Rise Of The Worm Sovereign

Chapter 508 - Strong Servants!

"Now THAT was a nice show!" Lin Wu said out loud.

He had seen the entire series of events when the Mole beast appeared and killed the disciples, finding it to be pleasing. It reminded him of those fantasy monster shows of his past life.

He often had a fun time watching them and would eat snacks just like this while lying on the bed. 

"Also… when the heck did the Mole beast breakthrough to the Nascent Soul realm?" Lin Wu questioned.



ANSWER: The mole beast broke through to the Nascent Soul realm 14 months ago.


The system quickly answered.. Seeing this, Lin Wu was surprised and then recalled that a lot of his servants were at the peak stage of the core condensation realm and would break through whenever the right time came.

"Guess he finally had his right moment… though wait there were more than just him and the beetle beast in the peak stage. What about the other beasts?" Lin Wu asked again.


1. Deep Earth Millennium Mole

STATUS: Vitals Stable

Cultivation Base: Infant Soul Stage of the Nascent Soul realm


LOCATION: Available on map


2. Split thorn horn beetle

STATUS: Vitals stable

Cultivation Base: Infant Soul Stage of the Nascent Soul realm


LOCATION: Available on map


3. Hook Winged Swan

STATUS: Vitals stable

Cultivation Base: Infant Soul Stage of the Nascent Soul realm


LOCATION: Available on map


4. High Wind Gale Sparrow

STATUS: Vitals stable

Cultivation Base: Infant Soul Stage of the Nascent Soul realm


LOCATION: Available on map


5. Black Fur monkeys (2)

STATUS: Vitals stable

Cultivation Base: Infant Soul Stage of the Nascent Soul realm


LOCATION: Available on map


6.  Black Fur monkeys (8)

STATUS: Vitals stable

Cultivation Base: Peak Stage of the Core Condensation realm


LOCATION: Available on map



Seeing the data, Lin Wu was shocked, to say the least.

"GODDAMN! Nearly all of my earlier servants reached the Nascent soul realm? And even two of the Black Fur monkeys managed to do the same. The forest isn't really restricting them, huh?" Lin Wu exclaimed.

To him, so many subordinates' breaking through was a massive thing. Right now he was already stronger than all of the Rulers of the forest combined just from the sheer power of his subordinates. In total, he had six servants that were at the Nascent Soul realm.

It was a massive increase in the power of the beasts, which was unprecedented in the millennium forest.

"Seems like I may have a better chance at going against the Twin Lights Liger King now. What's he even gonna do? Send out more of his subordinates? They're just gonna become food." Lin Wu couldn't help but chuckle.

Though he also wondered if the other rulers of the forest knew about Lin Wu's servants and their breakthrough. 

"Hmm… was that why the slim arm ape and others have been careful?" Lin Wu wondered.

He also knew that his servants were mostly staying in the Tomb and seldom went out. The subordinates that they had made for themselves were now also quite strong and were capable enough to handle more tasks.

Only the beetle beast was the one that publicly went out, since her cultivation base was already common knowledge in the forest. Lin Wu had seen most of the insect beasts fighting the disciples of the foremen clouds sect and guessed that they were doing so under the commands of the beetle beast.

And even if it was not her, it might have been her ancestor, the beetle king. The split thorn horn beetle king had to definitely follow Lin Wu now. After all, his very talented descendant was now a Nascent soul realm cultivator.

It was also her to whom he was going to pass on the throne of the ruler when it came his time to die.

Lin Wu watched the different screens as the disciples of the frozen cloud sect fought and died. Some ran away while some fought on bravely. Some even managed to defeat the beasts that were fighting them, but those that did meet even more terrifying beasts.

Lin Mu's other servants, the two bird bases, had joined the battle as well and were holding the ground in the middle area of the fifth ring now. A few flaps of their wings and anyone that came close was dead.


"This is just too easy…" The High Wind Gale sparrow said while yawing.

"I know, right? I wonder when master will return from seclusion. It's been four years now." The Hook Winged Swan spoke.

"Yeah, I miss him too. Which is strange as I never thought I would in the past." The Sparrow beast replied.

"Mmhmm, if it were not for the fact that the link master established between us is still active, I would have thought he left us and went away somewhere. But he can still be sensed within the center of the tomb." The Swan beast said.

"Master fought the Oliver Viper King and won. I'm sure he had some gains from it and is just taking time to recuperate from any injuries that he may have gotten. After all, we all saw just how devastated the area was.

Even if master is very strong, it would be hard to come out of it without injuries. After all, even the Twin Lights Liger King had gotten injured when he battled with the olive viper king in the past." The Sparrow beast said after thinking a bit.

"Yeah… by the time we see him, he may be very strong." The swan beast agreed.

"True. And that is exactly why we need to be strong, too. If we are too far behind master, we won't be of any use to him. So let's just do our best and carry out the orders that were given to us." The Sparrow beast said in a proud tone.

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