi into it.

The other spirit Qi gathering formations also became active and started to increase the amount of spirit Qi that was present in the air.



REROUTING SPIRIT QI CHANNELS: 5 channels rerouted 


Lin Wu checked the map and saw that five of the other unused halls were now empty of spirit Qi and all of it was being redirected to this hall. The entire tomb had several halls and all of them got nearly the same amount of spirit Qi.

But since Lin Wu didn't really have a use for all of them right now, he didn't think he should just waste the spirit Qi in them and let it float around. Since the tomb also lacked a bigger constant supply of spirit Qi, Lin Wu had to make use of the spirit Qi gathering formations that were carved all around it.

As for the spirit Qi spring source that Lin Wu had added to the tomb, it would take a while before it grew to the level where it would be useful for Lin Wu and start to generate spirit Qi.

Though the system had assured Lin Wu that with the new protocols it was taking, the spirit Qi spring source should start producing spirit Qi in about a year. Once that happened, there would be an additional spirit Qi source in the tomb.

And while this would be smaller than the overall supply of spirit Qi, the tomb obtained from all the spirit Qi gathering fomentations, it would still add at least 10% additional supply than the current level.

"Now what do we do?" Lin Wu questioned.



NOTIFICATION: Please follow the steps given in the window to plant each specific herb.


Lin Wu then saw about 127 different windows that were tacked on top of each other appear.

"Damn… at least the steps are not long for all of them." Lin Wu muttered upon seeing the windows.

He picked the first window and saw that it was for the Blood Quill grass.. The steps were pretty straightforward and Lin Wu just needed to add some blood to the soil where he was going to plant before putting the plant in.

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